Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is this the World's Best Kitchen Timer?

A 4-Task Kitchen Multi-Timer For The Serious Home Chef
A post-a-day to raise money for The Race for The Cure
picture photograph image Chef's Quad-Timer 2008 copyright of sam breach http://becksposhnosh.blogspot.com/
I know I probably should have cleaned and buffed up my timer before snapping this picture, but then you wouldn't have seen how much it's been used and loved. It's covered in the kind of splashes and smears that can only come from a much used and happy kitchen!

This is the kitchen timer that was gifted to me last Christmas by my dear friend Fatemeh. She apologized to me before I even unwrapped the paper. "I know you're going to think - uh, what did she give this to me for? - but believe me, once you use it you'll find out it is one of the most valuable gadgets you could ever have in your kitchen."

Fatemeh knew what she was talking about. This timer can track four different cooking times at once - it's easy to use, simple to set up and a breeze to track the timings of up to four different recipes concurrently! I use it nearly every day and I love it. If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, I think you just might love it too...

QUESTION OF THE DAY graphic copyright sam breach
?What's your favourite kitchen timer?

Buy the Chef's Quad-Timer here

Hmmm. None. It would appear this is the first year in four that I've written a post on September 16th. Must be a quad thing!

© 2008 Sam Breach
Is this the World's Best Kitchen Timer?


  • At 17/9/08 06:53, Blogger ChrisB said…

    That looks a really interesting timer especially being able to track different times.

  • At 17/9/08 07:20, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice! I've always been thwarted by a lack of good kitchen timers...every one I buy ends up not being worthy. But...this is good to know about -- that Fatemeh? She's very wise!

  • At 17/9/08 10:02, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really, really, really need one of these.

  • At 17/9/08 10:48, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When cooking always buy the best. Jill

  • At 17/9/08 16:18, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am soooo old-school, I admit it. I do have fancy digital timers. But I confess my go-to timer is usually my plastic one that looks like a small red tomato. You just turn the equator to the number of minutes desired. I dunno, but there's something so charming about it that I can't resist.


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