Waste Not, Want Not, Paper Chef # 9, The Local Edition
Stone Fruit Salsa, Herbed Yoghurt & Chilli Chips

Every month, Owen over at Tomatilla hosts an event he calls The Paper Chef. The premise is, that all entrants create a recipe based on a list of the same four chosen ingredients. As I was away for the weekend, in LA, without a chance to do any food shopping, I thought I wouldn't be able to enter this time round. But when I saw the ingredient list, I realised I just might be able to rustle something up, afterall, from what I aready had in the house.
The Ingredients: 1- Dried Chillies 2- Peaches 3- Edible flowers 4- Anything at all that really is local - the more local the better.
(click on any of the photos to enlarge)

On Sunday evening I emptied a pot of local plain yoghurt made by St Benoit into a piece of cheesecloth and left it overnight, to drain in the fridge. Although this radically reduces the yoghurt's volume, it makes it deliciously thick and creamy.

You can't get more local than our little deck, just a few steps away from the kitchen. On Monday evening I harvested some of the herbs I have been growing with various degrees of success. A few chives and a chive flower, plus a some mint leaves from a plant that is quickly recovering from a recent near-death experience. I snipped the chives into little pieces and blended them together with the thickened yoghurt.

Office colleagues sometimes leave excess produce from their gardens in the kitchen at work. A few weeks ago someone left homegrown chillies. Hot green ones and some even hotter red ones. I helped myself to one red and two green. I had already used one of the green ones and I left the red one to dry in the sun. Yesterday evening I ground the red one up, seeds and all, to make a course chilli powder. I added just a pinch of it to some oil. I then ground a large piece of dried Ancho chilli from Tierra Vegetables and added that to the oil together with a generous pinch of non-local sea salt. I found some Western Sierra wholewheat pitta breads in the freezer. According to the map, they are within the San Francisco foodshed. The wrapper claims that the flour used to make them is organically grown in accordance with the California Organic Foods act of 1990. They were purchased some time ago at Wholefoods. I defrosted them, split them and cut them into triangles, before brushing them with the oil/chilli mix. I popped them on a tray and baked them for just a few minutes at 400F until crispy. (Be careful not to overcook, burnt chips taste bad!) Remove from oven and leave to cool.

I served the salsa with the chilli chips and the herbed yoghurt which I sprinkled with the pretty chive flowers for added flavour and decoration. I surprised even myself. The three elements came together exceedingly well. Cold, creamy yoghurt, spicy crispy chips and crunchy, refreshing salsa bursting with flavour. Great combination, most of it local and all of it made with items that needed to be used up. How local is that? I didn't even leave the house. Result!
It was really so simple and easy, anyone could make it. I would definitely make it again. It's amazing how much better freshly ground chilli tastes than the pre-ground stuff. You really can taste the vegetable behind the heat. I served it for dinner, to accompany some absolutely scrummy, more delicious than you can imagine, Lamb Crepinettes with Cumin, Mint and Orange Zest that I had in the freezer. Yes - of course they were from The Fatted Calf. Another local success story.

PS The judge for this month's event is Jennifer at Taste Everything Once
At 9/8/05 09:16,
Anonymous said…
excellent! and now i must re-think my recipe (i know, i know, so behind, still haven't made it yet!) - i am a tortilla chip freak, but you have beat me!!!
At 9/8/05 11:39,
Farmgirl Susan said…
What is a lamb crepinette? It sounds like something I definitely need to know about. Baaaaa!
At 9/8/05 13:19,
Jennifer said…
Don't you just love it when people leave produce laying around? I wish it happened to me more often!
Thanks for playing, Sam.
At 9/8/05 13:52,
cookiecrumb said…
Lovely! I didn't know about St. Benoit yogurt, and now I'm on a quest. Also: chive flowers. How lucky you are. I miss the rosemary flowers from my old house; can't wait for the potted plant now on my patio to get a little more mature.
Farmgirl: go visit MeatHenge for more than you need to know about crepinettes. :)
At 9/8/05 14:01,
Nic said…
Looks delicious, Sam. When I heard the ingredients for paperchef this month, I actually thought of something along these lines, with stone fruit salsa and chilis. Yum!
At 9/8/05 17:00,
Anonymous said…
Yum. This looks fantastic. Well done on the local produce too.
I think I'll have to google "what is a pluot" though...
At 9/8/05 18:56,
Rachael Narins said…
Wow-eee. Yum. Slurp. Sigh.
At 9/8/05 20:08,
tanvi said…
those chilli chips look amazing! im going to be borrowing your idea, very soon :-)
At 10/8/05 07:51,
Sam said…
sarah - i never made these chips before. I would like to think because they are made from wholewhat pitta they are healthier than tortilla chips - but all that oil - i am not so sure!
famrgirl - do a google search for "Fatted calf crepinette" see what you find.
Jennifer - yes we are lucky at work sometimes. plums, lemons, chillies, cookies :)
Cookie - oh do check out that yoghurt. I am planning a post just about it.
Nic - I am thinking salsa was the first thing that most people would think of. Well - must mean it's a good idea - huh!
Augustus - the pluot is a cross between a lum and an apricot and is quite tart and sweet and delicious.
Rachael - can't wait to see yours.
Tanvi - just discovered your blog - good to see you had a good time in England, will there be any more food reports from there?
At 10/8/05 07:56,
Sam said…
augustus - i meant PLUM - you aren't going to get anywhere if you start googling lum. Sorry!
At 11/8/05 17:10,
Anonymous said…
I did google pluot straight after I commented. *pouts* No fair! We don't have those!
At 12/8/05 07:57,
Joycelyn said…
hi sam, that sounds brilliant - if there were votes, you'd have mine ;) cheers,j
At 12/8/05 10:04,
Sam said…
thank you!
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