Got Him on Milk and Alcohol?
Got Milk for the Cat, Got Vodka for the Grown-Ups

This little guy was found abandoned in a bag. Luckily he was discovered and is being nursed back to health by his new mom. We caught up with him at our favourite local distillary, Hangar One. Hangar One is a great place to spend the afternoon tasting eleven of their distinctive vodkas and spirits. But remember, if you are a kitten, or under 21, milk is a much better bet!
Don't drink and drive - if you live in San Francisco you can take the ferry from the Ferry Building to Alameda. It's about half a mile walk to the Hangar.

PS. World Cup 2006: Bonne chance a France aujourd hui!
At 23/6/06 10:41,
Joy said…
OK, those photos are KILLING me!
At 23/6/06 12:12,
Anonymous said…
Hm, remind me sometime to tell you the story of my mother's alcoholic parakeet...
At 23/6/06 13:27,
Anonymous said…
and hangar one makes a wasabi vodka that's amazing in bloody maries!
At 23/6/06 13:34,
Anonymous said…
Hiya Sam, I'm the Hangar One kitty mom (thought you looked familiar when you were in last week). Your photos are lovely! Despite that she remains nameless due to chronic indecision, Kitty's growing fat & happy; she's getting a tongue bath from my dog as I type.
To locals hopelessly smitten with Hangar One and Kitty: she'll be working the tasting room with me the next few Sundays, so stop on by, sample our wares, and give a baby cat some love. She may even have a name by then (I'm avoiding "Chairman Meow" until full-on desperation hits).
At 23/6/06 14:47,
Rosa's Yummy Yums said…
Ohh, this kitten is sooo sweet!!!
At 23/6/06 14:56,
Anonymous said…
that is the cutest kitten
At 23/6/06 16:30,
*fanny* said…
How can you abandon such a sweet baby?
He's so lucky you found him...
And it's the sweetest kitten in the whole world!!
At 23/6/06 17:23,
cookiecrumb said…
I think that lucky kitty's name is Spirit.
At 24/6/06 07:16,
Anonymous said…
Currently hand rearing kittens myself and I have the say the vodka for the grown ups is a must!
At 24/6/06 09:41,
Cate said…
SO adorable - how could anyone abandon an animal like that? Looks like he found the perfect home. :)
At 25/6/06 05:24,
Anonymous said…
That is one gorgeous little kitty. I can't decide which one is luckier, kitty or her new mom. I'm usually not a fan of animal pics, but you really took some beauties here, Sam!
At 25/6/06 07:49,
Anonymous said…
Oooooohhhhh, sooooo adorable!!!
At 25/6/06 08:40,
Anonymous said…
Well, if you found him the 23rd, you can call him Zidane, it was his birthday.
And Because we won !!!!
At 25/6/06 09:08,
Anonymous said…
The little kitty is SO cute! I like the name "Chairman Meow", without Mao's crazy tendencies... :-)
At 25/6/06 09:42,
Sumitha said…
The cat is a lucky guy,he found a caring family as yours!
At 25/6/06 12:10,
Bonnie Loves Cats =^..^= said…
Also, we are lucky you found him and posted those adorable pictures. I hope to see more next week. Thank you for saving the tiny little fellow.
At 25/6/06 13:46,
Sarah and Tiggy said…
Aww... what a little sweetie. We just got a little tiger-addition to our family...
At 25/6/06 14:25,
kitchenmage said…
OMG, s/he is so cute! We've got a tumble (my collective noun for multiple kittens) of kittens at our place and they are such a blast.
As a kitten rescuer myself, it's always nice to see one get snatched from a badPlace (a bag? WTF were they thinking??? bad people!)
ps: someoneElse says "how do you know he's a commie? maybe he's pro-democracy and you should name him Tiananmeow..." snickers
At 25/6/06 23:48,
Anonymous said…
Oh Sam :)
Thanks for sharing !!!!
Laurie I wish I lived close enogh so I cold see the kitty and get the vodka ;)
At 26/6/06 09:01,
Dagny said…
Now I have another reason to try to get over to Hangar One. I did sample enough of their products while out this weekend though.
At 26/6/06 10:10,
Ramona said…
Love the milk moustache!
At 27/6/06 13:18,
Anonymous said…
What a cute little kitten! Hangar One sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon. Getting there via the ferry must be so nice. Just another thing to but on my list for my next SF trip.
At 27/6/06 14:31,
Anonymous said…
He looks exactly the same as my cat when we got him - glad he's found a good home.
At 28/6/06 06:14,
Sam said…
Thanks for all the kitty comments - I couldn't fail to get a lot of good comments with such a cute picture, could I?
Special thanks to Laurie, the kitten's mum, for stopping by, I hope to find out what the name will be some time in the future and report back here.
Remember - the best cockatil mix of al = Hangar One + kittens, for a limited time period only...
At 28/6/06 07:50,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam,
It always makes me a bit angry when I hear how people mistreat animals... maybe their karma will be to find themselves lost at sea and never to be found again!!
Glad the little one found a good home!
Me, I prefer vodka over milk. Stopped drinking milk a long time ago... must mean I'm grown up, though my friends don't think so sometimes!!
At 29/6/06 14:30,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to all the well-wishers! Still working on the perfect name, but I thought an update might be in order. Kitty has plumped up from a scrawny flea-ridden 6.5 ounces to a fluffy 1.1 pound dynamo in two weeks. She's worked two shifts at St George Spirits/Hangar One. She just started on solid foods; she's a pistol. (Could it be the vodka?)
She made me join Flickr - though no photos here as lovely as Sam's:
At 27/10/08 05:37,
joseph2008 said…
Main attraction dead on his feet Black man rhythm with a white boy beat They got him on milk and alcohol They got him on milk and alcohol.
Alcohol Rehab
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