Something So Simple
The Perfect Sandwich
Saint Cirgues, 206 Rue de Grenelle, 75005, Paris. 01 45 51 69 50.

If you have never been to France, you won't be able to imagine how good these sandwiches are. Half a fresh baguette, spread with real butter on one side and then a thin layer of meat, cheese or both. On the side, a serving of cornichons to add at your leisure.
You can try baguettes all over the world, but none of them will taste as good as they do in France. Here they are crispy on the outside but light yet bready within. There is nothing dense or chewy about them and as I much prefer a modest filling in a sandwich, I find the French version is perfect. It makes a desirable change from the overfilled sandwiches I have witnessed (but, admittedly, not tried) elsewhere.
Fred and I scored what might have been the best ever Parisian parking spot and then headed off in search of the sandwich. Although I just wanted ham and cheese, Fred needed a saucisson sec which was a little more elusive. After walking several blocks and passing well over a dozen pavement cafes and bistros, we found a place with the dry sausage he desired on their menu. The patron was kindly and friendly, exchanging conversation every time he passed by to clear another table. I was even able to have Bayonne ham in my sandwich. It is the French equivalent of Serrano or Prosciutto. Ummmm. Delicieux! Get to Paris and try one.

PS. This review was a first impression
At 9/11/05 02:58,
Anonymous said…
Hmmmm, I'm hungry ! J'ai faim !
At 9/11/05 03:40,
Ilva said…
Oh you made me drool, I lived in Paris for almost a year once and I remember the sandwiches...the variety, the freshness, the crispy crust, the wonderful cheese and so on..mmmm
At 9/11/05 05:28,
Rachael Narins said…
Bah. Go to Vietnam, now those kids can make a sandwich...
Just kidding (well, sort of) Im just green with envy over your exciting trip, all that lucious food AND that rock-star parking spot! Was it 5 am? Is that how you did it?
(I'm also glad to see your car wasn't torched. I hope the rioting isnt near where you are...yikes)
At 9/11/05 07:02,
Anonymous said…
Yum yum yum yum yum. That's about all I can say when I look at that sandwich. Keep up the good posts!
At 9/11/05 08:49,
Sara said…
My dream is to one day take a holiday to France and Italy. It looks like you are having a good time and eating some wonderful food. Those sandwiches look marvelous.
At 9/11/05 09:32,
Anonymous said…
i am so looking forward to paris, even though February seems so far away! am also dying to have a souffle as a main course there. Sam or Fred, do you have any recommendations? something like Cafe Jacqueline in SF? i read about a place "Le Souffle" in paris, however it is closed 2 weeks in Feb. (according to the TimeOut guide) and I am unsure which 2 weeks. any suggestions are appreciated. merci!
At 9/11/05 13:09,
Ced said…
they must want a lot of euros in these parking meters! That's a rock star parking spot.
At 9/11/05 16:01,
deborah said…
Rub it in why dontcha ;)
I wonder if you can find this perfect bread in countries which were previously french colonies such as in Vietnam?
Forever in search of the perfect sandwich!
At 10/11/05 00:47,
Sam said…
Le Confit" At least you are in the right part of the world for a decent sandwich, n'est ce pas?
Lucullian delights Ummm, yes you have my mouth watering and I am still in easy distance of such a thing. So little time, too much to eat!
Rachael - I don't think there is a Pierre Hermes in Vietnam? 5am? Are you kidding? We were on our way to lunch
Chris Um. Now you have set me a challenge. I was thinking of having a little blogging rest for my last couple of days in Paris.
Sara - I am lucky enough to have been to both France and Italy several times, the advantage of growing up in Europe and I highly recommend them both. Fred has never been to Italy. Perhaps I need to take him...
GeorgetownGirl - hope you have a wonderful trip. I must just point out that you can get these kinds of sandwiches all over paris, especially the simple chesse, ham or mixed variety. you don't need to go to this particular location for one. We were just ambling along and this is where we eventually settled for our sandwich. Hop you both have a fab time in Paris. Will we be reading about it on your blog?
Kara - I am not really Paris-savvy enough to know the answer to your question and Fred is a little out of touch having not lived here for 9 years. How about asking the Q on the Chocolate & Zucchinni Discussion Forums?
Let me know how you get on, and if you don't find anything let me know and I will try the enquiry by another route.
Ced - best of all it was a rare absolutely free one. I jest ye not.
Saffron - you surely must get some good ones in Oz. Some of the best food I ever had was in Sydney.
At 20/11/05 10:59,
Anonymous said…
Reminds me of the #10 at A.G. Ferrari. One of my favorites.
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