Almond Paste made within 100 Miles
The Sweetest News of the Week

I absolutely love marzipan. So when I read that there would be a locally made almond paste available at the San Francisco Ferry Building Farmer's Market this past weekend, I made it my mission to find out exactly where.
An enquiry at the stand pointed me in the direction of Alfieri where, sure enough, they have started making and selling almond paste. What's better still (from the pov of the taste buds on my tongue) or worse (from the point of view of my belly and hips) is that Alfieri has also started selling chocolate covered marzipan nuggets.
Alfieri's almond paste is on the very sweet side, but what is there not to love about sweet? Sweet is sweet, right?

PS - the other sweet thing happening is that in a few hours my mUm arrives for her first visit to San Francisco in five years. I am counting down the hours. We have some stellar meals and food adventures planned, South of the City, North of the City, East of the City and in the City itself. I can't wait. Don't expect to hear a peep out of me til after she's gone back home to Blighty.
At 19/11/07 22:22,
ChrisB said…
can you feel the excitement from here, we are about to head for the airport. See you later x
At 19/11/07 22:39,
Barbara said…
I'm so tempted to hop on a plane and join you all. Have fun.
At 20/11/07 00:59,
Anonymous said…
marzipan is enidd's favourite thing too! she used to make animals with the girl next door, then eat them all. looking forward to meeting chris!
At 20/11/07 06:25,
Kalyn Denny said…
Sam, I hope you have a really great time with you Mum!
At 20/11/07 09:57,
Bron said…
You girls have fun!
At 20/11/07 12:02,
Anonymous said…
If Healdsburg is in your North of the City plans, shoot me an e-mail and I'll steer you towards some local spots. Have a great time with your mum!
And I've got my fingers crossed that you'll have some yummy, post-frolick marzipan recipe up here in the near future . . .
At 20/11/07 14:38,
Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful time with your mum sam (and the weather is gorgeous just now!)
At 20/11/07 15:57,
cookiecrumb said…
Panting. Putting paper bag over head. Excited.
At 20/11/07 16:32,
Unknown said…
How wonderful! And what a great time to fly to the SF area. ChrisB seems very nice; I wish you both a loevely time together. Marzipan reminds me of my mother, known as Mum, because it is her favorite. I once made some for her that was - well - nearly psychodelic...
At 20/11/07 17:07,
Wicked Good Dinner said…
Enjoy your family visit :-) I've been really enjoying your blog!
At 21/11/07 00:46,
shuna fish lydon said…
oooooooooooooooo have so much fun!
welcome Sam's Mum!!
I am excited for you as well. I hope to catch a glimpse of you two, if even a glamorous blur at the market...
At 21/11/07 03:06,
Beccy said…
I'm jealous!
Have lots of fun.
At 21/11/07 04:49,
Anonymous said…
I hope you all have lots of fun. Lots of love.
At 21/11/07 11:16,
Dive said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Fred, and Mum!
At 21/11/07 14:22,
Mallika said…
Have fun with mum. They come and go like a whirlwind...
At 22/11/07 13:04,
Jay said…
wow i home she has a good time!
Happy Thanksgiving!
At 25/11/07 12:19,
Unknown said…
I'm looking forward to reading where you and your Mum go Sam - hoping for some good suggestions for when my mum and I +4 visit Enidd in 4 weeks time
At 25/11/07 13:05,
Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful time with your mum -- I remember her from your visit to NYC. I hope you have a gorgeous pre-holiday holiday together.
And local almond paste? Wow. It's to be admitted that we Northerners are perhaps just a teeny bit jealous of all the local provender you folks can manage in California climes. I have to say that I take an awful lot of "Marco Polo" and other exemptions in our efforts to eat seasonally/locally. I comfort myself with the fact that if I'm acting with consciousness of what's seasonal and local, that too has a positive impact, even if I can't be 100%, or even 50% local all the time...maybe we just need to come take that much-promised trip to Cali and do some local eating there.
At 25/11/07 19:04,
Anonymous said…
You gotta love those Farmers Markets. Just went to our local one for the first time in ages and it has grown considerably and the variety and quality of the produce is fantastic.
At 27/11/07 20:32,
Shauna said…
Hello Mum! I hope you're both having a splendid time, whether or not there is marzipan involved.
At 28/11/07 08:51,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam,
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog and the link to Tea and Cookies (oh, no! another blog I'm going to have to add to my regular reading list--!!).
Hope you had a wonderful visit with your mother. And what a great city to do it in.
At 2/12/07 18:54,
Maryam in Marrakesh said…
I adore marzipan, too. Thankfully, tons of sweets here in Marrakesh are made with almonds and almond paste and so I am getting my fill:-)
At 5/12/07 10:37,
Beth Spotswood said…
I am not a marzipan kind of gal, but I love that little hut at the Farmer's Market. Those are the wonderful people who pass out toffee like it's going out of style...
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