Rain - The Palms - Las Vegas
Visit Rain's website here. Watch out - it's annoyingly noisy! (And that's just the website).
Rain is a huge Club situated in the bottom of The Palms hotel with an outdoor terrace overlooking the hotel's swimming pools. Judging by the length of the line to get in (I would say about half a mile with a perfectly straight face), it's a pretty popular place with the youngsters. No, of course Fred and I didn't join the kiddies in the several hour wait. How could it possibly be worth it? We marched straight up to the front of the queue, flashed our room keys at the important looking guy with the clipboard and he let us right on in. We did have to pay though. Twenty. (We kicked ourselves for not buying a discount ticket for just $10 from our cabbie on the way back from the restaurant).

As we entered the huge cavernous space, it was only just beginning to fill up. In the centre is a raised dance floor surrounded by a moat. Classy, eh? Like a castle. Above the dance floor, a huge metal meccano-like structure that spins around and delivers little surprises, like coloured lights, fake snow, ultra violet and... wait for it... real flames! Hot stuff.

This club was fairly dull from our standpoint (up on a balcony, trying to amuse ourselves by people-watching). There weren't even that many fashion faux pas and not nearly enough flesh on display to make it interesting. Oh, there was a girl wearing some sun glasses. She looked pretty daft. For a fun five minutes the DJ humoured Fred and myself with a medley of funkified 80's music, but after that it was back to the thudding dreary contemporary stuff. We're both fans of electronic, lounge and chill, but hard core club stuff is less our style. We'd had our fix, and after not too long, left the youngsters to enjoy themselves without us. It was time to move on...
PS If you're thinking of giving Rain a visit, despite our attempt to save you some time and money, please be aware there are no seats in this club. Well, not exactly true, but seating arrangements need to be reserved in advance and I am certain they are going to cost you quite a lot of your hard earned lolly.
Rain - The Palms - Las Vegas
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