News from St George Spirits (Hangar One Vodka Makers)
It was just these few words "Hangar One (the raspberry is dynamite)", read in a Chowhound Post back in October that alerted me to the existence of Hangar One. I went and found me a bottle. I fell in love. This is one of the most delicious, fragrant, fruitful, liquors I have ever tasted. It tastes real, like fruit, it doesn't taste fake, like fruit-flavoured candy. I keep a bottle in my freezer and sometimes, for a treat, allow myself a little glass with a nibble of Cote d'Or Plain chocolate with hazelnuts.

Click to enlarge
As soon as I discovered this elixir I checked out their website and joined up for their mailing list. I was particularly excited because there was a note saying they hoped to open their Hangar to the Public sometime in the future. Luckily, for me, they are based just over the Bay Bridge from San Francisco in Naval Base, Alameda. The future is soon, Here is an email I received from them yesterday:
tasting room announcement!
To all of you who have been patiently waiting, we are opening our doors
for a sneak preview of our fantastic new space from December 20th through
December 23rd from Noon to Five PM. We will have all Aqua Perfecta
products available for sale. However, our retail shop, which will have the
vodkas and whiskey available for sale, as well as many things we haven’t
even thought up yet, will not be open for another month or so.
The view is spectacular, the hangar is huge. The three stills (we have a
new one!) are polished and glowing. Come and get a look.
We can be found at 2601 Monarch St. at Alameda Point (the old Naval Air
Directions to the Hangar can be found here
Hangar One website here
St George Spirits website here News from St George Spirits (Hangar One Vodka Makers)
At 9/12/04 17:01,
Delphine said…
Yes! I remember the hangar, I could almost see it from my work window. If I had knew they were making such a delight!
You made me taste, now it's my favourite liqueur too.
Our friends must have to thank you because before I avoided the after dinner drink!
At 9/12/04 22:59,
Derrick said…
Melissa and I went on a tour of Hangar One a year or so ago. Well, it was a tour of St. George's Spirits, but same thing. It was tres fascinating to hear about the process and the attention to quality.
At 10/12/04 10:42,
Sam said…
Del - sorry to burden you by introducing you to such a sinful treat :)
Derrick, I have a day or two off work when they are having their preview, so I have no excuse not to check it out!
Did you try the Aqua Perfecta? I imagine it might be very good, considering the quality of the vodka, but Fred, of course, mumbled some "it can't be any good if its not French" disclaimer. I trust I'll trust my own opinion when I get there! (And if he's not going to like it, then he can drive then, can't he!)
At 3/10/05 21:53,
Anonymous said…
I know it's been a while since these postings, but we're having an open house at the Hangar this weekend (October 8th and 9th). I'd love to meet you guys after all of the wonderful things that you've had to say about our distillates. Hope to see you there.
At 5/10/05 13:47,
Anonymous said…
I will be there! I was one of the first people to take a tour of the original facility next to the winery. Can't wait to see the new hangar.
In the meantime, I was inspired to make this little video about the Mandarin Blossom -and thought I'd share:
At 5/10/05 13:49,
Anonymous said…
ah well, the link was cut short. Just click on my name to see it. ;-)
At 22/6/08 21:30,
Anonymous said…
Just saw your VODKA article, and would like to know if possible, for me to send our story, of how we basically allowed ALCOHOL/Vodka to destroy our Health.
Kindly advise.
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