Soleil @ the K - Gas Lamp - San Diego - CA
Archive Alert! On this day in 2004 Fred and Sam were in England: Read about the wonderful dinner they were treated to at historical Thornbury Castle in Gloucestershire |
Soleil @ K San Diego Marriott Gaslamp, 660 K Street San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 446-6088

Below is a picture of the dining room at Soleil @ the K in the Marriot Hotel on a quiet Sunday evening. Eating here was the biggest mistake of our recent trip down South and I am still kicking myself that I didn't do more research into where we should have dinner on our second evening in town, instead of trusting the opinons of a couple of strangers we met at the bar of our hotel.

When Soleil was being so enthusiastically recommended to us I didn't cotton on to the fact it was a Hotel restaurant, otherwise I probably would not have jumped at the suggestion so eagerly. We arrived in the large, cavernous space that had very few customers and zero atmosphere. We should have turned round and run, but we didn't, we were slightly lost in an unfamiliar town, so we soldiered on.

The miserable manageress was a fierce, young matron in a dangerous red suit and spikey-heeled shoes that clicked ominously against the hard stone floor. The crescendo of her approaching footsteps pierced terror into my being before they stopped abruptly at my table. "You have a problem", she barked at me. I explained that the lobster was overcooked. "I'll get you another one then". It's ok, I said, I don't care for another one. (I was thinking, the last thing I need, is even more of this crap. As far as I could the lobsters were all precooked so the problem couldn't be solved that easily) She really didn't know how to handle the situation at all - she didn't know what to say - so she just walked off without a word and someone came to take away my half finished plate and Fred cheered me up by feeding me scraps of his pizza.
Michelle hinted that they were going to bring us free dessert. We implored of her not to. Please, we explained, we rarely eat dessert, even less so when it is chosen on our behalf, plus we had a sour taste in our mouths after the manageress's stern and unfriendly handling of the situation. (It wasn't like we had demanded to see the manager, that was a decision made by our waitress without our approval.) We just wanted to get out of there asap so we asked for the check. I don't know what you think, I expected to be comped something. After all they had taken away my unfinished plate. When we saw the bill and they had charged full price I asked the waiter (Michelle had mysteriously disappeared by this stage), if they were not going to do anything about the lobster problem.(A problem that they, afterall, had created.)
He went off for a while and then came back with a new check showing that the price of the lobster had been reduced by half. But the most interesting thing of all, the thing that made me laugh,was that they had actually entered a reason for the price reduction on the receipt:
"DID NOT LIKE LOBSTE" was their exclamation, when really the only way they could have redeemed themselves would have been by saying something like "WE ARE VERY SORRY, PLEASE ACCEPT OUR APOLOGIES FOR SERVING YOU SUCH BADLY PREPARED LOBSTER" So - they made it look like the whole problem was my fault when they should have accepted responsibility for the situation themselves and apologized accordingly. The idiot in charge probably couldn't manage her way out of a paper bag if she tried.

After dinner we tried out the open-air roof-top bar on a high-up floor of the hotel. The views were amazing but the atmosphere was lacking so we only stayed for one drink.

PS. This review was a First Impression
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tagged with Restaurants and San Diego and Food and First+Impressions
Soleil @ the K - Gas Lamp - San Diego - CA
At 3/7/05 17:45,
eat stuff said…
It is always amazes me when we get such horrible service, and food like this. I mean come on who recooks lobster like that? *shudder*
At 3/7/05 18:29,
Guy said…
Well, if you'd like to take the Biggles Road and come up from San Diego a few minutes to Encinitas and visit Big Jim's Southern Barbecue. It was so refreshing to sit down near the beaches and have a nice meal.
This is a FAR cry from what you're used to. They have picnic benches for tables, that kind of stuff. I usually get the pork rib or chicken dinner with a Dixie Beer. The fried chicken wasn't that special, okay but not special. Don't wear pumps, get out the tennies and smile. A little ways up is Bamboo You and Tiki II (or something along those lines). I was able to get world class Hawaiian shirts for 16 dollars versus the ones in Carlsbad for 80 or 120.
Love the area.
At 3/7/05 18:52,
Civic Center said…
That's a funny story, particularly since it's so self-deprecating. "Why the hell did we go to a hotel restaurant, why didn't I order something simple, why did I put with a crazy manager(ess) who belongs in a mental ward?"
Remember the two words "Taco Shop" if you're ever in San Diego again. What used to be fast-food, Foster Freeze kind of hamburger joints have all been turned into cheap Mexican joints that provide serious soul food.
At 4/7/05 01:56,
Anonymous said…
They served recooked lobster and charged $35, bad bad. Stuff like this happens, maybe you were too disorientated in a new environment. My sympathies.
At 4/7/05 02:45,
Rose said…
I have found ordering lobster to be tricky. After a couple of experiences like the one you describe, I decided that unless they were known for their lobster dishes (i.e. reviews or word of mouth) I would hold back from ordering it.
That said, it's really upsetting to see how the staff were not just rude but tried to be "unaccountable" by putting it IN WRITING.
I'm always amazed that even if I've eaten incredible food at a top restaurant, it quickly turns all "sour" in my mouth if the service is horrid (especially if its managerial staff--it's their job to manage and keep the customer happy, NOT piss them off)
At 4/7/05 10:51,
cookiecrumb said…
Oh dear, oh dear... I graduated from UC San Diego a million years ago, and to this day I don't think of it as dining town. Maybe Mexican at Las Cuatro Milpas, and the ribs at Kansas City BBQ (where that scene from "Top Gun" was filmed).
My parents live in Escondido, and the only places they like to go are what my beloved husband and co-cook calls "plastic fork restaurants." Y'know: Thai, fish tacos, cheap Greek...
At 4/7/05 11:36,
Sam said…
Thanks everyone for all your comments. Hopefully, between us we can save another reader from San Diego and badly prepared lobster. If just one person googles "Soleil @ K" and then gives it a miss, deciding to buy a cheap hawaiian shirt, fish tacos or Dixie beer instead, then collectively we would have achieved something!
At 6/7/05 12:55,
Anonymous said…
sorry ~ san diego
foie gras good at greystone!!!!
At 9/7/05 09:47,
Anonymous said…
sam, i don't know if you'll want to do this, but i'd write a letter to the president of the company/restaurant and tell him/her exactly what happened there. at prices like that you shouldn't have to put up with bad food OR bad service. i've done this with hotels and restaurants and they've always tried to make it up to me -- my letters are very polite but to the point. it's not the money you're after, it's the principle; restaurants are there to SERVE the people that patronize them, not take advantage of them.
At 9/7/05 12:30,
Sam said…
Hi Stef - you know I have thought about that in the past - but I never got around to doing it. I suppose I consider my blog to be an open letter to all the restaurants I visit, though I am not sure how many of them do 'vanity googles'. SOme do - and I have had responses from some chefs to revisit at their expense. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to take any of them up on their offers yet.
At 4/7/06 12:14,
Alice Q. Foodie said…
I am sorry to hear this - but unfortunately it's not an uncommon problem in SD restaurants. Even the ones that are good are spotty. The big problem is consistency - you might get a great meal once, but you can't count on getting one again. I do have a couple of recs for you if you do come back - there are a handfull of places that are interesting, and a couple of local specialities you should try. If Biggles recommends Big Jim's BBQ (and that's the second recommendation I've seen) I definitely have to try it!
At 7/4/07 12:01,
Anonymous said…
I was thinking about eating here since the Chef is from Hells Kitchen. I was just wondering if you had returned since he started to see if anything was different.
Although with a experience like the one you had I wouldnt expect that you had.
They have got great reviews in just about every thing els I have read online.
At 4/7/07 00:07,
Alice Q. Foodie said…
fyi - Big Jim's Old South BBQ has closed, for anyone who might have been interested. Sadly, I never did make it up there.
At 20/7/07 00:28,
Anonymous said…
Just a few notes. The 'did not like lobster' entrance is a selection from others like 'wrong order' or 'changed mind'. It has nothing to do with the customer... it has to be entered in for accounting. Your complaint went directly to accounting. If it was Scott Liebfried he would have taken that complaint and made sure the lobster was done properly in the future. I am very familiar with Soleil @ K, and I suggest you give it another try. The food there is fantastic, and that might have been a one-off. I also know Michelle, she has served me before, and she is a great waitress.
At 9/8/07 00:19,
Anonymous said…
2 years too late...Michelle.
At 4/9/07 19:46,
Anonymous said…
I have recently dined there 8/4/07 and it was amazing. The menu didnt even have lobster. the chef was new. He is acually on the show hells kitchen. So i recomend any one to go there.
At 4/1/08 12:51,
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why people from Europe and UK would go all the way to San Diego and eat primarily European and Mediterranean food. If you did your homework, you would have eaten some of the local, world-class home-style Mexican food that can't be beaten. Also, most locals know that the better resteraunts are really in La Jolla, Encinitas. La Costa or Carlsbad.
At 4/1/08 13:50,
Sam said…
Ysnaft - there are a number of factors:
1 - At the time of the visit 2.5 years ago I tried to reserach my visit to San Diego using Chowhound. At that time I could not really find any San Diego food blogs or other information. Neither did I have a lap top for checking out recommendations whilst at the hotel.
I made a mistake and I admitted it and in doing so got many great Mexican recommendations from readers.
Also I have travelled extensively in Mexico and I live in SF which is also quite Mexican friendly, so it's not like I am a stranger to authentic to Mexican food. I don't feel the need to have to eat the San Diego version when I have already eaten the real thing.
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