How to stop Hiccups
The (almost) Fail safe Cure

Last night I had a bout of hiccups so violent, the only thing I could bring myself to do was tumble in to bed in the hope I could sleep them away. Fred came rushing to my side, bringing a bottle. Sip on this, he said. Like an obedient wife, I did as he commanded without questioning him. As the gulpful of sweet, alcoholic liquid spread over my throat, the hiccups subsided immediately, like magic. Framboise.
Before you assign Fred with any credit for this discovery, let me explain that it was actually me who discovered this quite unbelievable hiccup cure, last summer when Fred doubled up in two, himself displaying all the signs of discomfort that hiccups bring with them. I am not sure what made me do it, but I poured a little of St George Spirit's Raspberry Aqua Perfecta into a glass, took it to him and simply said, "your medicine sir". He took it from me, gulped it down and Bingo! The hiccuping stopped immediately. We were both amazed. It worked the next time and the next time. In fact there has only been one occasion out of at least ten hiccup-fests where it hasn't worked.
The brand of raspberry liqueur doesn't seem to matter. Bonny Doon and St George Spirits both have excellent results.
Next time you are suffering from hiccups give Framboise a try. It's not really a hardship. I can think of far less enjoyable cures.

At 6/4/07 08:33,
Anonymous said…
I am heading out to buy me 2 bottles right for hiccups and the other for non-hiccups.
At 6/4/07 08:44,
ChrisB said…
Sam so what you're really suggesting is we go out and buy some just in case!! Sound sensible " be prepared' I can see karmyn is already on her way to the shops.
At 6/4/07 08:51,
Sam said…
Karmyn cracked me up -
and mum - REMEMBER - framboise makes an excellent substitute for cassis in Kir Royale, in which case there should always be a bottle in your house n'est ce pas?
At 6/4/07 10:16,
christianne said…
how interesting...I've always been a big believer in a spoonful of sugar. Will just have to try it next time!
At 6/4/07 11:18,
Anonymous said…
I had a horrible bout of hiccups last week at Heinhold's, and my favorite barkeep there put in front of me a wedge of lemon doused with Angostura bitters.
"Suck on that", he said.
It's a brilliant cure and has worked 3 times so far.
At 6/4/07 12:16,
Maggie said…
I don't need a bout of hiccups to drink Framboise on the rocks!!
At 6/4/07 12:46,
Beccy said…
Sounds like a great way to beat the hiccups!
At 6/4/07 15:11,
Douglas Cress said…
My dentist told me to plug both your ears with your fingers and then drink water (eg from the faucet, since your hands are occupied). For some reason this has always cured my hiccups.
That said, I think I might switch to your cure, as it sounds more fun.
At 6/4/07 15:55,
Anonymous said…
And I'm convinced Lillet cures my headaches--but it's a dicey cure for the middle of the day!
At 6/4/07 16:57,
cookiecrumb said…
I'll drink to that!
Your Fred is a treasure.
At 6/4/07 17:03,
Jocelyn:McAuliflower said…
- and it's an easier cure to dispense in public than the method of vagas nerve stimulation. ;)
At 6/4/07 18:39,
Anonymous said…
I've been using peanut butter to stop my Hiccups for bunches of years now. Once you've found the cure that works for you its hard to switch but Framboise sure beats peanut butter...
At 7/4/07 01:22,
Anonymous said…
I thought you said you were not going to be all "crafty" but getting hiccoughs just so that you can have a drink strikes me as being very crafty. Love
At 7/4/07 05:36,
Squishy said…
Great Cure guys. Is it me or do hiccups hurt more and become more uncomfortable when you get older?
At 7/4/07 11:35,
ChrisB said…
sam I have embee on the case !!
At 7/4/07 16:11,
s'kat said…
I've actually had Belgian beer cure a nasty cold once, so I'm not at all surprised.
And I love Kir Royales, so I need to make sure a bottle of this is handy.
At 7/4/07 18:23,
Barbara said…
In the (Asian) Indian culture where you have the hiccups it means some one is thinking of you. So a nurse from India told me when I had them recently while in hospital.
At 9/4/07 07:55,
Loren said…
My sweetie and I bought a bottle of the Raspberry Aqua Perfecta when we took the tour at the Hangar One distillery. It's good stuff, even if you don't have the hiccups!
At 15/4/07 13:42,
Anonymous said…
Our foolproof way of getting rid of hiccups is a spoonful of sugar, Mary Poppins-style. No idea at all why it works, but it really does.
At 16/3/08 18:01,
Anonymous said…
To the person who mentioned peanut butter for curing hiccups: Thanks very much! I was suffering from them and then grabbed some peanut butter and voila!
At 21/10/08 15:10,
Anonymous said…
I have been a nurse working with cancer pts for 30 yrs. Many times I have witnessed unrelenting hiccups. The medications were sedating and only brought short lived relief. Now my husband has had hiccups.In August my husband was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Recently he had hiccups for 50+ hours straight.I did not want him sedated so I looked for an answer on line. The teaspoon of peanut butter was like a miracle!!! They stopped immediatly. They resumed about 9 hours later. I gave him another teaspoon and they stopped immediatly again! None for the last 10 Hrs. Thank you so much....I will spread the word to many patients!
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