On the Road - Pit Stop

I had a lot of fun driving this big right-hand-drive, stick-shift truck across Fiji's largest island, Viti Levu from Nadi to Suva. Pacific Harbour is a good place to stop for refreshment. On our first run through Pacific Harbour we stopped at Deuba, a not-very-touristy mini-mart advertising Pizza, Takeaway and Fast Food.

Around half the population of Fiji is Indo-Fijian and so curry is now as common-place as more traditional Fijian Food.

Lamb Curry | Roti | Rice | Dhal | FJD$4.50
Lamb Sausage | Chips | FJD$2.50
A Nice Cup of Tea | FJD$0.70
Total | FJD$7.70
That's the equivalent to $4.50 US. Not bad for a spicy little lunch.

Previously on Fiji Fridays:
Fresh Coconut Juice | Catch of the Day | The Sweetest Girl | Exotic Fruits | Forbidden Food | Nature's Communal Oven | Lovo | Nama Sea Grapes |
Links, Resources and Further Reading
Wikipedia | All about Fiji
Population | The People of Fiji
Daily weight loss, weightwatchers and diet notes:
Cooking School is the Devil.
Archive Alert! On this date in 2005: Outside dining at Ti Couz |
Food | Fiji | Pacific Harbour | Viti Levu | Curry On the Road - Pit Stop
At 3/2/06 12:55,
cookiecrumb said…
I love those plastic cups in the photo. So naive.
At 5/2/06 05:02,
Anonymous said…
i made lamb korma... today.. saved as draft lol. that pic looks real authentic and real..
At 5/2/06 20:50,
sailu said…
That's an appetizing looking meal.Hope you enjoyed it..:)
At 11/3/08 16:13,
Anonymous said…
you should have stopped next door at Kumurans, best curry in a hurry!
At 3/8/08 20:39,
Anonymous said…
hey im from Pac Harb!!
...yes agree, you should have stopped in @
Kumarans next door!!!!
At 3/8/08 20:46,
Sam said…
- thanks for the advice - maybe net time - we are always hoping for a next time when it comes to a trip to Fiji!
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