Labor Day Dinner
After a weekend away, too much traveling and too much heat, F and I yearned for something simple and quick for dinner. F liked the look of the salad we made together so much he actually asked me to blog it.

Butter lettuce, French ham, mozzarella, basil and vine-ripened Roma tomatoes were chopped by me and then mixed with a spoonful of capers. Meanwhile F was utilizing the wonderful Amora Dijon mustard we recently bought back with us from France to make a deliciously tart and spicy vinaigrette. Folded in with the salad ingredients, our healthy creation sat glistening in a white bowl just begging to be photographed before being consumed.

A loaf of Italian bread, Maille cornichons, French butter, saucisson au poivre est voila! A speedy but satisfying supper. Labor Day Dinner
At 8/9/06 07:38,
Anonymous said…
My wife and I are moving from Paris to SF next month (she is French, I am a Southern Californian) -- she saw the picture of the butter and wanted me to ask if you bought it in San Francisco -- if so, where?
Many thanks, I've greatly enjoyed reading your blog in the leadup to our move to SF.
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