The Goodbye Lunch?
Aubergine is on her way out... I had to put her in a sandwich.
Meyer Lemon Rosemary Bread by Della Fattoria
Aubergine and Red Peppers by -err- I can't remember the name of this farm - they are the front of the San Francisco Ferry Building Market to the right of the entrance and behind the forward facing stands. Oops.
Parsley by Star Route
Walnuts from Heirloom Organics, toasted.
Buffalo Mozzarella by Bubulus Bubalis from Cowgirl
Olive Oil by Bariani
Garlic from Chue's Farm
How did I know Ms Eggplant was leaving me? Because of's new Seasonality Synopsis (scroll down the newsletter to see it) which gives you a heads up about which produce is at its peak, what's coming out of season and what's on its way out. Genius!
They plan to publish the synopsis regularly, in the first eletter of every month. You can sign up here.
Panini maker here I come!

At 4/11/07 08:38,
ChrisB said…
That looks good enough to eat! I looked at the synopsis, so guess it will be kiwi and apples when I come!
At 4/11/07 12:45,
Catherine said…
lovely sandwich! christmas colors! thanks for the tip on the seasonality report.
At 4/11/07 16:34,
Dagny said…
Gtreat looking sandwich. And I think I'll be checking the seasonality report in the future.
At 4/11/07 20:41,
cookiecrumb said…
The colors in your photo are so rich.
Damn, I either hate my camera, or I suck.
Beautiful food. (What, no celery leaves?)
At 5/11/07 09:23,
Anonymous said…
Love this post. I have my last two somewhat scrawny Asian eggplant from the garden in my fridge right now and am having a hard time deciding on a meal worthy of them. I mean, they're the LAST ones, and I know you know what I mean. I think I'm going to go with stir-fried ginger pork and eggplant . . .
Oddly, as I'm typing this I just remembered picking a HUGE batch of Padron peppers that I had no idea were still hanging . . . and then it dawned on me I must have dreamed it. The branches are bare. Does the fact that I'm dreaming of my garden make me seasonally obsessive?
Thanks for the mention!
At 6/11/07 13:30,
Anonymous said…
I just love your veritable yellow pages of local producers! I sometimes get overwhelmed with the micro-localization of product names: Bob Canard this (my favorite plum producer in the UNIVERSE!), Vibrant Farms that. But the locavore phenomenon is without question the best thing to happen in food; not only in the Bay Area, but the country.
At 7/11/07 11:49,
Graeme said…
Shown the door by some very delicious looking tomatoes and Mozzarella!
At 7/11/07 23:00,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the mention, becks & posh - we'll be RSSing you for any good grub finds you might discover, too! :)
- grubgirl
At 4/12/07 21:21,
Anne Coleman said…
That looks fabulous, of course. Miss reading, hoping life will slow down SOON so I can check out my favorites a bit more often.
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