The Best Pizza in New York? Joe's Pizza
Joe's 7 Carmine Street New York, NY (212) 366-1182 or (212) 255-3946

We have it on persistant and impassioned authority that the best Pizza in
Although Fred tried a lacklustre Italian pizza at Serafina when we first arrived, Joe's is the only pizza-by-the-slice we have had in New York. So, we can't claim to have done the required amount of tastings to qualify as experts who have the right to declare Joe's Pizza's position in the world order, but we can tell you we liked it so much we had to order a second slice. The base was thin and crispy and the topping gooey and tasty. Whilst Fred was quietly munching on a pepperoni, I preferred the plain fresh mozarella version over the regular cheese, but both made a more than satisfying snack lunch. Yum.

PS - A big shout goes out to Fred, my mum, Beccy and Joules who did so much to help make my birthday one of the best ever. It was such a great day, I just couldn't stop smiling. Thank you all so much, and thanks also to everyone who left me birthday wishes in my comments section and to Del who blogged me a special birthday post. I was very touched by what everyone said.
Links, Resources and Further Reading
For eveything Pizza | Slice NY
Slice NY | on the closing of Joe's
Wrapped in Dough | on Joe's
Joe's | by Pizza.Tienmao
Joe's Pizza | Yelped
Archive Alert! On this day in 2005: Pinot Blanc ~ Apple Green |
And on this day in 2004: The BBC publishes my Marmite Musings. |
Food | New York | Pizza | Joe's Pizza | Slice | Pie The Best Pizza in New York? Joe's Pizza
At 8/6/06 07:54,
wheresmymind said…
What, you mean you didn't go to Sbarro like Michael from "The Office"?
At 8/6/06 08:19,
Anonymous said…
are you guys still out there? have i ever told you about my new york pizza tour? joe's is pretty damn good, but you also have to try john's, on bleecker street in the village, lombardi's in soho, and totonno's on the upper east side. y'know... just to be fair. :)
and check out the joe's up at like 126th if you're feeling adventurous... there's a little old man who's been there basically since the dawn of time, just shoveling pizzas in and out of the hole in the wall. he never speaks, just shovels pizza. the menu is written on a piece of paper stuck to the wall with a thumbtack (slice $2.50, pie $18, those are your only choices) and you have to get your soda from a vending machine out front. but it's quite possibly the most awesome pizza i've ever had. mmmmm.
At 8/6/06 08:57,
Anonymous said…
Sam, I'm outraged. I mean, I'm sitting here looking out onto Great Portland Street and yelling "Sam, please, why haven't gone to Grimaldi's?!" If you're looking for pizza by the slice, Two Boots on Bleecker St, just east of Broadway, is where it's at. And Lombardi's makes a mean pie. But nobody, nobody does it better than Grimaldi's. Okay, i'll calm down now.
At 8/6/06 22:47,
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear you had a great birthday!!
At 9/6/06 08:03,
Anonymous said…
Everybody wants to tell you where to get pizza, but I'm with jeanne -- John's, on Bleecker, is the mecca and has been for a million or so years. You have to get a whole pie. And you have to go at night. And it's worth it. I used to live about two blocks away, on Barrow Street, and can vouch for the healing/cosseting/uplifting yumminess.
At 10/6/06 16:51,
Sharon Delman said…
You need to try Patsy's in the Bronx . . . don't restrict your pizza perspective to Manhattan. It truly is going to the source: handmade mozzarella and a coal fired oven that burns hotter than hell itself, crushed garlic on the tables. Trust me, you'll never look at pizza the same way.
At 11/6/06 01:57,
Anonymous said…
Look at the size of that pizza slice! I can't believe it is falling off the side of your paper plate. It does look wonderful though. I wish I could find a quick, easy lunch like that.
At 13/6/06 09:02,
Sam said…
WMM - there was a sbarro at Newyark when we were leaving and I still managed to resist.
Jeanne - no tell me! We only had time for one pizza this time - next time we will have to try something else. I am glad I am getting some suggestions here. Is Joe's part of a chain then?
Jess - you should have told me earlier! Too late now. Say - there used to be a takeout pizza place in soho called something beginning with M? (Miati?) which did long rectangular pizzas which you bought by the slice and was excellent - have you tried it? It was just off wardour street? Sorry my memory is so muddy.
Pamela - thank you
Kudzu - next time, next time. John's - we walked past it and it was recommended to me but the Joe's fan has been going on about it for five years no less, so I couldn't ignore his passion recommendation!
Sharon - now THAT does sound good. For sure next time I have to be brave and travel beyond Manhattan.
At 13/6/06 17:07,
Kris Ardent said…
Vodka pizza from Pomodoro on Spring: the best pizza I've ever had...IN THE WORLD.
At 14/6/06 19:26,
Sam said…
Kris Ardent - I dint know you read my blog. We were on Spring at some point and I DIDN"T SEE VODKA PIZZA, otherwise, I can assure you...
next time!
At 19/6/06 13:13,
Anonymous said…
Sorry Sam, I just saw your reply now! I know exactly the place you mean in Soho but can't think of the name--will pass by and have a slice! By the way, Grimaldi's was on my blog post about NY. You'll have to make another trip now...
At 20/6/06 16:33,
Marc said…
I haven't tried Joe's yet, but it will be tough to beat Grimaldi's, that's for sure. Although Joe's is a lot more convenient!
Check out Da Nico, too. They have great pizza, though not many people know about it. Da Nico is in Little Italy.
At 23/6/06 20:38,
Anonymous said…
I second Pamela's recommendation of Patsy's, though it's in East Harlem, not the Bronx ;)
Also: Get thee to Di Fara next time you visit. It's a bit out of the way but well worth it. It totally sinks Joe's battleship.
At 19/10/06 13:22,
Marc said…
All right, I finally got to Joe's, and while I liked it, I didn't LOVE it. I still like Grimaldi's in Brooklyn better, but for a slice or two while walking through the Village, it isn't a bad place to go.
At 1/5/08 00:22,
Anonymous said…
Lombardi's on Spring Street (in Little Italy NOT SoHo, please!) and John's on Bleecker Street (in the West Village) are the best.
Lombardi's claims the distinction of serving the first pizza in NYC.
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