The Sweetest Girl...

Tagi is the beautiful, charming, cheeky daughter of the owner of Fijian-owned Vilistes on the Southern Coral Coast of Fiji's main island, Viti Levu. We stayed for one night at Vilistes.

You can see evidence of the history of British colonialism in Fiji when you look at the breakfast options: Eggs, bacon, toast and golden syrup. Not only does Tagi makes the best white, soft, pillowy bread (served only with dinner, unfortunately), she also makes her own Golden Syrup.
Tigi's Golden Syrup Recipe:
Put 5 cups of brown Fijian sugar in a pan and heat it until it makes a golden syrup.

Tigi's golden syrup can be seen in the little silver bowl to the centre-right of screen. (Click on the picture to enlarge)
When I was a kid, if my memory serves me correctly, my mother used to eat Golden Syrup on slices of buttered toast. I used to turn my nose up at the thought of the idea of sugary toast, sticking with my beloved, salty Marmite instead. Despite having a notion that I still wouldn't like it, when I was at Vilisites, I decided to give Tigi's Golden Syrup a try. I have to say it was delicious. Who would have thought it - I actually do like Golden Syrup on buttered toast. Yum!
Previously on Fiji Fridays:
Exotic Fruits | Forbidden Food | Nature's Communal Oven | Lovo | Nama Sea Grapes |

Archive Alert! On this Day in 2005: An English, French and Californian Cheeseboard. |
Food | Fiji | Recipes | Viti Levu The Sweetest Girl...
At 6/1/06 14:22,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam and Fred, I wish both of you a very happy new year. These pictures are really lovely, I can almost feel the sunshine (and Fred is really dark!).
Thanks so much again for inspiring us all, looking forward to seeing you again this year. keiko x
At 6/1/06 14:34,
Anonymous said…
Sam I might start remembering some of your bad habits and it was a long time ago. I'm glad to say my preference is now marmite.
At 6/1/06 15:13,
cookiecrumb said…
Is Fred in a sarong? Cool.
Now, Sam: I must confess some American prejudices. I thought all Brits liked golden syrup (treacle, right?), but now even your mum is forsaking it! I really like the taste of Lyle's. Not that I eat it much, but it's kinda decadent on a buttered English muffin slathered with cream cheese.
(Your mother's going to start telling on you!)
At 6/1/06 18:25,
Anonymous said…
I love Golden Syrup on pikelets.
At 6/1/06 21:11,
Anonymous said…
Okay, I'm stumped and I admit it. What are pikelets? I assume they are not tiny fish (fishlets?). Wait a mo' -- are they toast strips???
Syrup is one of those wonderfully universal things. Sorghum (dark cane syrup/not quite molasses) was a favored treat on hot buttered biscuits where I grew up. When my mother taught in a country school during the Depression, that was what some of the children brought for lunch. And that was all. She spent part of her very small salary bringing fruit to share with them.
Keep your Marmite. Give me the sweet!
At 6/1/06 21:26,
cookiecrumb said…
Kudzu, I got it: Pikelets. Sounds good.
At 7/1/06 08:53,
Sam said…
Keiko - thank you for saying that, it means a lot: Fred tans better than anyone I have ever known. He only needs to look at the sun for a second
mum - i wasn't accusing you of bad habits - didn't i say i think golden syrup is a good idea now?
CC - no - not a sarong BUT he did buy a fijian-man-skirt in fiji and i do have photographic evidence of him wearing it.
Barbara - funny - i have another post prepped that mentions pikelets. in fact it has already been published on SFist ansd I plan to publish it here sometimes next week.
Kudzu/Cookie. To my mind, Cookie's link is incorrect. In Britain, a Pikelet is a flattened crumpet that looks like this.
Barbara, is from down under however, and my research tells me that to them a pikelet is a different thing.
To be honest, pikelets and crumpets are solely butter/marmite vehicles in my mind.
At 8/1/06 18:27,
Anonymous said…
Our pikelets tend to be smooth on both sides.
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