My Food Blogging World Just Got A Little Smaller
Food Bloggers Meet in Europe

In the last few days I have been a very lucky food blogging girl. In both London and Paris, I somehow managed to persuade an eminent bunch of bloggers, the creme de la creme of the virtual food world in those locations, to meet little old me for drinks. The English-based contingent stumbled out of the British sunshine into the dark, dank cellar of Gordon's Wine Bar near Charing Cross Station. There was little more than a rather brutish Ploughman's to tempt them, foodwise, but that didn't stop the wine, and conversation, from flowing freely.

From left to right: Johanna from The Passionate Cook, Anna from Baking for Britain, Andrew from Spittoon, Keiko from Nordljus, me, Christina from The Thorngrove Table and Jeanne from Cook Sister. And just because you can't see them here, that doesn't mean they weren't there. Also present, cheeky little Monkey Gland from Jam Faced and Celia from English Patis. Thanks to Keiko, my luggage was slapped with a Heavy label at Heathrow the next day. She showered me with delightful gifts including a box of the most delicious-looking biscuits, ever. Can you guess what flavour they were? I am looking forward to trying the South African delicacy, Biltong, that Jeanne so kindly gave me too. A million thanks to all of you for coming out on the fifth of November.

In Paris, at Le Sancerre, we had an equally astounding turn out including some major food and blogging celebrities. Clockwise from left: Clotilde from Chocolate & Zucchini, Meg from Too Many Chefs, me, Michèle from Oswego Tea, Pascale from C'est moi qui l'ai fait!, Pim from Chez Pim and David, David from David Lebovitz, Cindy from Food Migration and Laura from Cucina Testa Rossa. Merci d'etre venu!

PS. I would try to be a gracious host when, or if, any of you visit San Francisco for our proposed World Food Bloggers Convention. In the meantime I hope you are all saving your Michael Recchiuti chocolates for a special occasion!
PPS. I forgot to give some credits before everyone starts thinking I masterminded these meetings. It's all down to everyone involved, but especially Johanna who coordinated the London meet and Meg who organized the Parisian bloggers. Merci encore.
Archive Alert! On this date in 2004 I was making Baklava for a charity fundraiser. |
Food | Blogging | London | Paris My Food Blogging World Just Got A Little Smaller
At 8/11/05 02:35,
Jeanne said…
Hi Sam
It was only a pleasure to be able to meet you - I only wish we had more time to chat (maybe next time!!). Thanks also for the gorgous little box of chocolates. Still admiring them but I don't think they are long for this world... Enjoy the Marmite biscuits (inspired idea, Keiko!) &, of course, the biltong. If you can't face eating it on its own, let me know and I'll send some recipes.
At 8/11/05 02:57,
Michèle said…
Hi Sam, it was a great to be able to meet you and Fred and I'd be happy to consume more wine with you (or Kir Royales) next time you are in Paris! All the best for the rest of your travels and your upcoming leisure time at home ;)
At 8/11/05 04:34,
marty said…
So sorry to see your scrimpy London Ploughman!
Look at the lovely one I had in Patterdale:
At 8/11/05 07:58,
cookiecrumb said…
Gosh, Gordon's looks like -- wait, did a young skiffle group called the Quarry Men play there? Oh, right. That was in Liverpool.
So great, Sam, that you all got together. You're quite the organizer.
At 8/11/05 08:14,
Monkey Gland said…
cheeky???!!?! LITTLE???!!! I ate my chocolates watching Match of The Day with a cup of tea, so yes a very special occasion. Thanks!
At 8/11/05 15:42,
deborah said…
Wow - what a tour you've had. sounds like you had a great time Ms. Sam
At 8/11/05 18:40,
Elise said…
Ah Sam, I'm so envious! How wonderful to meet all these bloggers we've been reading for so long.
At 8/11/05 22:25,
David said…
Yum! Thanks so much for Michael's chocolate..I ate them for breakfast today. So fun to meet but I can't figure out how we managed to drink all that wine in such a short period of time?
At 9/11/05 03:00,
Sam said…
Jeanne - i need to read up on the biltong - i may well need some recipe ideas. I was assuming it was just be eaten straigh from the pack so I will try that first.
Michele - you too. Shhhh! Don't tell David it was you and me who drank all the wine.
Barbara - I had the world food bloggers convention idea a long time ago and so we joked about the idea in Paris. Haven't the foggiest hw o even start organising something like that! We decided we could all take over Manresa for dinner. Mr Kincher himself seemed to be up for it. You must get in touch when you come in the Spring anyway so we can try and arrange some kind of gathering - even if it is not a convention, per se.
Marty - hey - i don't call is skimpy. Skimpy it was NOT. Enough cheese for 10 people on that plate.
It was just rather basic, unaddorned. Nothing wrong with that. Probably more authentic.
Cookie - I can't take credit for the organisation. My counterparts in London and Paris were sorting me out by sending all the necessary emails.
Thanks to all, esp Meg and Johnanna.
MonkeyGland - aw - c'mon, you know you like it really.
Saffron - yes very lucky. Too bad I can't make Oz too. We were originally planning on Oz for Christmas but when we checked the flight prices back in the early summer they were already $2000 pp.
Elise - I realise I am a very very lucky girl. It was wonderful to meet everyone.
David - don't forget you were in the company of a Brit and some French people. Brits are practically born down the pub, whilst the French are raised in wine barrels.
At 9/11/05 07:41,
Anonymous said…
Sam, Food Bloggers Convention sounds like a great idea. Keep us up to date on your progress and let me know if you need any help. We're in Los Angeles and it's easy to get to the Bay Area.
At 9/11/05 07:59,
Rose said…
Now I know what to do with all those unused miles!
Btw, it looks like you're having a ball of a time in Europe. Enjoy :-)
At 9/11/05 09:47,
Sam said…
oh no - what have I started? Me and my hairbrain ideas...?
At 9/11/05 15:37,
deborah said…
Come over in the winter/autumn Sam. Its just as nice... but then again Im a winter gal. But how bad can a tropical winter REALLY be?
I'll be biting me words come July next year ;)
As for this Food Blogger Convention... sounds interesting. Perhaps we will need to organise a video conference for those of us not able to make it from Australia!
At 9/11/05 15:49,
Anonymous said…
oh yes, it was great meeting up, as always - and i am definitely up for a san fran meet if i know it well in advance... might even be living states-side by that time, who knows!
going to paris next month, too, hoping to catch up with a few bloggers there, too, even though it's supposed to be a weekend-for-two... I guess you can only know how precious these are when you've got kids!
At 11/11/05 18:43,
Jocelyn:McAuliflower said…
how about a food blogger get together in conjunction with the Fancy Food Fair?
Sam I have a difficult time remembering that you don't have pink hair.
At 12/11/05 15:18,
Sam said…
saffron - i think we already have our vacation plans sorted for next year. I have to renew a visa so it makes leaving the US a little bit complicated :(
johanna - living stateside???? I am intrigued. East or West?
Barbara - I am sure we will sort something out.
McCauliflower - I nearly took my pink wig with me! I was very close to doing it.
At 15/11/05 18:01,
Shauna said…
I'm so jealous! Of your trip, the dinners with food bloggers, your lovely food presents. What a whirlwind food tour. And if there is a San Fransisco convention, count me in!
At 15/11/05 18:01,
Shauna said…
I'm so jealous! Of your trip, the dinners with food bloggers, your lovely food presents. What a whirlwind food tour. And if there is a San Fransisco convention, count me in!
At 16/11/05 18:22,
Sam said…
Shauna - I had better not tell you that today I had lunch with Heidi 101 cook books, elise simply recipes, shuna egg beater and Jen begins at 30 then, should I? Especially since Elise gave us all the best bag of homegrown goodies and Jen gave us sweet little cakes.
At 19/11/05 15:49,
cucina testa rossa said…
it was great to finally meet you! shall we shoot for another rendez-vous on your side of the pond in december?
At 19/11/05 18:58,
Sam said…
At 21/11/05 17:25,
Lady Amalthea said…
Oh, I'm jealous too! But do keep me posted about US goings-on. I'd love to meet everyone and being down in LA-area, getting up to the Bay Area is quite doable (at least more so than when living in NYC). Or we could get people over to the East Coast...
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