Charity Bake Sales for the AEF/BCEF
During the month of November, everyone at the company I work for concentrates their efforts into raising money for the AEF/BCEF. What started as a simple penny drive several years ago is now a month of massive fund raising activities. This year, with a lot of help from many, many good souls, I coordinated a series of five, weekly bakesales to try and raise some additional cash for the good cause.

Here I am, on the stage, wearing pink to reflect our final bake sale theme, at the end of the grand spelling bee competition which represents the climax of our fund raising events, to announce the bake sale total. After five weeks of cooking and creating yummy things for our colleagues who, thankfully, spent a lot of money over the last month buying what we baked, I was happy to announce that we raised a stunning total of $1521.50, a small but important portion of the fabulous, record total of $21500+ raised during this year.
My contributions to the final Pink Bake Sale included:

Click to enlarge
Thomas Haas Chocolate Sparkle Cookies, with additional pink 'sparkles', (probably never the intention of Thomas Haas!). I made the cookies using extra tips kindly given to me by Clement from A la Cuisine.

Click to enlarge
These pretty pink marble meringues were made from a recipe in the eleventh issue of the Donna Hay magazine.
Links to my other Bake Sale Posts
Thanksgiving Cranberry Chutney
Thanksgiving Candies, Sweets, Treats
Savoury and International Bake Sales - Cookies
International Bake Sale - Almond Apple Marzipan Tart
International Bake Sale - Greek Baklava
Pot Luck - Lemon Drizzle Cake & Rich Little Chocolate Hazlenut Cakes Charity Bake Sales for the AEF/BCEF
At 3/12/04 08:35,
Estelle Tracy said…
Good job! By the way, your pictures are getting prettier and prettier...
At 3/12/04 09:07,
Anonymous said…
Those look delicious. I'm glad the sparkle cookies worked out for you. Btw, here's a more direct link to the cookie tips, so you won't have to scroll.
At 3/12/04 13:00,
Sam said…
Estelle - thank you. I am trying harder with the pics, but I am still learning my new camera, I haven't worked out the white balance function fully yet, and the lighting in my appt. sucks! I wish I did my cooking during daylight but even then we face a funny direction and never get anything nice like sunlight flooding in.
Thanks so much for your tips Clement. I tried re-doing the link as you suggested but it didn't seem to work??? Maybe the end of the link was cut off on the blogger comment page. maybe it doesnt wrap properly.
At 3/12/04 14:17,
Anonymous said…
I think the number at the end got cut off.
It's #c2799287 (instead of just #c27992).
I'm struggling with shooting at night too. White balance helps a lot, but that still leaves me with hard shadows. I'm looking for ways to diffuse the light. The Bowens Tri-lite Kit looks like an ideal, but expensive option.. I wonder if I could build something like that myself.
Clement (
At 3/12/04 16:42,
Delphine said…
You're a good soul Sam :)
At 4/12/04 10:55,
Sam said…
clement - thanks - that did it.
I can't even afford to look at the lights in the camera catalogue. One day...
Del - thank you for saying so. As I am a gremini I am allowed to have a devilliish streak too ;)
At 4/12/04 10:56,
Sam said…
Gemini, not gremini. duh! Mind you - Gremini sounds cute and evil all wrapped into one!
At 4/12/04 12:44,
Anonymous said…
The hair is fabulous and the cause even more so. Thanks for the lovely pics. The pink marble meringues pics is my favorite. Btw..which camera are you using now? Viv
At 4/12/04 12:58,
Sam said…
Hi Viv
I am now using a mixture of cameras.
But we just got a Canon 20D.
The manual is pretty thick and complicated and I am not at ease yet with all the various functions, particularly I havent mastered white balance yet. Also it doesnt have a macro like the little casio point & shoot. (until we can afford a macro lens)
These were taken with the new Canon, but I will still use the Casio for pictures in restaurants/bars/parties because it is small and less obvious. The canon is about 10 x the size and looks pretty serious. When we were in the Ghost Bar in Vegas security stopped me from taking pics on the Canon but they had no probs with people using little digi cameras. It was ok, cos I had already taken a load before they spotted me + I know I can still get pretty good pics out of the Casio if needs be.
The Canon came with free 'photoshop elements' which delighted me. I couldn't afford real photoshop which i use at work, so I am really glad to have the elements version at home now. It does great colour corrections when you take lousy/dark badly white -balanced photos.
maybe i will do a little before/after posting one day!
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