News Just In: Chaos Theory Spawns Tuscan Risotto
My ex room-mate, D, and her new room-mate V, invited F and me for dinner.
The Chaos Theory: 3 a : a state of utter confusion b : a confused mass or mixture c : a high level of order and pattern in what has long been thought to be random activity.

The kitchen may have presented an image of disorder to some.
But what came out of the kitchen proved the theory. There was nothing random about the result: A delicious, home-cooked, Italian Three Course Meal...

Zucchini Soup with Mint
D's masterpiece steaming bowl of pureed courgettes, well balanced with mint and basil, made thick and creamy by the inclusion of potato rather than dairy and with a little crumbled goat cheese to give it extra kick. Extra thanks to D for the extra takeaway portion that is now sitting in my freezer.

Bay Scallop and Asparagus Risotto
(with Steamed asparagus Surprise, not pictured)
V's wonderful, lemony risotto with asparagus and plump scallops. Rich, delicious, zesty and fresh. Again, thanks for the extra portion which I am just about to eat for dinner.

A juicy steak just for non-seafood eater, F.

Fresh Mixed Berries with Sabayon Brulee
We all protested. We told V we couldn't possibly fit in dessert. Then V, quickly whipped up this stunning little sweet and we all secretly wished we hadn't insisted on such small portions.

V Checks out the recipe book that was exclusively used for this evening's meal, Simply Tuscan by Pino Luongo
Thanks, D and V, for a wonderful evening. News Just In: Chaos Theory Spawns Tuscan Risotto
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