Apples are Back in Season

I had no idea that Apple were bringing out a new MacBook Pro yesterday, one inch thin, weighing 5.4 lbs, Core 2 Duo, next-generation 802.11n wireless, wickedly fast NVIDIA graphics and a power-efficient LED-backlit display. I had even less of an idea that Fred was going to bring one home for me. Clueless, really. Shocked! And surprised in the most perfect way possible. After several years of using a PC, Apples are now in season all year round at the Becks & Posh household. They're local too. Less than 50 miles from my front door!

At 6/6/07 07:54,
Anonymous said…
Lucky you!
At 6/6/07 08:15,
Anonymous said…
I'm soooo jealous.
My wife and i are saving to replace our PC's with macs ASAP. vista made that decision for us...
At 6/6/07 08:32,
ChrisB said…
Whose a lucky girl, have fun this evening mum xx!
At 6/6/07 09:06,
Kalyn Denny said…
What a great surprise.
At 6/6/07 09:19,
Anonymous said…
At 6/6/07 09:24,
Anonymous said…
Wait, wait....what you aren't telling people is that it's your birthday! Happy birthday!!!
At 6/6/07 09:38,
cookiecrumb said…
Amanda, you told!
Happy birthday, Sam. What a great present.
At 6/6/07 09:55,
Anonymous said…
Happy Happy Birthday, Sam! Apples are always in season at my house, too, and a fresh new one is the very best!
At 6/6/07 10:00,
Tea said…
Ha, I saw the headline in my bloglines and was stunned. I know California is ahead of Washington by about a month with produce--but apples? Already?
What a lovely, lovely gift! And a happy birthday to you:-)
At 6/6/07 10:26,
Anonymous said…
Of course, 666! Happy birthday! What a fabulous gift!
At 6/6/07 10:27,
Anonymous said…
did u see the article w/ u and your top pics in SF, very cool.
Happy Bday!
At 6/6/07 12:35,
the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said…
Oh boy oh boy,
enjoy enjoy!
At 6/6/07 12:37,
Acme Instant Food said…
Yay--happy birthday to you!
I've had a lifelong love affair with PCs, but lately I'm thinking that I'll encounter fewer worms in an Apple than a PC. Time for a trip to the orchard!
At 6/6/07 13:18,
Anonymous said…
Sam, I got one for my birthday (April 30), too! I've been a Macintosh girl since 1988, but this is only my second laptop. It replaces the six-year old Powerbook Pro G3 that died last June.
Oh, my, am I loving it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And welcome to the club. No more fear of viruses!
: D
At 6/6/07 13:58,
Beccy said…
What a fab present Sam, hope you have lots of fun with it...we're very jealous!
At 6/6/07 15:10,
Lisa Fain (Homesick Texan) said…
I'm with Tea, I saw the headline and thought to myself, "But they only just left the market." What a fantastic gift! Happy birthday!
At 6/6/07 16:45,
Andrew said…
well whose the luck one? At least I got to try Guinness Marmite!
NIce ic - looks like chocolate ;-)
At 6/6/07 17:54,
Delphine said…
I am sooooooooooooooo jalous.
even if I don't need it.
even if my G5 rocks.
It's the perfect gift, lucky you
Happy birthday Sam!
At 6/6/07 19:03,
Jennifer Maiser said…
Are you sure you want a local Apple? I mean, isn't it elitist? And what about all those poor Apples from Chile? Are you thinking about them? Are you?
(Happy Birthday to you. I am so glad you were born).
At 6/6/07 19:24,
Sam said…
thanks for all the good words everyone and kind wishes and envious glares too.
Now I have to go and wrestle the apple from my man. I can see why Adam was blamed for taking that first bite, I reckon Eve had nothing to do with it at all.
At 6/6/07 19:36,
Barbara said…
Way cool. Enjoy your day.
At 6/6/07 20:02,
shuna fish lydon said…
Tssssssssss! sssssslick! Niiiiice!
Happy happy Birthday!! I'm really glad you were born too.
{it seems like you might need some butterscotch to go with that....}
At 6/6/07 20:55,
Anna Haight said…
Happy Birthday Sam! and I have an Apple in this house too, but my MacBook Pro is a year old!
At 6/6/07 22:01,
Amy Sherman said…
Congratulations on escaping the evil empire. Welcome back to the light. Will you also be getting an iPhone? I've been promised one on my day. Happy happy btw.
At 7/6/07 10:54,
Meeta K. Wolff said…
Well halleluja!! Fred is a genius - but first a happy (belated) birthday gorgeous. Hope you have a life full of joy, happiness and health and of course - APPLES.
I'm on a mac too and have the previous version on the MacBook Pro. It's a nifty piece of equipment and I am sure you will love every bite errr --- byte!
At 8/6/07 22:40,
Elise said…
If that isn't the dream birthday present, I don't know what is. Yay for all Mac!
At 9/6/07 07:13,
Unknown said…
Congrats! I just got a new presario! Finally, we can be mobile bloggers!
At 9/6/07 13:10,
Mallika said…
That's sweet! I am going to mention this to my man (you never know)...
At 12/6/07 15:49,
Douglas Cress said…
I just switched to a Mac after a lifetime of PC use - I opted for the destop Mac Pro, as I felt the MacBook Pro (at the time) didn't have enough computing power...
the way its configured now, I'm kicking myself for not waiting...
Its a great machine. I hope you're enjoying it.
At 20/6/07 07:19,
lobstersquad said…
welcome to the elite, sam!
At 24/6/07 14:24,
kathy said…
SWEET I just bought a new mac, too! As silly as this sounds, the best part is the 2-finger scroll! Very cute post title =)
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