No Way
I can't believe it

I have to laugh or else I'll cry.
Cheers to 40 more years...?

Archive Alert! On this day in 2005: Tra la la la la |
No Way
Archive Alert! On this day in 2005: Tra la la la la |
'Becks and Posh' is modern cockney for 'nosh'. Follow English-Girl-Abroad, Sam Breach, on her culinary travels, mainly in the San Francisco Bay Area, but also further afield, whilst she plays at being amateur restaurant critic, wine taster, food photographer, cocktail connoisseur, party planner, good food forager and practising home cook, with trusted French advisor, Fred, by her side.
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At 5/6/06 20:52,
Anonymous said…
And, in all honesty, you don't look a day over 32!
At 5/6/06 21:00,
Anonymous said…
Hap Hip hop hoppy Birthday :)
At 5/6/06 21:22,
Ilva said…
Happy birthday! Grattis pa fodelsedagen! Tanti Auguri!
At 5/6/06 21:41,
Ang said…
Happy Birthday!! :)
(40 eek! I'm going thru denials myself)
At 5/6/06 21:52,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Sam! You are celebrating in great style!
At 5/6/06 22:22,
Robyn said…
That photo is so cute.
At 5/6/06 23:23,
Anonymous said…
I now FINALLY understand the genesis of sixy beast!
Happy Bday from the Bunrabs!
At 5/6/06 23:28,
Ced said…
Happy Birthday! Have a great celebration in NY.
At 5/6/06 23:41,
Anonymous said…
je te souhaite la plus bonne anniversaire qu'on pourrait jamais passer
du monde!!
:) happy happy birthday, sam!
hope you're having the best birthday nyc-holiday ever!
love & good wishes to you & your mum & m. fred, aussi, of course. & the french was crap, just emPHATic! ... safe trip home & can't wait to hear tales from your trip in person soon! - xod
At 6/6/06 01:43,
Anonymous said…
happy birthday, Sam!
At 6/6/06 02:35,
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday!
6.6.66! 40, as me! (from 11.65, hi hi hi!)
You look like your mother, it's creazy!...the smile!
At 6/6/06 02:56,
Anonymous said…
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Sam!!! It's not about age, it's about how old you feel!
When i started to read your blog quite some time ago, I was pretty surprised when I found out your real age - because your pictures and writing style left a much younger impression, in the most positive way :)
At 6/6/06 03:43,
deborah said…
happy birthday sam. hope the year ahead is filled with wonderful tasties and memories.
At 6/6/06 04:43,
santos. said…
happiest of birthdays to you!
At 6/6/06 05:14,
Alanna Kellogg said…
Happy Day! And yes, 14,600 more too!
At 6/6/06 05:57,
wheresmymind said…
As long as you don't destroy the world or do something else crazy today H to the APPY Bday! :D
At 6/6/06 05:58,
Jeanne said…
Age - it's all in the mind!! (or a vicious rumour, whichever you prefer!!)
Wishing you an idyllically happy birthday and may the coming year(s) be filled with good wine, great food and outstanding company!
Much love,
At 6/6/06 06:02,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Have an awesome day!!!!!!
At 6/6/06 07:47,
Anonymous said…
Believe me, Sam -- this milestone is only a beginning. Many, many happy returns of the day. Light up New York and have a lovely celebration.
PS Your mother is absolutely glowingly beautiful in the photo.
At 6/6/06 08:03,
Anonymous said…
Best birthday wishes to you, Sam - I hope you have a wonderful day!
At 6/6/06 08:25,
cookiecrumb said…
Um... Cranky thinks your mum is quite the bird in that photo!
And we both wish you a very sixy birthday!
At 6/6/06 08:36,
nika said…
happens to the best of us... hey consider the alternative! (this coming from someone who also just turned 40)
At 6/6/06 09:43,
Mags said…
Happy Birthday! I'm looking forward to the description of tonight's birthday dinner! :-)
At 6/6/06 09:51,
Anonymous said…
This is what comes from arriving late to a party. I knew your birthday was coming up but I didn't know that it was *that* birthday. Frankly, my dear, I'm gobsmacked. I had lowballed your age by a good 15 years. So fine chocolates and jams really do keep us young and beautiful! :)
Happy birthday, Sam. Celebrate well and richly.
At 6/6/06 11:35,
Anonymous said…
happy birthday, sammie!!!
champagne wishes!
At 6/6/06 12:41,
Delphine said…
Champagne and strawberries!
Joyeux anniversaire!!
At 6/6/06 12:45,
Anonymous said…
happy B-day, joyeux anniversaire, geburstag, and 40 bisous !
At 6/6/06 12:47,
Anonymous said…
Happy happy birthday! Although, I must ask, if your 40th b-day is today, which also happens to be 6/6/06, are you going to morph into the devil?
Have a devilishly good day.
At 6/6/06 13:43,
Zarah Maria said…
TILLYKKE SAM! I hope you have a GREAT day - who am I kidding, how could a woman like you NOT have a great day! (and I wouldn't have guessed that age either - wauw!):-D
At 6/6/06 14:06,
Anne said…
40 is the new 30 and you make 40 look like the new 25 so don't fret. Just think- you look like a young woman but have the palate and knowledge of someone more experienced which is an intoxicating combination to most people! Happy Birthday!!!
At 6/6/06 14:14,
debbie koenig said…
Welcome to 40, Sam! I've got six months on you so I'm something of an expert now, and I can say in all honesty that it doesn't suck. Enjoy the rest of your trip to NYC, and apologies again for missing your get-together!
At 6/6/06 16:08,
the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said…
Wow, Sam, you are so utterly like your gorgeous mum! Have a delicious and happy birthday, or as we say in Yiddish:
מיט מזל געיערט זיך
(Yearify yourself with good fortune!)
At 6/6/06 16:18,
Anonymous said…
Whoever says those sixes are bad luck must not know about you, Sam :) Happy, happy birthday!
At 6/6/06 16:52,
Anonymous said…
happy birthday sam !
At 6/6/06 18:03,
Cate said…
Happy Birthday! Funny how young 40 seems when you get up there, but growing up it seemed ancient, huh? 'Course I wouldn't know... got just a few years left. ;)
At 6/6/06 18:32,
shuna fish lydon said…
I am quite happy indeed that you were born. And excited that you are spending this magnificent anniversary in my home town.
the big four o. happy birthday sexy sixy!
At 6/6/06 19:27,
Anonymous said…
Happy, happy birthday Sam! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your New York travels!
At 6/6/06 20:01,
Tea said…
A very happy day to you, Sam. Enjoy, enjoy, and may the year to come be the best one yet!
At 6/6/06 21:12,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Sam! You've inspired me for when I celebrate the Big 4-0 in August. It was fantastic meeting you on Sunday--thanks for bringing us New Yorkers together!
At 6/6/06 21:21,
Catherine said…
Happy Birthday Sam - it just gets better!
At 6/6/06 23:23,
Elise said…
Yay, Sam! May your next 40 be even more spectacular than the first.
At 7/6/06 00:08,
Civic Center said…
Happy birthday, Beast. What a perfect numerological coincidence for your 40th birthday. All is revealed. See you on Saturday.
At 7/6/06 00:13,
AnnaW said…
Happy birthday Sam! Hope that you celebrated with suitable splendour.
At 7/6/06 00:20,
Jocelyn:McAuliflower said…
Awww you evil genius you.
happiness is looking forward to the next one!
At 7/6/06 07:05,
Anonymous said…
I love that photo!
Happy birthday, Sam. All the best!
At 7/6/06 08:28,
Anonymous said…
That is the best family photo ever. Your mom looks adorable! As do you ;) Happy Bday!
At 7/6/06 08:28,
Rose said…
The Happiest Birthday wishes to one of my favorite foodie bloggers!
Stay well and eat plenty!
At 7/6/06 10:09,
Pille said…
Happy birthday, Sam, and hope you're having fab time in NY!
At 7/6/06 19:37,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Sam. You've been in New York at the exact same time my son is visiting on the way to a three month job in the Catskills. His emails home have all been about clubbing and music, despite my food recommendations.
At 7/6/06 22:05,
Anonymous said…
Here's to many, many more happy years for you, dear Sam! From one forty-year young woman to another!
At 9/6/06 08:28,
Sam said…
Totally overwhelmed by all the wonderful good wishes and comments from everybody. I am sorry I am not going to thank each of you individually, but heartfelt thanks go out to each and every one of my virtual friends all over the world.
love sam xxx
At 9/6/06 08:39,
Anonymous said…
I came here on your birthday... but, didn't realise it was your birthday (duh)- you see, i was thinking, no!, she can't be forty! She looks nothing like forty... a lot less maybe.
At 10/6/06 09:37,
Anonymous said…
Ditto what everyone above said! Wish you the happiest (though belated) of birthdays and welcome to 40 (I just got there myself, and things are going wonderfully so far). Cheers!
At 10/6/06 12:31,
Farmgirl Susan said…
OMG I can't believe I missed your birthday. I knew it was coming up and everything. I'm so bummed. Sounds like you had a marvelous time! Well, better late than never I suppose. . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 11/6/06 01:06,
Anonymous said…
Happy belated birthday, Sam!
At 13/6/06 13:52,
Meeta K. Wolff said…
A rather belated happy birthday Sam! A Gemini huh? I was wondering why I took a liking to you ;-) Mine was on the second! Here's to awesome blogging and stupendious picture taking and of course great friend making!
At 16/6/06 20:49,
MizD said…
Eee! I'm so bad, I missed this!
Happy Belated birthday, Sam!!!
At 18/6/06 06:29,
Anonymous said…
Dear Sam, I know I am WAY late to the party, but humongous happy birthday wishes nonetheless! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your boundless enthusiasm for food with us, and here's to at LEAST forty more years of great eating!
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