Reminder - "What's For Pud?"
April 23rd
The time to show me your spotted dick and all other good stuff is this coming Sunday, for St George's Day...

Click on the image above for more details.
If you are a bit mad like me you will have invited a bunch of friends round for an English afternoon tea party on Sunday, and you'll be wondering quite how you are going to pull it off since you are working crazy long 6 day weeks. It's ok - I'll make sure there is plenty of champagne available and then they might not notice if I have a baking failure or two! (Wish me luck, I think I need it.)

PS - Sorry - I am way too busy at work to have done any proper blog posts recently. Looking for something else new to read in my absence? I am going to add a Blogher food and drink button to my blog roll. Click on the button below to discover links to great food posts by women food bloggers from all over the world on a variety of subjects. You never know, you might discover a great food blog that hasn't reached your radar yet.

Archive Alert! On this day in 2005: uh oh - I tried to blog in French! Sucettes d'Agneau aux Epices et Lassi Vert |
What's For Pud? and St George's Day Reminder - "What's For Pud?"
At 19/4/06 22:23,
deborah said…
hi sam... i'm looking forward to this food blogging event. i just can't decide which kind of pud to make.
At 19/4/06 22:34,
Sam said…
me too - why do you think i had to throw a tea party eh? So everyone else would help me eat all the goodies, of course!
At 20/4/06 07:11,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam,
Clear up the mystery for me... What is pud?...Spotted dick? Is it an STD you get from eating a certain kind of pud?
At 20/4/06 07:18,
Sam said…
Afters, pud, pudding, biscuits, sweets - all words that the English might use to describe what they refer to as desserts, candies and cookies in other parts of the world.
Hi Bruno - unlike in the US where pudding is one specific thing - the English often use the word pud to cover all their desserts. Having said that, there are a few actual "puddings" in the English dessert repertoir including spotted dick.
Spotted dick is a steamed pudding made with suet and dried fruit, served with custard.
At 20/4/06 10:44,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the info Sam... English has to be the prize winner for the language w/ words having the most multiple meanings!!
Have fun w/ the pud fest!
At 21/4/06 12:30,
Robyn said…
Awwww man, I want a pud fest!...but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do it. :( (Not enough friends...nothing in my kitchen...haha.) Oh well, I'll live vicariously through your results!
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