What's For Pud?

... and give me an eyeful of your Ginger Nuts!!
Becks & Posh and Jam Faced are joining forces to celebrate the day that no one ever celebrates and we would love for everyone else to join us. St George's Day is the English National Day. Yes, really, the English do have one.
-It's not a day off work.
-Hardly anyone wears a red rose in their lapel.
-And you would be hard pushed to find an Englishman, or woman, who can even recall its date which is April 23rd!
Together we are attempting to change that and put St George's Day firmly on the world's culinary map, with a celebration of English 'afters'.
We are inviting everyone [that's YOU] to join us with in this blogging event and make any English Dessert or Cake or Biscuits or Pud or Sweets and post about it on St George's day, Sunday April 23rd. We are going to do the round up in two parts. The saucy girls will send their buns and stuff to Monkey Gland and the cheeky boys will send their spotted dicks et al to me.
Afters, pud, pudding, biscuits, sweets - all words that the English might use to describe what they refer to as desserts, candies and cookies in other parts of the world.
We may have to take a lot of stick about British food in general, but I have never heard anyone complain about our pud. It sure can be good.
To join in, all you have to do is make something sweet and English and post about it on your blog on Sunday April 23rd. You could include photographs, recipes, history or stories about the dessert, the choice is yours. Read the full entry guidelines here which includes details about where to send your post in order to be included in the roundup. English puddings - oh yes - this is going to be more than yummy!

A few ideas to get you started:
Clotted Cream Fudge | Summer Pudding | Eccles Cakes| Bakewell Tart | Sticky Toffee Pudding | Syllabub | Gooseberry Fool | Jaffa Cakes | Trifle | Jam Roly Poly | Junket | Spotted Dick | Scones | Fairy Cakes | Victoria Sandwich | Banoffi Pie | Mince Pies | Rhubarb Crumble & Custard | Rock Cakes | Butterfly Cakes | Bread & Butter Pudding | Chester Cake | Queen of Puddings | Treacle Tart | Eton Mess | Apple Charlotte | English Toffee | Simnel Cakes | Posset | Chelsea buns | Bath buns | Lardy Cake | Banbury Cake | Cornish Fairings | Poor Knights of Windsor | Parkin | Easter Biscuits | Angel Delight | Manchester Tart | Mars Bar Cake |
Links, Resources and Further Reading
Looking for English Recipes:
Blog Favourite Anna | Baking for Britain
The Green Chronicle | British Recipes
Cooking by Country | England
Search for English Recipes | Waitrose.com
En Francais | Cookies, Muffins & Co de Pascale
More About St George's Day:
A Day For England
St George's Day Events
The Value of St George's Day
Garry Bushell's Opinion
English Heritage
Archive Alert! On this day in 2005: Coincidentally, I was on my way to ENGLAND, leaving Fred home alone with the Saucisson Sec |
What's For Pud? | St George's Day | Food | Pudding | Recipes | English | Dessert | Biscuits | Cakes What's For Pud?
At 20/3/06 00:12,
Elise said…
Ahem. What, pray tell, is a "spotted dick"?
At 20/3/06 07:08,
Anonymous said…
Ahahah Sam, Pud? You guys have desserts in England?? ;-) I think i have to participate!!!
At 20/3/06 07:16,
Robyn said…
Oh my god, I so wanna make something.
For my wine list restaurant project, I actually made a restaurant called "Pudding". I love that it refers to all desserts! Mm mm.
The first time I ever made a British dessert (I guess one of the first times I made a dessert in general) wasin 10th grade when in my English class we made food based on ...Shakespeare. Kinda. Well, his time. I never heard of trifle before, so for some reason I decided to make it. How could anyone NOT like cake and pudding and whipped cream and...oohgfjiohioejg!#@2...um, anyway. You might get me to use my kitchen, hehe.
At 20/3/06 09:22,
Anonymous said…
What a brilliant idea. I am so completely, utterly in. :)
At 20/3/06 09:25,
RennyBA said…
Great blog and very informative. Since you like food, may I also sugest you take a look at a friend of mine: Oslo Foodie: http://canard.typepad.com/oslo_foodie/ !
At 20/3/06 09:59,
cookiecrumb said…
Oh, this is [attempts best Baby Spice accent] vurry, vurry cute!
At 20/3/06 10:19,
Dana said…
Eek! I am excited beyond words. Trecle here I come.
And it's on my birthday! I spent my last birthday in London, but with my seattle friends. So this time it's Seattle, but with British desert!
At 20/3/06 12:04,
Anonymous said…
This is really, really funny. Thanks for cheering me up on a dreary morn.
I so look forward to all the sweet responses.
Anyone for a cold shape, now that we have spotted dicks and all???
At 20/3/06 14:06,
Anonymous said…
Ooh, count me in! Although...I'm kinda dubious about that traditional pud, the Mars Bar Cake...!
But still. You are right: the English ROCK at desserts. Sticky, gooey, sweet and satisfying. Yum.
At 20/3/06 14:26,
Rose said…
you know my friend made me my first banoffi pie the last time I was in london...this is a great opportunity to try it!
At 20/3/06 16:42,
Darlaing said…
How can I not answer the call for a spotted dick. I mean really?
Sam, I just realized you added me to your blogroll under "words to devour" and I'm flattered! Thank you! I wasn't even aware that you'd ever read my silly little posts!
At 20/3/06 17:05,
Anonymous said…
I wish I could participate! My husband is from Ireland, and I have become most enamored with the puddings of the steamed persuasion. Unfortunately, Vietnam calls us during St. George's Day, so I will sadly miss the festivities. I will look forward to everyone's entries -- and please, someone do an orange steamed pudding for me!
At 20/3/06 19:35,
Catherine said…
Despite the raucous announcement, I will naturally be participating with a non-suet pud!
At 21/3/06 00:14,
Lady Amalthea said…
I love English desserts--so sweet and sticky. Mm!
I've never made one, though, so I'll do my best. Luckily, that will be when most of my craziness should be over, so I might actually have a chance at participating. Yay!
At 21/3/06 08:57,
shuna fish lydon said…
This may very well be my last gram of incentive to quit my job. So many things to write and not enough time!
This is a grand idea! Good thing I am already thinking about rhubarb.
At 21/3/06 11:33,
Stephanie said…
Sam, I gladly take on your challenge! I'll never get Matt to eat any of it, but what the heck...I'll do it anyway!
At 21/3/06 13:35,
MizD said…
Oh, dude!
In honor of St. George's Day and Shakespeare's 442nd birthday, we are so all over this.
At 12/4/06 22:24,
Anonymous said…
just a note to say I forwarded What's For Pud? to my new UK son-in-law. He promptly sent it to over 60 of his UK and American soccer buddies and thought it was a terrific article.
At 14/4/06 19:15,
Sam said…
andfoa - i hope all sixty of the boys jon in and make something ;)
At 14/10/06 22:10,
Anonymous said…
your website is really GREAT!!! but needs more history about the cakes
At 7/1/09 13:44,
Anonymous said…
where are all the recipes? i cant even make this stuff for my school(we are having international day and you have to bring a dish from your culture/country).It all looks really good especially the second picture!except there is no RECIPES!
At 7/1/09 15:56,
Sam said…
ANon - my website needs for nothing. It's just a bit of whatever I fancy.
Cassie - if you are looking for British recipes look down the the blog roll on the right hand side of the blog and under "My Home Cooking COllection" you will find a category called "English" which might help you with whatever it is you are looking for. GOod luck, sam
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