Fred plays with his new lens
Modeled by Ms Raspberry Dazzle
I am really not a big cupcake fan, but this one from Kara was actually ok by me. I don't care much for such an outrageous amount of buttercream myself, but when it is such a delicate, pretty pink with a sniff of raspberry, I can grant it forgiveness.

Local Resources
Kara's Cupcakes Website
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2005 | Can the English Make 'Champagne'?
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Wide Angle on a Kara's Cupcake
At 3/6/07 23:13,
Dagny said…
I am trying my best to show some restraint but I am suddenly overcome with the temptation to lick the screen. Yet another place to try out this summer.
At 3/6/07 23:15,
Pamela said…
I'll eat your buttercream then. No point it getting wasted.
At 4/6/07 01:29,
shuna fish lydon said…
mmmmm 42 ways of purdy.....
sweet indeed.
At 4/6/07 05:15,
Renee said…
What lens is he using? I love to get those nice closeups with background blured too.
At 4/6/07 08:25,
cookiecrumb said…
Do you have to eat the penny on top too?
At 4/6/07 09:04,
nicole said…
Oh, the yum. This is reminding me I really need to get down there and check that place out, finally ...
At 4/6/07 10:44,
Anonymous said…
we do cupcake birthdays in the office, it's always a double treat when they're from kara's. the carrot cake is amazing, the frosting is oozilicious.
At 4/6/07 11:28,
foodette said…
looks good to me - I love a cupcake; it just seems more fun to have my own individual cake.
At 4/6/07 12:49,
Anonymous said…
what a beautiful photo and cupcake! mmmmmmm so cruel to flaunt like this!!
At 4/6/07 13:47,
meathenge said…
Uh, you're right. That cuppy cake there is worth having a bite of.
Ain't new toys great?
At 4/6/07 15:24,
ChrisB said…
Lovely photo hoorah for boys toys! but way too much buttercream for my taste.
At 4/6/07 15:38,
Sarah Bell said…
Hmmmmmm, I like the large amount of buttercream myself. Tempted to lick the screen!!
At 4/6/07 17:47,
Chubbypanda said…
Awww... I want a new lens. Darn Fred. *mutter mutter*
At 4/6/07 22:06,
Barbara said…
Forget the cupcake. What's the lens?
At 6/6/07 01:32,
Culinary Cowgirl said…
Hmmm...I think I could dig into that cupcake with no problem! Great shot.
At 6/6/07 07:37,
Sam said…
Ok - so the cupcake is long gone - frosting and all - but the lens is a keeper. It's a Sigma 10-20mm 1:4-5.6 DC HSM.
I'd like to point out that I can get my whole fist in my mouth, but I can't get a whole Kara's cupcake in my mouth ;)
Thanks for all the comments everybody!
At 9/6/07 07:12,
Unknown said…
Aww, not a cupcake fan? My feelings are hurt ;)
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