Welcome Enidd, to San Franciso
Third Person Singular
"Enidd is a Brit (bloggedy friend of my mUm and little sis) who’s recently completed her two year sentence in Molvania, land of cold, corruption and pork with cheese. She’s moved with the man to the Mission district of San Francisco.
Obligatory health warning: if you’re American and you can’t take a bit of good-natured ribbing about your country and how weird it is, then move along swiftly please."
Since I am not American, having Enidd in town is going to be a bit of a giggle. Welcome to San Francisco, Enidd...

At 24/6/07 03:10,
Beccy said…
Don't tell me you're going to get to meet her? I'm jealous!
At 24/6/07 04:00,
ChrisB said…
I'm hoping for that pleasure next time I visit- you'll have to come with me beccy!
At 24/6/07 10:10,
Anonymous said…
I've been reading about Enidd's adventures in Molvania for about a year. I think I'm going to enjoy her stint in the US very much. It's very nice of you to welcome her. I do hope she'll enjoy the Mission.
At 24/6/07 10:56,
Anonymous said…
wow, sam, thanks for the ever such kind words. enidd is blushing again. she's had a super welcome to san francisco, really. now she'll just repay it by being rude about the locals; life just isn't fair, is it?
sam, enidd does hope we get to meet up - she's been an avid fan and on and off commenter even before she knew beccy and chris.
At 24/6/07 17:46,
Anonymous said…
Yah, well, other than the gruesome third person point-of-view and irritating lower-case writing, 's alright. Reall, though, Enidd writes as if it's the first person to ever move abroad. Blow-up mattress, indeed.
At 25/6/07 06:55,
Dagny said…
I found myself chuckling quite a bit at Enidd's adventures in San Francisco.
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