Undignified in Death?

First I read about hers and then I noticed she had one as well and because I didn't want to be left out, I joined the Marin Sun Farms Chicken get out your cleaver club too.

'Becks and Posh' is modern cockney for 'nosh'. Follow English-Girl-Abroad, Sam Breach, on her culinary travels, mainly in the San Francisco Bay Area, but also further afield, whilst she plays at being amateur restaurant critic, wine taster, food photographer, cocktail connoisseur, party planner, good food forager and practising home cook, with trusted French advisor, Fred, by her side.
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At 25/6/07 05:08,
Anonymous said…
Awesome. I'm pleased to see that living in the US hasn't given you that smarmy sentimentality over things that are going to end up in our stomachs anyway.
At 25/6/07 07:22,
Anonymous said…
I found that once you've done it once, it ain't no big deal. Though I admit that the fingernails still creep me out.
At 25/6/07 09:29,
Delphine said…
At least you didn't have to kill it
I knew how remove the feathers and prepare feasants and wild ducks...I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore, even if I regret the taste of my mom's venison pates.
At 25/6/07 09:51,
Dagny said…
Hilarious photo.
At 25/6/07 10:37,
cookiecrumb said…
Perfect picture. Indignity indeed.
Now. I was wondering what to do with the head, and Kudzu sent me this YouTube link.
At 25/6/07 11:53,
Anonymous said…
Gawd, it looks like a crime scene. Where's the chalk line?
Heritage Farm chickens should be back at Prather this week. Yay!
At 25/6/07 14:06,
Sam said…
What to do with a chicken head? I was hoping to make my poor cleaner jump out of her skin. She's funny - she'd only laugh. (I hope)
I made a nice stock. I probably faux pas-ed but i mixed the cooked carcuss bits and the non cooked bits all in one pot. Haven't tried it yet, its waiting to be souped, but it had a nice gel when I checked this morning.
Sean - I have to say I much preferred this one over the Heritage chicken, but it could have been the way I cooked it?
thanks to everyoen who popped by today!
At 25/6/07 21:02,
Candy Schultz said…
It looks like a gnome singing.
At 25/6/07 21:18,
Anonymous said…
I fear I may be a wee mollycoddled.
This could be my 2007 Chicken Challenge!
At 26/6/07 07:09,
ChrisB said…
That brings back memories, uncle david used to kill the chickens and we had to do the rest.
At 26/6/07 14:07,
A Few Reservations said…
Wow. That's, uh, yep. Very undignified. I suppose it's good when folks are reminded where their food comes from.
At 26/6/07 19:43,
Anonymous said…
That's a great photo. At first glance I thought it was stuffed face-down into the drain.
At 27/6/07 11:16,
Anonymous said…
I am not even American, so I guess my "smarmy sentimentality" might come from other ethnicities... :-)
but in all honesty, I don't "get" the point of the photo. Yes, the chicken, as well as the cow, the pig, they will all end up in my belly anyway - but I like to picture them in a more respectful light. Cynic of me? well, maybe a little.
but I just cannot join the crowd laughing at the photo, and instead will be the single dissenting voice...
hey, I still love your blog, nothing personal. Just a slight difference of opinion, if you don t mind. :-)
At 27/6/07 11:23,
Sam said…
Sally - I did photograph it more respectfully (see the next post). The point was to show the contrast - to illustrate where meat comes from - it will do us all good to remember.
I didn't pose it like this for a joke or redicule - I was cleaning the chicken in the sink and when I saw it looking that way I took a photograph. I think it is important for people to remember where chicken comes from - and that slabs of white breast meat sitting in a vaccum pack in the supermarket actually came from a real animal. This photo serves to remind us that. I have total respect for this chicken because of that. I used every little scrap of this chicken. I boiled the carcass to make stock. The leftovers went in my sandwiches.
I loved this whole chicken. I did not just take its breast and run.
At 27/6/07 14:28,
Anonymous said…
Ok, I "get" it now
I think that having recently finished reading "THe Omnivore's Dilemma" made me overly concerned...
great book, by the way
thank you for your reply....
At 28/6/07 13:27,
Anonymous said…
While I don't go out and find/kill my own game, I think its important to be connected to one's food chain.
I have caught and cleaned my own fish before - this certainly takes it one step further. You're a trooper.
Its no wonder people use butchers.
At 29/6/07 17:21,
Catherine said…
Sam, you know I luv u, but this is appalling.
At 29/6/07 17:47,
Sam said…
Catherine - I welcome your opinion but some back up as to why exactly you find this appalling might help me address your particular issue with it. Did you read through the comments because i did explain my thinking further.
I am assuming you find any picture of meat appalling. Or would this post be more acceptable if this were simply a raw chicken breast? If the answer to the latter is yes, then I would probably have to have a (civilized) argument with you.
It is a fact of life that I choose to eat meat and I have no problem in exploring where my food comes from. In fact I think it is far more respectful of me to do so. I eat dead animals and so I have to deal with what that means. I refuse to sweep the facts under the carpet.
Hope that explains a little of my philosohy to you
At 29/6/07 19:29,
Catherine said…
Hi Sam,
I'm probably taking it in a way you didn't intend. The image seems mocking to me. No I didn't read thru all the comments before I commented and I see where you explained it.
Glad you're being mindful, a worthy goal.
At 1/7/07 14:16,
Anonymous said…
I do hope you saved the feet for stock....
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