I Tried Dry Rhubarb Soda...
...So You Don't Have To

Last night, as I chopped long pink-tinged green rhubarb stems for a crumble I was making, the glorious scent that escaped from this sour/sweet vegetable almost made me swoon with pleasure. Dry Rhubarb Soda could not even come close to causing the same response. They say that their drink "captures both the sweet complexity and the mouth-watering tartness of rhubarb. With an unmatched liveliness..." I say "Does the emperor have no clothes?" I can find nothing of rhubarb in this drink. To me it's simply a slightly perfumed, lightly sugared sparkling water with less calories than most sodas. It's not for me. On the rare occasions I drink soda, and until there is a local source for Elderflower Presse in America, I'll stick with my favourite, Fizzy Lizzy, thank you very much.

At 5/6/07 11:05,
FaustianBargain said…
ikea has an elderflower syrup.
its ok.
At 5/6/07 11:11,
Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic said…
I tried DRY's lemongrass soda and decided it tasted too much like a soap from L'Occitane to buy again.
At 5/6/07 11:27,
Sarah Caron said…
EW. Some things just don't belong as soda.
At 5/6/07 13:27,
foodette said…
What is going on with all of these random sodas and waters lately?
At 5/6/07 14:43,
Rachel said…
i loved the dry kumquat soda.
At 5/6/07 17:44,
Douglas Cress said…
Fizzy lizzy looks interesting. Nice site too - although I couldn't find any info on the nutrition to determine how sweet it tastes.
I am anti-soft drink myself - but do enjoy flavored seltzer, sometimes with a splash of juice.
At 5/6/07 19:04,
shuna fish lydon said…
Well maybe I like these sodas because I generally don't like soda. I had my first taste at Gary Danko a few months ago-- it's a lovely thing to dring with a nice meal if you're like me = you no longer drink alcohol. I like the Dry soda's lightness & barely sweetness.
Although I have not tried the rhubarb yet.
Indeed, the rhubarb scent is delightful.... And elusive!
At 5/6/07 22:34,
Chubbypanda said…
Ooog... Sounds frightful. Thanks for taking one for the team. Go team! =)
At 5/6/07 22:48,
FaustianBargain said…
i havent heard one good thing about dry's sodas..
on the other hand, it is pretty simple to make rhubarb syrup. just make the syrup and add soda water(or vodka, people)
method: cook rhubarb until soft. add lemon juice. sieve and strain. for every 2.5 cups of rhubarb juice, add 1 tightly packed cup of sugar. just add the sugar and keep it in the fridge. if you want to keep it longer, combine it with soda, make it more 'syrupy'. bring rhubard juice+lemon juice to a boil, skim, add sugar..pour into sterilised bottle.
rhubarb combines well with strawberries, rose water and ginger. maybe even lychees(i havent tried it, but i have a feeling it will work)..raspberries are dodgy, tho'. and orange works too.
and hello! rhubarb infused vodka?
on another note, rainbow carries some kind of imported elderberry syrup. i forget the name.
At 6/6/07 02:57,
Barbara said…
So breaking out the champagne now?
At 6/6/07 05:23,
Beccy said…
Just popped in to wish you a very happy birthday. Hope you have a lovely day.
At 6/6/07 07:44,
Sam said…
Thanks for the Elderflower tips - I heard IKEA stocked it but didn't know about Rainbow which is easier to get to than IKEA.
I really don't drink soda much. Fizzy Lizzy is sparkling water and real fruit juice mix. But no added sugar or crap. All natural. They are like Orangina without the crap. My favourite flavour is the pink grapefruit. Goes down great with campari.
thanks for the tips on making rhubarb syrup - should have given that a try instead of making crumble with it. Next time maybe.
At 6/6/07 10:04,
Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic said…
I haven't tried Fizzy Lizzy, but I'm a big fan of Izze sparkling water/juice. The grapefruit and clementine are my special favorites.
Happy birthday, Sam!
At 7/6/07 19:15,
Anonymous said…
I recently tried Bottlegreen's elderflower presse (from Canada) and liked it. Their website says they distribute throughout North America but they're not specific about where.
At 10/6/07 09:30,
Anonymous said…
The Dry Rhubarb is very dry and very subtle. On its own it doesn't make much of a statement - but as a mixer it's a whole different story. I tried all 4 flavors and liked the Dry Rhubarb the best. I find it hard to compare to Fizzy Lizzy as the sweetness difference is so dramatic. If you like Elderflower (we too are fans) try the new water line out of Santa Rosa, CA (non-sparkling) Floravita 2000. www.floravita2000.com
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