Food Blogger Mystery
Which Food Bloggers Made me these wonderful Gifts...?

1) An inspired homemade gift for someone who is interested in food. Whose brainwave was this gift?
2) This blogger knows what I like, how I like it and how to make it. Who made what?
3) Icy gift, warm heart. Who made me strawberry ice cream?
Good luck with the guessing - the answers will be in my next post.

2006 | Breakfast for Dinner, Lots of Champagne
2005 | Rice at the W in San Diego
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Food Blogger Mystery
At 13/6/07 12:20,
Anonymous said…
what I would also like to know is where the food blogger found those lovely jars. I have a weakness for containers.
At 13/6/07 13:41,
ChrisB said…
I'm not guessing but your food bloggy friends have made you lots of lovely gifts :)
At 13/6/07 15:30,
Andrew said…
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At 13/6/07 15:31,
Andrew said…
well, I'm known for my wavy brains...
At 13/6/07 22:12,
Anonymous said…
The blue kitchen looks like Heidi to me. I can't actually remember what color her kitchen is, but it makes me think of her.
At 14/6/07 10:17,
Anonymous said…
My guesses:
1. Catharine from Food Musings
2. Shuna Fish Lydon from Eggbeater
3. David Lebovitz from
At 15/6/07 07:05,
Sam said…
Tana - the kitchen is mine, or at least my landlord's.
At last ! Anon - a guess on the right tracks. But it's only warm.
At 15/6/07 09:54,
Clare said…
Tartlette? Smitten Kitchen?
At 15/6/07 10:04,
Anonymous said…
I'd have to guess:
1. cookiecrumb
2. no clue- what is it?
3. shuna
At 15/6/07 22:32,
Susan said…
Hm, the first gift makes me think of (Chez) Pim. I'm thinking about the post where she stuck wildflowers into these really cute, clear, glass containers :)
At 16/6/07 17:16,
Unknown said…
Wow! You got strawberry gelato from Claire and strawberry ice cream from a blogger? You are one lucky girl.
At 19/6/07 05:36,
Jessica Schessler said…
Wow! I've no idea, but those are amazing looking gifts. I'd love to get a taste of that ice cream! Yum!!
Oh, and I'm new here, hi everyone!!
At 20/6/07 11:33,
Anonymous said…
Wow, that first one is a beautiful gift...and I can't even tell what all the yummies are...
At 23/6/07 16:41,
cookiecrumb said…
Wild guesses:
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