Chillin' Out in the Coolest Part of the House
An Unedited Look In My Fridge Today
I opened the door this morning, this is what I saw...

I didn't move a thing. I didn't stage it. This is exactly what it looked like at 6.45am this morning. I can't wait for my leftovers lunch today: Rancho Gordo's tortillas filled with his succulent Good Mother Stallard beans and slow-roasted pork shoulder chop from Prather Ranch with a little of Will's avocado and some Happy Girl Kitchen spicy pickled carrots. But, breakfast of steel-cut oat porridge, Lucero strawberries and St Benoit yoghurt comes first.
What does your unedited fridge look like?

At 3/5/07 08:28,
Clare said…
I like the numerous bottles of what looks like bubbly - you're well equipped!
At 3/5/07 09:26,
Vanessa said…
Hi sam, is that white wine in the front/right a Navarro? If so please provide details. BTW...I want your lunch.
At 3/5/07 09:29,
Anonymous said…
much, much worse than this. but then, it is a molvanian fridge with molvanian contents.
At 3/5/07 09:30,
Beccy said…
Nothing like yours!
At 3/5/07 09:52,
ChrisB said…
I did mine not long ago and it wasn't nearly as exciting as yours!!
At 3/5/07 10:02,
Jennifer said…
a mess!
I have cilantro and parsley. Leftover spaghetti with italian sausage, eggs, and too many (non-alchoholic, sadly) drinks to list.
At 3/5/07 10:23,
Anonymous said…
I'll second Jennifer -- my fridge is also a complete mess. I would much rather have your fridge, especially with all those bottles on the top shelf ;-)
At 3/5/07 10:53,
Anonymous said…
Until yesterday, I had that same jar of pickled carrots there. Those are my latest obsession! And we eat them the same way you do -- with RG tortillas, beans, and avo.
At 3/5/07 11:40,
Anonymous said…
I'd sahre what my fridge looks like but the Depart of Agriculture is teaming up with Homeland Security to determine that mny fridge is a threat to national security.
At 3/5/07 11:40,
Anonymous said…
Looks like your a condiment junky! I'm a wine-o (Paris is hot right now, what can I say?) My fridge is filled with champagne, crement, and white wine. Oh yeah... and Best Food's mayo, Heinz ketchup, and skippy peanut butter – luxuries in Paris! Bisous, Ms. Glaze
At 3/5/07 13:23,
Anonymous said…
sam: your porridge reminded me of a great wee porridge bar that i tried out in edinburgh last week - - look at some of the inclusions (i.e. tablet) for inspiration!
At 3/5/07 14:10,
Erin S. said…
kitchen beard--I think we have the same fridge. I'm embarrassed to say that in the very bottom shelf of the door there's a bunch of bodybuilding shakes that were in the same place when I moved into the apartment (from the previous tenant!) over 2 years ago.
I do have some lovely Wisconsin cheddar and some homemade marmalade though that I've been enjoying this week (not together!)
At 3/5/07 14:47,
Culinary Cowgirl said…
Mine is far too scary to take a photo of! I have tons of condiment jars stacked throughout (yes, I have a bit of a problem in that area...I like to try new things and then end up with numerous open jars). Then add the yogurt, milk, veg and all the other goodies, and well...let's just say it's not Martha Stewart's fridge.
At 3/5/07 16:20,
Dagny said…
I am happy to see that I'm not the only one who keeps a jar of bacon fat in the fridge.
At 3/5/07 17:02,
Anonymous said…
I wish my fridge looked like yours! Mine is disgusting, with lots of almost empty jars of dijon-ish mustards, lemon juice, ginger syrup, 2 weeks worth of organic trader joe's yogurt (it's the only kind i like right now - i stick a straw in it and drink it), butter, eggs (you never know when you might need to bake some cookies), fresh spinach and 5 kinds of cheese (loooove the humbolt fog, but sadly that's not one of them).
At 3/5/07 19:04,
Anonymous said…
Ooh, I think something in there may be for me. How exciting! I sent out your package yesterday, by the by. Let me know when it arrives!
At 4/5/07 00:33,
Alice Q. Foodie said…
Actually I think ours looks fairly similar - lots of bottles up top! Will have to take a photo and report back. Did you see my Delfina post?
At 4/5/07 06:35,
B said…
I think this is the cleanest, most well stocked fridge I have ever seen!! Mine looks nothing like this...hahaha. I think its time for a cleanout!!
At 4/5/07 09:10,
Sarah said…
So funny, great idea to post what's in your frigde. I am "that" person who loves to open up other people's fridge and see what they have stock in it.
You definitely are well equipped with some nice cocktails and dinner drinks. Love to see that! Happy Cinco de Mayo!
At 4/5/07 09:25,
meathenge said…
Eeek !!!
Tragic, pathetic and then yummy where the fresh delivered tamales are. But that's about it. Oh and the leftover beef roast I made last night that didn't turn out, there's that.
At 4/5/07 10:16,
Mallika said…
Oh dear... it's an embarrasingly empty feast. With a few bottles of alcohol thrown in!!
Loving the bubbly in yours...
At 4/5/07 11:37,
cookiecrumb said…
You cooked the beans!!!
At 4/5/07 18:45,
Unknown said…
At least you have actual food!
At 5/5/07 01:15,
Julia said…
Now there's a girl after my own heart - bottles of bubbly on the top shelf! (except they don't last long enough to be photographed in my fridge)
At 5/5/07 15:08,
leedav said…
Today was not a good fridge day. I opened it to extract my cold brewed coffee and milk and the second full milk bottle hit the other one and smashed discharging milk all over the contents of the fridge, under the fridge and under the stove. I wonder if I still get my deposit back if I bring back an empty bottle? Crappy morning.
At 5/5/07 20:08,
Anna Haight said…
I took the leap and posted a photo of mine today. I'd just cleaned mine out before a trip and not really stocked it since so it is a bit barer than usual.
At 6/5/07 04:42,
Deborah Dowd said…
I responded to a meme, but I can tell you it was not unedited! My fridge always seems to be bursting at the seams, and second in chaos only to my pantry! I'm jealous!
At 6/5/07 09:05,
Pepper said…
This is kind of an unofficial meme, I think. Mine is up here.
At 6/5/07 09:31,
Catherine said…
Impressive! Mine is clean but packed with produce (doesn't all fit in the crisper), yougurts, 3 things of hummus (how did that happen?), leftover pasta. It's kinda organized, but I often have to search.
At 6/5/07 13:17,
Anonymous said…
Oh - I want whats in your fridge!
At 6/5/07 19:37,
Squishy said…
I am going to join in to. Love it, lots of fun.
At 7/5/07 13:38,
Chubbypanda said…
A lot like your's, although more Asian ingredients. I have so many types of rendered fat, I separate them (bacon, beef, chicken, duck, etc.) and freeze them in small, silicon ice cube trays. Then I de-mold the fat cubes and put them in zip top bags to store in the freezer. Easier to just pull a tablespoon of this or that for cooking and it lasts longer.
At 9/5/07 23:51,
Marc said…
Good thing you didn't include the door in this meme. Flickr probably couldn't handle the number of notes that would be required to identify all of the tiny bottles on most food blogger's doors. And good thing you didn't include the freezer, as I have no idea what is in half of the containers.
At 11/5/07 10:53,
Gemma said…
After forgetting about this for a week I just did mine today, a few things I must throw away lurking at the back!
At 13/5/07 14:40,
Anonymous said…
Uhhh...I have a whole separate refrigerator in the garage, optimally positioned for quick access that is mostly for the alcohol, jars of stuff that don't fit in the kitchen refrig -- hence they go there to get moldy -- and unmentionable freezer items. Science, really.
At 14/5/07 04:48,
jef said…
I posted up the contents of my fridge. Loaded with veggies!
At 14/5/07 12:58,
Andreea said…
oh now i'll have to actually take a look. i know we have loads of wine and beer in one ...
At 16/5/07 01:46,
Anonymous said…
See for yourself:
BTW, could not add the link to your list, it just wouldn't let me log in for some reason
At 16/5/07 16:23,
shuna fish lydon said…
thank you for a meme I could finally complete! Mine isn't as tasty as yours. but I had an epiphany. I might hire someone to cook for me when I'm under the gun and baking around the clock.
At 28/5/07 21:54,
Mags said…
I'm not really a food blogger (I'm working on it though), but there *are* a few out there that I read regularly. Yours, of course, is one of them. Anyway, I just had to play along with the meme.
The verdict? I don't have quite enough of the bubbly in my fridge as I should.
This was super fun!
At 19/9/08 04:45,
Anonymous said…
you rich bar steward i hate you
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