The West Coast Launch of Menu For Hope III

Have a little fun: Play this game and try and catch a prize photo or a code number with the click of your mouse to find out what mystery prize lies beneath. There are more than 30, visit as many as you can:

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Menu for Hope?
Where does the money go?
How much do the raffle tickets cost?
What are all those UW letters and numbers about?
Some of those links don't seem to have a prize, why?
So, how do I bid on a Prize?
How long do I have to make up my mind about which of all these amazing prizes I should bid for?
Your game is driving me crazy. Is there somewhere I can go to see all of the prizes in list form?
Is there any way I can donate a prize too?
What about your regular Becks & Posh Blog Posts between now and December 22nd?
At 11/12/06 09:45,
s'kat said…
I love this! Great work, Sam!
At 11/12/06 12:15,
shuna fish lydon said…
This looks fabulous Sam! As always, you amaze and delight. I'm sorry I didn't get to the donating in time, but I hope to make up for it in raffle tickets.
Thank you for always being inspirational.
At 11/12/06 12:21,
Anonymous said…
Thank you Sam for coordinating this fund drive. Your energy and enthusiasm is inspirational.
At 11/12/06 13:04,
Anonymous said…
sam, the game is a nightmare, there are prizes i want to find out more about but can't click accurately enough to select them!
please do a list as well!
At 11/12/06 13:14,
Anonymous said…
This is very clever but does nothing for my eyes!! Good luck hope you get lots donations
At 11/12/06 13:23,
Sam said…
thanks everyone.
anon - sorry you don't like it.
just click in the space and you will get taken to the sites anyway - you don't really have to catch the picture, I just made it seem that way for a bit of fun.
I wanted day one of the campaign here on the west coast to be a voyage of discovery. I didn't want any of my hosts to be discrimnated against because their prizes perhaps didn't sound as glamourous as another's.
I wanted everyone to have an equal chance for visitor referrals from my site which is I set it up in this more mysterious, random way.
Additionally, I wanted the campaign to unfold a little, to grow. I didn't want to give everyything away on the first day. That would be like getting unclothed on a first date. Let's leave a little time here for some slow seduction first.
By the end of the campaign if all goes according to plan I will have covered every West Coast prize in full explanatory detail, but for now please be patient and kind with me. I didn't have too much of a weekend or much sleep last night to put this thing together. There is more behind the scenes work going on than you can ever imagine to pull this off.
thank you.
At 11/12/06 13:37,
Christine said…
I think you've done a damn fine job Sam! Clever, intriguing, snap and pop. It's wonderful! Take a bow!
At 11/12/06 16:55,
Catherine said…
Hi Sam,
So bidding is open till the 22nd?
At 11/12/06 17:04,
Anonymous said…
One question I have is "Will my contribution be deductible on my United States taxes?" Information at the IRS website implies that the answer is NO. Topic 506 - Contributions says this: "Contributions you cannot deduct at all include contributions made to specific individuals, political organizations and candidates, the value of your time or services and the cost of raffles, bingo, or other games of chance. You cannot deduct contributions that you give to qualified organizations if, as a result, you receive or expect to receive a financial or economic benefit equal to the contribution."
I'm not a tax expert, so if there are any reading this, perhaps they can chime in. And I have no idea how contributions to this event count in other nations.
At 11/12/06 18:59,
Anonymous said…
I love this! I don't know how you come up with all these innovative ways of displaying photos (I don't even know how to make a basic photo collage). I like the idea of a slow seduction. Thank you, too, for all the incredible work you're putting into hosting the West Coast - the largest contingent of bloggers - when you're so busy.
At 11/12/06 21:25,
Sam said…
thanks fior the supportinve words.
anonymous - regarding your tax questions - since this is a global event with entrants from many countries, I would suggest that anyone with these kinds of questions should probably contact a tax advisor in their own country.
catherine - yes the 22nd - I have asked Pim to give me an exact time stamp.
brett - considering my job I should know how to make fancy pictures eh?
At 12/12/06 01:02,
Sara, Ms Adventures in Italy said…
Sam, I'm participating in Europe, but I have to say I haven't seen an answer to this question: Can prize donors also bid on other prizes??? I am literally salivating at some of the other prizes and would love to give (more).
At 12/12/06 05:18,
Kalyn Denny said…
Sam, you are quite amazing. I have no idea how you've done this, but I wish I lived closer to you so you could teach me to do some of these things! Bravo!
At 12/12/06 07:45,
Sam said…
Ms A - yes of course - you can bid on anything you like - but be careful because some items have restricted shipping. I asked everyone on the West Coast to list their shipping restrictions and unfortunately many but not all are restricted to the USA.
You will need to read each one and see. I am sure you will find some great ones that will ship anywhere.
Kalyn - thanks - I have to admit this method is a little bit advanced - you have to tremember that I have animation experience in my job!
At 12/12/06 18:55,
Anonymous said…
"Any person, firm, or corporation proposing to engage in any game, contest, or other promotion or advertising scheme or plan in which a retail establishment offers the opportunity to receive gifts, prizes, or gratuities, as determined by chance, in order to promote its retail business, where the total announced value of the prizes offered to the general public is in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), must file a statement with the secretary of state."
At 13/12/06 09:52,
Sam said…
Hi Anon - I don't think we have retail establishments, just private indivisuals giving it their all.
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