Photographed: Every single thing I ate and drank last week
A visual food diary for November 20-26th 2006
Last week I challenged anyone who was interested, to take a photograph of everything they ate and drank for a week and then post it online. All fool me. This challenge was tough. If it hadn't been my own fault for suggesting it, I think I would have given up, especially because last week I dined out far more than I usually do and I get really embarassed about taking pictures of food in restaurants, especially dark, fancy dining establishments. But I stuck with it, soldiered on and let nothing pass my lips without it being digitally recorded first.
So, without further ado, go ahead and click on any picture below to see an animation of all the food and drink (excluding water) that I consumed on any particular day*:



thursday - thanksgiving day (USA)




*Results not typical. Living it up in Vegas is an exception, rather than a rule.
I know that several other people are attempting to take part in this challenge. As soon as I get the results together I will post a roundup of all the participants. Thanks to everyone who joined in. I look forward to comparing weeks of eats around the world.

PPS If you joined in the challenge too, you can either leave a link to your post in this comment and/or email me with the details of your results post. Thanks!
At 27/11/06 02:35,
Anonymous said…
Whew! I'm glad it's all over. Who would have thought it would be so hard? I reckon it's been worth it though – I'm fascinated to see your photographs by comparison...and I look forward to seeing everyone else's results too. How do I get my collage to you? My blog is
Due to a few technical difficulties I ended up creating 2 mosaics (through flickr toys) and these are posted on flickr. Thanks for the challenge!
At 27/11/06 02:58,
Jeanne said…
Well done you!! And what a gorgeous way to display everything! Aren't those Robuchon mashed potatoes somethign else? And that ultra-comforting-yet-grown-up eouf cocotte... Mmmmm! Glad to see also that you are drinking a lot of riesling - it's one of my favourites but still rather underrated, with visions of Blue Nun lingering. Sorry I only read about this challenge on Tuesday morning - next time I'd love to join in!
At 27/11/06 03:15,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam
I loved the photos. I didn't manage to do the challenge, because I ended up going abroad unexpectedly at very short notice. Your food looks divine though. I wish that you could come and cook for us for a week to ring the changes!!
If you didn't lose weight, you gave us all a treat at least.
At 27/11/06 04:13,
Alanna Kellogg said…
I had "boring cheese sandwich" visions when this all started but must admit, your 'plating' is gorgeous, Sam, every single meal, every single cuppa. I vote for you as the poster child for making the most of Blogger.
At 27/11/06 06:07,
wheresmymind said… for breakfast!
At 27/11/06 07:17,
s'kat said…
That was indeed tough, and I certainly didn't keep up as well as you, Sam.
At any rate, beautiful presentation, and you sure know how to party!!
Check out my stuff here.
At 27/11/06 07:48,
Anita (Married... with dinner) said…
Here's mine:
Much harder than I expected, but tons of fun! :)
At 27/11/06 08:09,
Anita (Married... with dinner) said…
Sorry, another comment... Sam, just finished with your slideshows -- how cool they are! S'kat and Lucy's pics are great, too... Can't wait to see others.
At 27/11/06 08:39,
Jocelyn:McAuliflower said…
What a blast- I love the styling on your food diary. I wish i could control the pace it flashes through the photos though.
My plans to participate were all messed up. Though I do plan to pull this one out in the near future.
It's always interesting spying on on other people's habits- and this is such a full disclosure approach.
At 27/11/06 09:16,
Anonymous said…
Yes, this was very tough indeed, but I made it!
At 27/11/06 09:29,
Anonymous said…
ahhh, Thanksgiving vodka breakfast. That's what I should have had to tolerate the fam a bit more. Whiskey lunch didn't hurt.
At 27/11/06 09:52,
Anonymous said…
Love the presentation Sam, looks like you had a good week even if all the food wasn't up to scratch.
Unfortunately I didn't last the week, just got too busy to remember to take photos!
Wish it had been last week when Mum was over and I was busy serving up delicious food, instead of the pan of soup that lasts me five meals!
At 27/11/06 09:55,
cookiecrumb said…
Yeah, I agree it was hard. But I just threw the idea of beauty shots to the wind and used my point-n-shoot. Nor did I photograph a single thing I drank; I missed that part. Oh, wait, yes I did. That glass of wine with gummy bears.
Nice work. Please, please don't pick Thanksgiving Week next time! :-D
At 27/11/06 11:05,
Anonymous said…
What a great week of lovely food! Great idea even if it was a bit tough!
At 27/11/06 12:28,
Anonymous said…
Sam, I love your daily slide shows.
My pictures are up. I can't wait to look at everyone's diaries. It actually feels a bit strange to be able to eat without stopping to take a picture first.
You can find my week here:
At 27/11/06 13:04,
Anonymous said…
I did it too! My entry is in Dutch but if you click on the thumbnail, you'll see everything I ate:
I thought it was pretty tough also and my week wasn't typical either, the last couple of days I wasn't feeling too peachy! So no, I don't think berries are a good, healthy dinner ;)
At 27/11/06 13:28,
Sam said…
thanks everyone - I will do a round up, hopefully before the end of the week when I have managed to look through all the entries.
and for mcauliflower - I am afraind its an animated gif and i only have speed control. I was worried about file sizes but blogger seems to be handling them ok - so I did slow them all down and hope that helps you 0 except for Tuesday because I have lost the source file and Friday because it was pretty slow already. hope that helps!
thanks a million to everyone who took part.
At 27/11/06 13:29,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam just to let you know I am having a peep at this from Spain. Will read it more thoroughly when I get home. If I post my weeks food diary it will be rather late.
At 27/11/06 13:29,
the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said…
Oh how very beautifully done, Sam. I will try to get my post up tonight, and maybe I will try to get the hang of this cool tech stuff.
This project has been a great learning experience for me--sometimes a bit of a trial for Mr. Chocolate Lady
At 27/11/06 18:11,
Delphine said…
beautiful! You have a very healthy diet, lots of vegetables.
The cream on Saturday was "oeufs au lait", not creme caramel, which explains the lack of caramel on it.
We were delighted to see you, we thought you were in Vegas for the whole week-end :)
At 27/11/06 18:14,
Elise said…
Hi Sam,
I was full of the best intentions. (See And then I got a wicked flu the day after Thanksgiving. Talk about a great way to lose weight! Combine a 103°F (39.4 C) temp with a complete loss of appetite. It's a times like these that I'm glad I have a little extra fuel on me. Will get the rest of them up when I return to the land of the living. Cheers ~e
At 27/11/06 18:31,
Catherine said…
OMG - you certainly eat beautiful food! There isn't a boring plate amongst these! I'm impressed by the total lack of snacks here! No cereal, no handful of pretzels/nuts! I suddenly feel like a serious snacker (yep I've on pre-dinner olive #6).
At 27/11/06 19:11,
Anonymous said…
An impressive feat and great presentation! Perhaps next year this project will have the budget for a freelance photographer.
hint, hint
At 27/11/06 19:18,
Saucy Joe Sullivan said…
Wow! You made it look easy! This exercise definitely made me think about what I put in my body ... more likely made me self concious what I was consuming!!
Thanks for letting me play along!! Here's where you can find my post: Saucy Blog
At 27/11/06 20:27,
Anonymous said…
well sam you continue to tantilize the eyes! one of these days I'll venture into the digital camera world...xo Katja
At 27/11/06 21:00,
the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said…
Hi again,
Here's part one
At 27/11/06 21:41,
Dagny said…
Just wanted to say that I loved the photos and captions before I curl up into a ball in my little hole of the world.
At 27/11/06 22:01,
Anonymous said…
LOVED your diary slide shows! And love your blog. I was in Las Vegas this weekend too, although I wasn't brave enough to participate in your challenge. We stayed at the Venetian and I ate at Postrio (decent) and drank at Tao (good) and don't really (want to) recall with any great detail any other food I cosumed. I will admit to lots of red wine and whisky and waters...
At 28/11/06 01:27,
Anonymous said…
Great presentation Sam. I wish I was disciplined enough to participate. Maybe next time.
At 28/11/06 05:10,
Anonymous said…
Ah, I didn't make it! I got most of the way through the week--even had a shot of the bowl of cake batter I licked. But I had to do a funeral and couldn't bear to take photos of food at the post-funeral reception so I gave up. Next time!
At 28/11/06 06:25,
Anonymous said…
Okay, after seeing other people's posts I got inspired and posted it anyway. I didn't get all the photos up but here's what I've got:
At 28/11/06 11:56,
Anonymous said…
Beautiful slide shows, Sam.
I've put together a summary of my participation in the challenge here:
an open cupboard
At 28/11/06 13:09,
@nn said…
Mine is up too:
It is in Dutch though, but I live in California and Yes, it was though!
At 28/11/06 16:20,
Anonymous said…
Oh wow, so I heard about this and am tracking my food for 3 weeks but I had no idea we were suppossed to take pictures of everything! Good thing too or I never would have started keeping track of things, I'm way to lazy for that, lol. I'm impressed you took so many photos!
Ari (Baking and Books)
At 28/11/06 20:15,
Bee said…
Well, it's not like my family didn't think I was weird before, so this didn't introduce the idea, just reinforced it.
I will say that this was an odd food week for me (25% of one's food intake for a week should probably not be pumpkin pie), but I had fun doing this.
At 29/11/06 07:56,
Sam said…
hello everyone - details of participants are still trickling in - My aim is to have the roundup ready on Friday, or failing that Monday at the latest. To everyone for taking part - I know you all suffered, so be assured my thank you to you could not be more heartfelt!
At 29/11/06 18:21,
Anonymous said…
I love the vodka for breaky idea. I'm going to try that tomorrow. Did you really eat only a smll smoothie on Monday, for example? That can't be enough calories for an adult in one day.
At 29/11/06 18:30,
Sam said…
brooklynguy - click on the picture and it will play an animation of everything else I ate on each day. don't worry - what you can see on the home page is certainly not the sum all of my diet, I think I woul dhave disappeared into thin air by now otherwise.
At 30/11/06 21:46,
the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said…
Sam, I am just beginning to get a clue as to how great a task this is going to be for you. I'm going to try and see if I can make sense of the week by theme beginning with:
all the tea i drank last week
At 30/11/06 21:51,
Sam said…
hi everyone - just to let you know that my best intentions have failed. I planned to do the roundup post tonight to post on Friday, but work asked me to attend an evening lecture on behalf of the team at the last minute so I lost my available time.
No worries- I will now post the round up on Monday which is a good thing - afterall - I always get my largest number of hits on Monday so hopefully you should all get a few more hits for your patience.
Thank you for your understanding
At 1/12/06 14:51,
Anonymous said…
ok, now I'm really hungry. I want something fancy and delicious.
At 6/12/06 06:59,
Anonymous said…
horny asian
At 22/6/08 02:05,
Anonymous said…
Good Job! :)
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