Bay Area Blogger of the Week #57
Reporting on The Grub Report

I had been planning on featuring The Grub Report as my Bay Area blogger of the week for the longest time, when I got wind of the fact the site was in redesign, improving on its diner menu layout which I always thought was an inspired idea. So I figured it would be better wait for the grand relaunch before I gave it a nod. I waited... and waited... and waited... and today, finally, about bally* time, I can give my hilarious and beautiful friend, Stephanie Vander Weide Lucianovic, all of the recognition she deserves.
Stephanie is a smart, sassy, funny, drop-dead gorgeous woman, a witty writer and cheesemonger whose favourite skirt - you know the brownish one with all the layers - I totally covet.
"I went up to Big Cheese, who was already having a stressful day, and said, "So, I've got an idea for some power marketing. We send boxes of cheese to celebrities -- Lohan, Cruise, and whatnot -- to promote our image and raise our identity." Big Cheese looks at me, half-expectant, half-probably-figuring-out-how to-let-my-horrific-idea-down-easy. I take a deep breath and say, "We'll call it 'Ouray for Hollywood.'" RIMSHOT! Big Cheese stares at me, then looks down, shaking her head and says, "Steph, that's why I love you." Thank you! I'll be here all week -- try the brie!"
I apologize in advance for impingeing on your weekend like this, but once you head over to, and get lost in The Grub Report, you'll be chuckling your way through Sunday. Enjoy...

PS - Bally is a formal intensifier - a word one of my step-grandfathers used to use infront of us kids to cover up the fact he meant bloody. My other step grandfather, bless him, would just come right out with it and swear.
At 4/11/06 11:08,
Mrs. B said…
When it comes to sitting down and cathcing up on my fave food blogs, I've been slacking of late, due to...well, too many things to list. But I ahd a spare half hour today to try and whiz through as many as possible. But thanks to you, I got a bit stuck at The Grub Report. Brilliant layout. I am sooo jealous. So much to read, so little time!
At 4/11/06 11:09,
Mrs. B said…
Yikes, apologies for my spelling errors, I really am pressed for time!
At 4/11/06 12:11,
Anonymous said…
Sam I noted the PS. I used to try hard to stop Gordon swearing infront of you children obviously I was unsuccessful. Mum
At 4/11/06 12:26,
Sam said…
I have been slacking too, Mrs B - there aren't enough hours in the day to read all the good food writing out there on the net. Glad you liked the Grub Report though.
Mum - but we loved him for it! A good dose of reality never did a kid any harm, and what's more - kids aren't stupid - we could just as easily see through the use of 'bally'.
At 5/11/06 01:24,
Anonymous said…
I have to admit that I don't remember "bally" being used, I do remember Gordon swearing and used to think he was brave for swearing in front of Mum!
At 15/11/06 09:40,
Anonymous said…
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