Marmite in Danger?
I was Just Really Worried when I read this post about this new story. Will my favourite Marmite, be on the chopping board next? Are the FBI going to come around to my house and search my pantry? I am afraid. Very afraid.

PS Related minds obviously think
At 23/10/06 08:29,
5%Celery said…
I live in the USofBush and at the moment--nothing is safe. I'm sure you heard our spinach supply was targeted. Vegemite and Marmite? What's next? Haagen Dazs because it sounds Scandanavian? But it's from New Jersey!!
At 23/10/06 09:21,
Kevin said…
I don't know how the FBI will react, I understand J. Edgar Hoover used to wear evening gowns and eat Marmite on on graham crackers.{tic}
At 23/10/06 10:06,
wheresmymind said… you like vegamite as well?
At 23/10/06 11:15,
Anonymous said…
Sam I can't believe you've done a marmite themed post same day as Mum! You better stock up on Marmite just in case!
At 23/10/06 12:57,
Anonymous said…
Sam just got back from the food coopertive collection opened your blog and what a coincidence I also wrote about marmite today. We must be telepathic. Well as marmite also contains folic acid I guess it will be next.
At 23/10/06 13:00,
Monkey Gland said…
Proof that the American's are a barabrian race who wouldn't know a good thing it is came up and slapped a yeasty marmity paw in thier faces.
Stock up girl, like in the War!!!
At 23/10/06 16:07,
Anonymous said…
It's virtually impossible to get English marmite here in Australia. So anyone coming to stay with us from the UK, has to bring us a jar. They are simply not allowed in the door without it.
In consequence, we currently have, gulp . . . 4kg of marmite on top of our cupboard. We are (of course) ignoring the sell-by dates as works of fiction.
At 23/10/06 16:33,
Anonymous said…
What's the problem with folate?! I take folate supplements every morning.. the doctor even told me to take them. Maybe I should just eat more Vegemite on toast.
At 23/10/06 17:23,
Anonymous said…
We at the FBI are watching you, Ms. Breach. Did you and Mr. Schmidt enjoy your meal at Garcon last night?
At 23/10/06 17:31,
Sam said…
that has to be the scariest comment I ever had. I am the kind of person who hides behind the sofa when The X-Files is on. I have to call my mum and start sucking my thumb again now. please excuse me...
At 23/10/06 17:32,
Sam said…
the wierd thing is the restaurant was so empty I can remember the face of everyone who was in there and I didn't know anyone (except the waitress)
At 24/10/06 04:51,
Anonymous said…
You are famous Sam! Officially.
At 24/10/06 06:44,
Kaer Trouz said…
The original news story had some inaccuracies. Folic acid is added to more than cereals and grains. Infant formula and peanut butter are among 2 seemingly legal foods that employ additional folate in the form of folic acid. According to FDA regulations, the fortification level for enriched grain products is 140 mg per 100 grams of product. The laws have to do with the connection between neural tube defects and folate consumption, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. The FDA concluded that since most pregnancies were unplanned, that prepared foods made with stripped down grains needed to be refortified. The only way I can see that Marmite might be banned would be that its folate levels EXCEED the regulations set in place by the FDA regarding birth defects. Excessive folate consumtpion can mask B6 deficiencies which puts the prenatal consumer at risk for other diseases including anemia. Ok that's it.
At 24/10/06 12:01,
Julie said…
Sam, you can come out of hiding. I just read this before I read your Marmite blog:
Vive le Marmite!!
At 25/10/06 11:50,
Anonymous said…
You have got me frightened as well now. I take Marmite sandwiches to work almost every day and I know I would suffer withdrawal symptoms
At 25/10/06 13:46,
Anonymous said…
it's a myth. vegemite has not been banned by the FDA.,23599,20641599-1702,00.html
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