Stella & Bo
Food Blogger Dogs, Three French in the House...

Food blogging has added many new things to my life. The latest was the opportunity to dog sit two gorgeous French Bull dogs for 10 days whilst my first ever food blogging friend, Fatemeh, from Gastronomie jetted off for a little vacation. Today is our last day with Stella and Bo and I couldn't let the occasion pass without featuring them here. Thank you to Fatemeh and her husband, C, for trusting us with their care.

Just to keep it slightly food-related, Stella and Bo are 6 and 4 years old respectively, but other dog-walkers I have been meeting won't believe me they are not puppies. One of the reasons for this is their lovely, soft-puppy-like coats. Fatemeh told me the secret of their fine fur is feeding them on raw meat. I can relate to that. Raw meat, way to go!

PS This is an entry into Sweetnick's WDB [Weekend Dog Blogging].
At 3/9/06 11:47,
Cate said…
They are adorable... the house sure will seem quiet once they leave. ;)
At 3/9/06 11:47,
Kalyn Denny said…
Hey you're quite the pet photographer. I was wondering how your dog sitting adventures were going. I'm not a big dog lover but my brother does have a very adorable Min-Pin that I might consider dog sitting sometime, especially if could go to his house to do it.
At 3/9/06 16:14,
cookiecrumb said…
I bet they hated the croissants too.
At 3/9/06 20:26,
Anonymous said…
oh those expressive eyes, so very cute!
At 4/9/06 08:14,
Sam said…
there were tears in my eyes when they left 8.(
cookie - I wasn't feeding them scraps but I accidentally dropped a piece of brioche which didn't last more than a second after Bo spied it.
I went to the beach after this pst with them, and I might just have to post some more photos of them next week...
At 4/9/06 10:48,
Anonymous said…
Sam, thanks to you and Fred SO VERY MUCH for taking such impeccable care of them, and spoiling them so rotten.
It was so nice not to worry about them one bit whilst enjoying our vacation.
f & c
At 4/9/06 17:00,
Anonymous said…
i am in LOVE with them both. lovelovelove!
At 5/9/06 01:56,
Anonymous said…
Sam, I can't believe how pretty they are - looking forward to seeing more of their sweet photos :)
At 6/9/06 05:07,
Anonymous said…
Well they look like puppies, that's why. What sweethearts -- better get a couple of your own!
At 6/9/06 23:11,
Dolores said…
Stella and Bo are absolutely adorable! They make me want to go an adopt one or two of my own.
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