Flying in From Arkansas
"Someone's In The Kitchen"

Meeta from What's For Lunch Honey organised a fun event called Postcards From the World where bloggers from all over the globe send postcards to each other. Yes! Real snail-mail hand-written postcards that come plopping through the letter box and look far more attractive than the pile of Bills you are more used to receiving. Taking part has been a wonderful way to become acquainted with bloggers that until now I had never had the pleasure of knowing existed.

My postcard winged in from Arkansas which I fear is one of those places I would pronounce incorrectly given half the chance. My first action, upon receiving the card, was to get to know the sender, Alison who has a blog called Someone's In the Kitchen. Alison's story fascinates me:
I love that Alison has been able to build a successful catering company so quickly, but her success comes with a caveat: If you dig deeper into her archives (not difficult since she only started her blog 2 short months ago), you'll discover that as Alison's business took off, she started to lose her own passion for cooking. Her blog was started as a means for rediscovering the thrills that led her into the business in the first place. I wish her the best of luck and hope, perhaps, that you could pop by her site and give her some blogging encouragement too.

Archive Alert! On this day in 2005: Beautiful heirloom Tomaaahtoes. |
Food | Blogging | Postcard | Arkansas Flying in From Arkansas
At 4/8/06 16:07,
Farmgirl Susan said…
What a fun idea. Postcards are so neat--and I fear they are going (or have gone) out of fashion. I have some wonderful ones from the 1920s and 1930s when people sent quick little greetings because they didn't have phones. My great aunt used to ask friends and family to send her postcards from around the world, and she put them all under a glass top coffee table so she could admire them every day.
Thanks for introducing us to yet another great sounding blogger (I'm off to visit as soon as I finish typing this)!
And you know I have to ask ('cause I'm sure everyone is wondering)--did the Marmite people invent that squeezable container just for you??? : )
P.S. A belated "Way to go!" on the fundraising 24-hour blogathon. You are incredible!
At 4/8/06 20:38,
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to stop by and say congrats on getting nominated for the 'thon awards! Good luck! :o)
At 5/8/06 06:49,
Anonymous said…
Long time lurker, first time poster ;) I just wanted to say that you're so lucky to have received your postcard! I'm checking my mailbox daily in the hopes that mine will arrive soon!
At 6/8/06 08:48,
Unknown said…
Go check out the website Post Secret. It's an ongoing art project where people write their secrets on a postcard and send them in. It's very cool.
At 6/8/06 12:48,
Meeta K. Wolff said…
sam, great write up. it was fun. even though i nearly went under in the whole organizing part of it at times, it was such a pleasure (and still is) seeing where all the postcards zoom around to. and what everyone has to say about their received postcards. i know this is one event i'll be doing again ... in sept/oct. and then to a theme maybe. hope you'll take part in it again!
At 6/8/06 16:54,
K and S said…
cool! you received your card. enjoy!
At 6/8/06 17:24,
Caribbean Dreamer said…
Sam-I'm so glad you received the card & thanks for stopping by & reading my blog. My aunt lives in Concord, CA so hopefully one day my name will be added to your "bloggers that I've met" section! Any you wouldn't be the first person to mispronounce "Arkansas"!!
At 7/8/06 06:09,
Parisbreakfasts said…
Boy I really love the teapot still life you set up! I could paint that one easily.
At 7/8/06 09:36,
Anonymous said…
farmgirl - I used to "collect" postcards too when I was a kid, but at that age I didn't have a coffee table for presentation purposes!
bug - thank you
ellie - I hope yours arrives soon
garrett - thanks for the link - that is a very thought-provoking site
meeta - organising blog events is much tougher than it would appear, eh?
K&S - thank you
chef alison - you will have to let me know when you are next in the area
paris breakfasts - you are very welcome to use it as a model if you wish.
thanks every one
At 8/8/06 12:57,
Pille said…
I cannot believe you've got the Squeeze Me Marmite there! I was looking for it at my local supermarket (all of them, actually, Tesco, Sainsbury & M&S), but none of them had it yet! Sulk. Maybe it's an English conspiracy against the Scots?? I need one before I go back home later this month, so I'll keep looking..
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