Saturday, July 29, 2006

Welcome to my Blogathon, 2006!

No one reminded me it would still be dark at 6 in the morning!

photograph picture resolve for headache and upset tummy contains paracetemol

The start of my 24 hour blogging marathon begins:

I have been known, on a Saturday morning, to wake up with a slightly fuzzy head and the need for a glass of Resolve. Resolve (which my sweet mother keeps me in regular supply of), is one of my favourite British medicines, and although it doesn't say so on the packet, it is the perfect hangover cure. Today, my sweet readers, I have no need whatsoever for this medical help. My resolve is having to come from within, instead. Although I was out late last night, I made sure to only have one glass of wine so my head is clear. And despite the fact I had the most terrible Blogathon nightmares on Thursday, I hope that the power failures, blogger failures and all the other terrible things I dreamt about will not actually happen and that the next 24 hours will run smoothly. Thank you for supporting me and joining me on my journey today.

Links, Resources and Further Reading

Please sponsor me to help Food Runners by Clicking here

Visit the Food Runners website.

Visit the Blogathon Website.

2006 blogathon 24 hours of blogging to raise money for food runners in san francisco on july 29th 2006

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Welcome to my Blogathon, 2006!


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