Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Au Revoir Paris...

...until we see you again

photograph picture of 16 Parisian scenes
Click to enlarge/Clicquez pour elargir

PS. See you in 24 hours, San Francisco. We have to go via Chicago so it's going to take a bit longer than usual...
Archive Alert! Awright, Sweetpea, 'owa yer doin'? This time last year I met naked chef, Jamie Oliver! What a cutie!

Au Revoir Paris...


  • At 14/11/05 23:12, Blogger Delphine said…

    We can't wait to see you again. Bon voyage!

  • At 15/11/05 00:12, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Much enjoyment in Frisco

  • At 15/11/05 01:58, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have a good trip back, et bon retablissement. Vos photos de Paris sont superbes!

  • At 15/11/05 04:45, Blogger Farmgirl Susan said…

    Gorgeous photo montage, Sam.

    Fred, I hope you are 100% recovered! Sending you both well wishes. : )

  • At 15/11/05 08:45, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Amazing photos! I esp like the cakes, cheese and chocolate...and the windmill.


  • At 15/11/05 09:40, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to hear Fred is much better, hope you have a nice flight home! Thanks for posting such a lovely Parisian montage, makes me want to go straight to the airport!

  • At 15/11/05 11:16, Blogger thamuti said…

    rentrez bien tous les deux, ca m'a fait super plaisir de vous voir, et de plus, je suis devenue accro au food blog ( sourire )
    et toi fredom prends soin de toi
    bisous a tous les 2

  • At 15/11/05 11:46, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wheeee! well so glad to hear that fred is back on attack, and that you two are headed for home...do you get to see any of chicago? i just went for my vacation and had such an AWESOME time!

  • At 15/11/05 12:27, Blogger Pomme Pomme Girl said…

    very nice colage!

  • At 15/11/05 14:49, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Paris ,moi aussi je viens de le quitter .........ja'i tant de choses encore à voir.

  • At 15/11/05 16:14, Blogger kitchenmage said…

    Those photos are beautiful, but none of the hospital? LOL Glad Fred's better and you are headed home...home is always nice.

  • At 16/11/05 07:39, Blogger tina said…

    Have a safe trip back home and thanks for all of the photos...makes me travel sick - speaking of which, glad Fred is better!

  • At 16/11/05 21:12, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maybe it was just me, but today when i went to your page i got a flash floating pop-over for an online casino on top of your page. that made me sad.

  • At 17/11/05 06:00, Blogger Elvira said…

    Lovely photos! :-)

  • At 18/11/05 08:50, Blogger Sam said…

    Anon - thanks for the heads up. The problem should now have been fixed. It was caused by some free software I was using in my blog roll which I have now deleted.

    Everyone else - thanks for all of the kind words and good wishes.



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