Is Something Fishy Going On?
Or Just Too Busy to Blog

Although I have hardly had a minute away from Narnia for weeks, I have been making sure to find time for my weekly Local Artisinal Ingredients Class at Tante Marie Cooking School. Last week we concentrated on fish and I volunteered to help make the Salmon and Tuna Tartare with Spicy Lemon-Ginger Vinaigrette, Wasabi Tabiko and Sesame Tuilles you see pictured above. I wonder what treats will be in store for us tonight?

(PS - You can guess if you like. I really don't have a clue. But I can tell you tomorrow.)
Archive Alert! On this date in 2004 we were tasting a Carneros Creek 2001 Pinot Noir. |
Food | Eat Local | Artisanal | San Francisco | Cooking | Recipes Is Something Fishy Going On?
At 27/10/05 10:19,
cookiecrumb said…
Oh god. Are you transferring to Singapore?!
At 27/10/05 10:53,
Sam said…
i hope not.. no one tells me anything.
Cookie - don't put ideas in anyones' heads.
I am quite happy where I am, thanks
At 27/10/05 11:09,
Stephanie said…
OH, god!
You're working on Narnia? Seriously? My in-awe-ness of you has just gone into the Ozone
At 27/10/05 14:13,
Owen said…
Can you tell us what you do on TLTWATW?
And is the film going to be any good (we'll take it as given that the effects will be Oscar-worthy!)
And did they let you make the Turkish Delight for them? (they should have...)
At 27/10/05 16:12,
Kalyn Denny said…
The tartare looks just wonderful. I think raw tuna is the perfect food.
At 27/10/05 17:09,
Greg said… the school worth the bucks? With your skills they should pay you to teach.
At 27/10/05 20:12,
Anonymous said…
Sam I see there is some NZ input into Narnia. Are you likeley to get a trip to NZ out of it?
At 27/10/05 21:36,
Rose said…
I pretty much dig anything tartare. There is just something so mouth watering like raw fish/meat with spices. Something about the "wildness" of it all.
I'm digging this cooking school. I wonder if I can find something like it in NYC.
I was a big fan of the "Lion, the witch and the wardrobe" as a kid, but I hope you get some more free time to cook and rest!
At 28/10/05 09:18,
Sam said…
Stephanie - really its no big deal, honestly, I am surrounded by 100s of people all doing the same thing, but thanks for your sweet awe-struckness.
Owen. I could tell you and then I would have to kill you. I am afraid I wasn't involved in the turkish delight stage. Thei loss, huh?
Kalyn - I agree. I volunteered to make the tartare because I have a slightly higher chance of getting Fred to eat it than I would have done with cooked fish.
Greg - the school isn't cheap but it so much fun - especially as at the start of the class we have a fascinating artisan-related lecture from different professionals. Then we just have fun cooking dozens of recipes and eating a feast. You can choose which recipe you are interested in cookinng so I usually force myself to select one which is going to teach me something I want to know.
I am a completely self-taught cook so cooking around and learning from other people how they approach things is an utter joy to me.
Barbara. Unfortunately not. The show is almost finished. I am not involved in the shooting and I am just a very very tiny cog in a huge gigantic wheel.
Rose - they do a week long holiday class here at Tante Marie. Maybe its time to take a trip to SF?! I think thenext one is in march.
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