Early Rising
My first ever Souffle, for IMBB#20

It is just as well that I was so inspired by the October 3rd announcement that IMBB#20 would be on the theme of souffles, that I went home that very night and made one, out of whatever I had available in the pantry/fridge. I had intended it to just be a practise run for this weekend. But the reason I have risen early today is because I have to go to work. Yes. On a Sunday, pah. Aside from wedding commitments, I have spent just about every waking hour of October working late nights and overtime which meant I couldn't join in SHF, Blog Appetit and WBW as I had hoped to.
This isn't a great picture. It's not a particularly great looking souffle and although it rose beautifully it overexpanded its ramekin. But it tasted delicious and Fred was more than impressed. It was a classic gruyere, the recipe was taken from The Cordon Bleu at Home, I served it with rashers of Fatted Calf Bacon and a creamy roasted pepper sauce accented with Spanish smoked paprika.

Archive Alert! On this Sunday last year I was busy creating an Ugly Duckling entry for IMBB # 9 on the subject of Terrines. It's really ugly. Check it out! |
Food | IMBB # 20 | IMBB | Cooking Early Rising
At 23/10/05 08:45,
Shauna said…
Actually, Sam, I think it's a great picture. Don't worry--you made it. And I'd come over and eat that with you anytime.
Yaboo sucks to work on a Sunday, however.
At 23/10/05 10:20,
Anonymous said…
Sam that looks yummy I am begining to worry about feeding you when you visit, I can't compete with you and your blogging friends!!
At 23/10/05 10:51,
Farmgirl Susan said…
Sam, I've never made (or even eaten) a souffle, but that has to be the most enticing one I have ever seen--really. Looks and sounds absolutely scrumptious. Well done, you!
P.S. Gee, that's a switch. Lucky you. My mum comes here demanding to be fed! : )
At 23/10/05 10:56,
Sam said…
mum - you know i am going to be the happiest girl in the world with some white crusty bread from M&S, salty butter oven roasted pork chipolatas.
Or maybe we should treat Fred to one of your roasts. (Beef, yorkshire and roast potatoes with gravy [only remember you have to tell him it's called "sauce"])
shauna - i simply loved your story about the gluten free souffle and meeting molly. I was meant to meet molly a while back but her car broke down on the arranged day, so we had to postpone!
farmgirl - the souffle is really easy - you should try it. BTW - I am not demanding my mum feeds me when we visit, but she always worries about it anyway, especially because she knows there are some English foods I sorely miss (sausages). We are only there for 2 nights and one of them will be a special dinner so she doesn't have too many meals to worry about. I'd be happy with a Marks & Spencer cheese and celery sandwich.
Melissa - did you do the frosen one? I am off to your site to check...
At 23/10/05 11:03,
Sam said…
melissa - your site crashes my mozilla at work (I have that problem with quite a few sites) so i will check later at home. Is there a new in the pink event? I am out of the loop...
At 23/10/05 11:27,
Nic said…
Susan, you've never even eaten a souffle? I must insist that you come over for dinner. You're missing out!
And Sam, I think that the photo is wonderful. Even the "dripping" of the souffle looks purposeful. Great colors, too.
At 24/10/05 02:23,
Lady Amalthea said…
I really like the overflowing souffle. It makes it look that much more edible.
At 24/10/05 07:45,
Sam said…
Nic - can I come for dinner with Farmgirl too please?
Lady A - it was pretty edible. We had two each (they are so light - and even then wishing we hadn't halved the recipe for 2!
At 24/10/05 08:52,
Farmgirl Susan said…
Hmmmm. What kind of cheese in the cheese & celery sandwich? (And how do you cut up the celery?)
P.S. Nic--what? Only dinner? You know I saw your amazing breakfast and lunch souffles. : )
At 24/10/05 09:39,
Anonymous said…
I love the look of your volcanic lava soufflés, Sam. Sounds like the perfect way to start the day, especially with a side of bacon. I've worked on more Sundays than I can count. My heart goes out to you.
At 25/10/05 08:07,
Sam said…
Farmgirl - its a mix of cream cheese and cheddar on some wholewheat bread. It is nothing at all astounding, I have just always loved it, and Marks & Spencer sandwiches in general. Especially with a bag of crisps.
Brett - I am very lucky - since I lived in the US this is only my second sunday at work (in 5 years) and we are union so we do get paid extra. When I lived in the UK before that, I think I worked enough 7-day weeks to last a lifetime. Now I am getting old I just can't take it any more.
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