Thursday, September 01, 2005

We're Packing our Bags

Becks & Posh is going to be taking a little Vacation
Enough of this Blogging Mularky!

photograph picture Francisco
My first ever IMBB entry from September 2004

I did have plans of pre-preparing posts that would magically pop up in my absence (thanks to Amy for volunteering to help me by posting them for me.) I certainly have enough material to cover my absence. But it dawned on my that my blog really wouldn't be me without me here to nurture it. I am heading somewhere it won't really be possible to get on the net, so I am going to take a complete break and hope you will all join me again when I return.

In the meantime, I am including, at the bottom of the page, a set of links to archive posts from last September, which you can wade through it you are in need of something to read. You can laugh at my naivety - I only discovered the wonderful world of food bloggers in August 2004, and last September was a revelation for me - it was when I entered my first ever Is My Blog Burning! A year ago my photos pretty much sucked, I had an audience of about 10 people a day and I hardly ever had any comments. The IMBB post is an exception - note the comment from Fatemeh who has since become one of my best food blogging friends.

Talking of Is My Blog Burning, after patiently waiting for eleven months, I am finally, at long last, hosting September's edition. The announcement will be the last post I write before heading off, on Saturday, for my holiday. Check back in the next couple of days to see what it is going to be...

From the September 2004 Archive: The Coffee Table, Silverlake, LA - A simple Labor Day Dinner - A really fun, memorable crazy night out - Sake Tasting at the Hotel Nikko - The discovery of one of our favourites: Oola - Opera in the park and a Tartine picnic - The pre-opening party at La Suite - Star Spotting in SF: Keanu Reeves - A letter home to my Mother and a girls' night out at Levende Lounge.
We're Packing our Bags


  • At 1/9/05 09:31, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have a wonderful vacation! We'll miss you!

  • At 1/9/05 09:58, Blogger NS said…

    I hope you have a great, relaxing, well-deserved vacation!

  • At 1/9/05 10:29, Blogger Ced said…

    have fun! how long??? I know you have M in the works, will you miss N too?

  • At 1/9/05 10:40, Blogger tara said…

    Enjoy the trip. You certainly deserve it, and you will be sorely missed! Cheers!

  • At 1/9/05 10:42, Blogger Mona said…

    Ha, August 2004?? Try August 2005. I feel like you, I get a few comments a day, I'm like, where is everybody?
    What is IMBB? I know it's the site ismyblogburning but do you have to join it ? Like food s'cool?
    I went to the site but it wasn't totally clear to me...
    Have a great vacay! I'm jealous, today's my Monday.

  • At 1/9/05 10:47, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You are a darling, darling person, and I feel VERY blessed to be counted amongst your friends.

    It hardly seems a year ago, doesn't it? And, truly, shame on us for never having made it to Anzu together!

    When you return, I shall make a point of planning it.

    Have a wonderful time, and can't wait to see the pictures!


  • At 1/9/05 11:05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy trails, Sam!

  • At 1/9/05 11:27, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, you can't leave us hanging like this. Where are you going?

    I was in your lovely city yesterday: did you see me waving from the ferry to Sausalito? Did you hear me whimpering over the delicious food at Boulette's Larder?

    Have a great trip, dahlink, and I look forward to your return. Safe travels!

  • At 1/9/05 11:38, Blogger Banlieue Blog said…

    Have fun....we'll all be there when you return!

  • At 1/9/05 13:40, Blogger shuna fish lydon said…

    If anyone deserves time OFF it is Y O U !!! take that break and, as my grandmother would say, "You should wear it in goot healt." (Yiddish accent implied.)

    and OF COURSE we will be waiting to hear your voice when you return.

    and maybe then it will be time for another food bloggers dinner...


  • At 1/9/05 13:50, Blogger Farmgirl Susan said…

    Oh sure. Just last night I leave a soppy comment about what would we ever do without you, blah, blah, blah, only to wake up and find out that you are leaving! Hope you have a splendid, blog-free vacation! (But you are taking your camera, right?) : )

  • At 1/9/05 13:53, Blogger Monkey Gland said…

    enjoy your hols!

  • At 1/9/05 15:01, Blogger Kim said…

    Bon Voyage, Happy Travels, etc! Have a wonderful time.

  • At 1/9/05 15:55, Blogger Zarah Maria said…

    Have a great one Sam! We'll all be waiting for your return!:-)

  • At 1/9/05 17:35, Blogger Delphine said…

    Enjoy your vacations!

    We wil lmiss you dearly

  • At 2/9/05 06:53, Blogger Shauna said…

    Laugh so hard that you snort, unexpectedly. Sleep and experience that deep rest we can only have when we're on vacation. And of course, eat so many damned great meals that you can't believe your luck.

    We'll miss you.

    (OH, and thank you SO much for linking to my site. I had such a thrill this morning when I discovered it. Sam linked to me?! Wheee!)

    When are you coming to Seattle?

  • At 2/9/05 13:29, Blogger Jennifer Maiser said…

    You know, this picture cracks me up. Isn't it funny how far you can come in a year? I'm coming up on two here in September, and I feel like my blog is constantly evolving.

  • At 2/9/05 18:52, Blogger Sam said…

    Thanks for all the good wishes everyone.
    Of course I am not going to tell you where I am going or for how long - you'll just have to come back in a while and find out - huh!

    Have a great time in my absence,

    love Sam

  • At 6/9/05 11:23, Blogger Lady Amalthea said…

    Have a really wonderful vacation, Sam! You definitely need it. And make sure to tell us all about your fabulous meals.

    Mona, IMBB is a site, but also a monthly "contest" where bloggers post recipes, etc. all relating to a common theme.


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