Shopping in the South Seas
The Largest Retail Produce Market in the Pacific...

...can be found in the Capital City of which country?
Work that one out and you'll know where Fred and I just spent a blissful two and a half weeks on vacation. Much more about our food experiences in this wonderful country to come.

Archive Alert! On this Friday in 2004: Pronto Pasta Retrospective |
posted in Food and Eat Local and Farmers Market Shopping in the South Seas
At 23/9/05 16:25,
cookiecrumb said…
Oh, thank god. I'd been mainlining Epicurious in your absence, and just couldn't get that high I needed.
No idea what country. (Deep envy, though.)
At 23/9/05 17:48,
Farmgirl Susan said…
I don't have a clue what country you were in. I just wanted to say WELCOME BACK and YOU'VE BEEN SORELY MISSED!
Thought maybe you had found there was sooooo much free time to be had sans blog, that you had decided not to come back. *sniff* (And to add insult to injury, were leaving that last purply photo as your final post. . . : )
At 23/9/05 21:02,
Anonymous said…
I know where you have been :)
Lucky two
At 23/9/05 22:38,
eat stuff said…
Glad your back Sam! Hope you are nicely refreshed!
At 23/9/05 23:28,
Anonymous said…
Welcome back, Sam! We've missed you. Let me guess. Do I see lots of blue lagoons, perhaps? And water in square-ish plastic bottles?
At 24/9/05 00:39,
Monkey Gland said…
Hey there Sam! Nice to see you home safe and sound.
Yeah, you're off the hook ;-)
At 24/9/05 08:25,
Anonymous said…
I dunno... the Phillipines? I bed you enjoyed yourselves. Michele sent me.
At 24/9/05 08:26,
Anonymous said…
Were you in Fiji? Suva?
I am glad you're back.
At 24/9/05 08:41,
Anonymous said…
I'll add my welcome back to the chorus. (And I won't guess, since I know where you were...) Hope you two had a blissful time and are brown as little bears.
At 24/9/05 09:11,
Rose said…
welcome welcome back!!!
At 24/9/05 11:11,
Shauna said…
Thank goodness. I've been gearing up to make a vegan meal, just in your honor. But every time I check back, I'd just see that last vegan-challenge post. I was starting to want to eat chunks of meat as a protest.
I'm not going to guess. I'll just let you tell me.
At 24/9/05 11:47,
Anonymous said…
Fiji of course, can't wait for the stories! XO K
At 24/9/05 15:37,
MizD said…
Yay! Sam's back!
At 24/9/05 17:10,
shuna fish lydon said…
we miss you.
no more heavy sighs.
we should see you 'fore you disappear into the work again.
At 25/9/05 08:09,
Anonymous said…
Very jealous...hope all that exotic tropicalness was enough to recharge you and Fred. Welcome back!
At 26/9/05 05:42,
Niki said…
Hmmm, you've deliberately written 'South Seas', so it has to be Polynesia somewhere. Tahiti? I think you've either been to Tahiti or New Caledonia or Vanuatu...
Unless it was Micronesia/Melanisia and you were in Guam?
At 26/9/05 07:49,
Sam said…
Thank you so much everyone for all the heartfelt welcome-backs and congratulations to all those who guessed correctly. The answer was Fiji and the market (more pictures to come) was indeed in Suva.
Sorry I haven't had time to answer you all more personally - my internet access has been down for more than half of the weekend and it was a struggle just to get today's post out. More from Fiji to come - I promise you.
love sam x
At 27/9/05 00:13,
Niki said…
Lol! Ok, Fiji. No wonder I didn't guess; Aussies never think of Fiji as being in the South Seas like the French islands. It's just one of those islands near us in the Pacific!
At 27/9/05 08:09,
Sam said…
Niki - I wasn't sure - I had the same thought as you - but then I did some research on the net & concluded anything south of the equator was eligible to be labeled South Seas.
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