Bay Area Blogger of the Week #11

One of the reasons they were offline for a month or so, was that their very pretty, stylish site was moving home. I am pleased to announce, they are up and running smoothly at their new address. Go and check them out, say hello, read about how they came to have 7lbs of strawberries which they made into the delicious looking waffles pictured above. Also catch up on recent their last minute visit to the French Laundry illustrated with an amazing selection of pictures..
At 18/6/05 10:17,
Tracy S said…
MMMMM that looks yummy .I am going to have to go make something to eat now ..I was already thinking about getting lunch and that did it ..:)
Here via Michele's
At 18/6/05 14:50,
Sarie said…
Oh god that looks good.
And I didn't eat lunch, so it makes me even hungrier!
Hello Michele Sent Me!!!
At 18/6/05 15:00,
carmilevy said…
I'm gaining weight just reading your artfully photographed and explained confections. What a lovely site! Found you via Michele.
At 19/6/05 13:41,
Anonymous said…
Wow! Thanks for saying such nice things about our blog *swoon*
Would you believe we went and bought even more strawberries? And now, we are moving on to cherries and peaches. Summer is SO exciting! :)
-Jenny & Alan
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