Bay Area Blogger of the Week #10

Who says food and politics don't taste good together? Debby explains: I'm a Northern Californian. Oh, all right -- I'm one-half mile from the Marin County Civic Center Farmers' Market, and I walk there twice a week. I recently discovered Debby, aka CookieCrumb when she left a comment on my blog. Well, I think she has left comments before, but this time I linked through and noticed she has just started a Bay Area food blog, another Marin-based one. It is called I'm Mad & I Eat, you can check it out here. Please, go and say hello to her, and check out her spanking brand new oven.
So, why did Debby make such an impression on me with her comment on my post yesterday? Well, because she offered up another, different opinion to mine. This is a good thing. My first impression of the food at a San Rafael Saloon bar was bad, but she kindly let me know that she has eaten some great food there which indicates it may be worth giving it a second try. I wanted to thank Debby for making my post more rounded.
Ok, that's all for today. I have to go to work again. Glumness ensues all around. Any Bay area bloggers who are going to the Kron 4 meet - have fun - I wish I could be there to hang out with you all.
At 11/6/05 09:05,
Guy said…
You ain't going to the Meet? Well, that blows. My sister and I will be attending, see what those free snacks are all about. Wish you well,
At 11/6/05 09:28,
Amy Sherman said…
We'll give you the full report. In the meantime your better treat yourself to something yummy to make up for all that overtime. Perhaps a cupcake?
At 11/6/05 09:36,
Sam said…
i think tomorrow i am going to make myself a sugar high tart
At 11/6/05 13:46,
Anonymous said…
Aw, it would've been fun to finally meet you Biggles. But, like Sam, I am working.
At 11/6/05 15:38,
Guy said…
Hey all,
Yes, the best part was getting to meat a few people. But all in all it was pretty creepy and you guys didn't miss anything. Remember, this is only my thoughts and feelings.
I read the evite thing as I was walking in. Basically, this gathering for for 'our' benefit. So we could meet each other and network, as it were. Sure, okay, that's creepy in itself. But KRON is up to something, they're going to be launching something web related and related to blogs. They want to have a master list of all us on their site, plus they've hired someone to write about what we write about. That too, I find is creepy. Then there was some guy with a cool little video camera walking around asking us Why Did We Come Today. Then he asked whether we were looking to work there. Arooo?!?? Then the president got up and said he wanted to help us out, What Do We Need? Eh? Biggles needs some new socks, that's for sure. Mr. President then informed us we were to help them in return. Or something closely related to that. As near as I can tell, they want a slice of what we're up to. They obviously think they can make a buck. There wasn't really anything clear about the day, at all. We got fed and received free clothes (a T-shirt). Yes it was a nice day and I did get to meat a few people, but it was just damned freaky. They want something, I can smell it.
At 11/6/05 15:46,
Sam said…
Hmmm - thank you Sherlock Sausage for your speedy report.
I thought the Kron 4 evite protested a little too much that there was no ultrior motive to their "generous" invitation to hang out with other SF bloggers.
Well, they are pretty unsavvy if they think a bunch of bloggers are going to fall for a bit of schmoozing and a t-shirt. (I bet they didn't do girl-tees for the girl bloggers)
The only help we need round here - is Food Blog S'cool. eh?
At 11/6/05 15:56,
Guy said…
Hey Sam,
Nope no girl shirts and they were plain white. When the President was speaking you could hear people making comments and quips. It was fun though and it was neat to go play around in the News Room stage. It'll be interesting to see where this all goes, probably not far. Or who knows, it could. I told the guy I wanted to make money with photography in some way. He was not impressed and that wasn't the answer he was looking for. He was phishing for something specific. The only job that piqued my interest was one in Emeryville last year where they needed someone to update their blog for two branches of the meat industry. But it only paid 30k a year, that isn't even remotely close.
I missed Fatted Calf this morning too, dammit. Grrrr.
At 11/6/05 16:00,
Sam said…
Did you read the story about the blogger being paid $100k to write about The Dukes of Hazard for a year?
At 11/6/05 16:58,
Guy said…
WHAT ?!?!? HUH? No, what's the scoop?
At 11/6/05 17:25,
Guy said…
Yeah, I don't know what to say. I enjoyed it nearly 30 years ago and my boys love it today. But it's just dumb teevee man! Of course, on the happier side, if this sot can conjur up this kind of pay for that kind of work? I still have hope of making it big. I'm hopeful, sort of.
At 11/6/05 17:47,
Amy Sherman said…
On the flip side, I had a ball.
Who cares what KRON is up to? Not me. I'd rather they talk to us then go around saying how much we suck, which used to be how "traditional media" used to view us.
As it was, I got to meet Owen of Tomatilla, chubby and eyeball of Bunrab and our very own drbiggles himself. What's better than that? Nothing, unless of course you consider taking pictures of oneself sitting at the anchor desk. Did that too!
At 11/6/05 18:00,
Sam said…
Amy - you are the best.
I am always getting rap for being so negative and you are the complete opposit to me.
I am jealous you met the BunRabs and Owen. But it's hard to miss Dr B in Berkeley on a Saturday morning, so I have already had that pleasure.
I hope owen got to sell some books.
can't wait to see the photo of you at the anchor desk up on your blog maybe????
At 11/6/05 18:25,
Guy said…
Hey All,
I don't think Owen sold any books, but he handed out his Press Release and I sawr him talking to the powers there. This is a good thing, it's a hook for them. Plus a small handful of us brought OUR copies. We all held them up during the group photo. I have no problem being a media slut. Amy is right, it was good. But my Spidy Senses were tingling, this means I'm an old crank. Yeah, meeting the BunRab crew was awfully cool. And buying one of Shuna's first T-shirts was gratifying. My sister was remarking on the way back, "Shuna is just the cutest thing ever." And I can hardly wait to get the .jpg from Amy's husband, sorry man I can't remember you name. As usual, Biggles was there just hanging out and using most of his brain power to stand upright.
At 11/6/05 20:37,
Guy said…
Hey All of YOU,
Anyone intersted in having a picnic at Meathenge Labs?
Between Sam & Shuna I'm sure we need to nail down an exact date, otherwise it won't happen.
No media will be invited.
At 11/6/05 20:40,
Sam said…
oh Biggles
i don't know what to say
i had a picnic suggestion post prepped for publication tomorrow
I had an idea. but it clashes with yours, of course.
i email you privately
maybe we can have two picnics!
At 11/6/05 20:46,
Guy said…
Well, my idea was to have us all together. If your plans have us all together, then we're set!
Have it where you will, or you're welcome to have it here at Meathenge Labs.
All that matters is we get together.
At 12/6/05 09:03,
Sam said…
Bloggers meetup by Kron 4
Nloggers meetup by local blogger Niall Kennedy
At 12/6/05 09:44,
Guy said…
Neat. A friend just called, it's 9:44 Sunday morning and he said he just saw us on the news, me in particular. I'm busy today, not sure how much I'll get to watch tv.
At 12/6/05 16:21,
Guy said…
Hey All,
We're coming close on a date, just need to confirm with my wife's calendar.
I need help, pure and simple.
Biggles has the way and means, but I usually fall short on making sure everyone is invited. I make up for it by making more meat.
Here's what we'll need. We'll need logistics, we need to get the word out, without having nitwits from the next county showing up. We'll need to organize menus. We'll need a beverage layout. It's easy for Hillbillys, just tap the keg. But we'll need a finer point on it. What kind of flatware and plates do we want to do? Table cloths, I have quite a few. We'll need Homey touches, Shrek knows. I would like to see flower layouts, inviting stuff.
I'm going to have to move my outdoor kitchen over so we can have more table space outside, under the Boom Boom Room. I'll find more tables too. I have enough tin troughs for ice & beverages. I have enough power & speakers to fill a small stadium, blow out a club. Our rear lawn should be large enough for most, plus I have other tables, chairs & end tables.
I'm planning on having 3 grills (1 of which is my NOLA Smoker). We'll be able to grill anything or smoke nearly anything. In fact, I have a Caja China Cooking box, do you have an 80 pound pig? We could do a whole pig.
I've contacted AC/DC to see if they're available.
And that is just the start. Let's start things rolling and get it laid down. Sam or someone may know how we can get this all down at a local place, concentrated.
At 12/6/05 16:52,
Sam said…
sounds good - as long as its all LOCAL right!
I think we should get an email committee together
thank you biggles
i like the idea of a whole pig
At 12/6/05 16:53,
Sam said…
oh and biggles - maybe we can get taylor to do us something special especially
I assume all his meat is local?
do you know?
At 12/6/05 17:39,
Guy said…
Hey Sam,
I do know his pork is from Niman. I know his Beef is from a local source as well. All his sources are either Organic or Natural, nothing less. Ever. Not even ONCE. The mushrooms & herbs & spices all come from the market.
To tell you the truth, I am going to invite Taylor & Toponia, I can't leave them out. He'd be jazzed to do us a special order of something. If you have a wish list, let me know.
In fact, we need to go out of our way to invite producers as well. Only as friends to come share in the bounty, nothing more. I will also send a personal invite to Amanda Berne, she was so nice. We'd be nothing without the farmers and ranchers and friends. Don't you think?
We need an email commitee and we need a local, somewhat private web page where people can get the scoop. I can set something up on my servers here at Cyberbilly, if someone can give me the information or even better, the CODE.
This Picnic (I really want to use this term) will be the standard.
At 12/6/05 17:44,
Guy said…
Oh and as far as themes go? You are more than welcome to go where you will. I will adapt with no problem. But I'm not going to worry about it. Sam, imagine the people that will be attending. There isn't even a 1% chance that anyone will blow it. My vote, is to have everyone do what they love best for this season. Make use of everything fresh from the best local source. If something comes from Oregon? Okay, but it had better knock my knickers down. Or so to speak.
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