It's Quiz Time Again
My work hours have just gone through the roof and I don't have time to blog and write up my posts. I do, however, have a lot of good material lined up, so I thought I'd ask you all to guess what is in store for when my blogging gets back on track.

(click on the picture to enlarge. Can you see the cute little gooslings?)
Over the next 10 days or more I am going to be having a little quiz. Keep the answers to yourselves. At the end of the competition I will ask you to email me all your answers and I will award a prize* to the winner. In the event of a draw there will be a tiebreaker. I can tell you now, the tiebreaker will probably be to guess how many hours of OT I worked between 2 given dates. My family members will not be allowed to enter. The questions will span continents and I don't imagine anyone will be able to answer them all, so still join in, even if you don't know the answer to everything.
Question 1: What is the name of the place where this picture was taken last Sunday? Clue: On a warm San Francisco day (especially a weekend), you’ll see the most remarkable cross-section of locals at this funky bayside dive of a restaurant.
*prize to be announced shortly.
At 6/5/05 08:42,
Unknown said…
can I still send you my pink post... or am I too late?
At 6/5/05 08:46,
Sam said…
Hi Lauren - you have until May 11th to send your post. That's May 11th, 11.59pm Pacific Time, so you still have plenty of time to get entries in!
At 18/5/05 19:58,
Neel said…
It looks like Fisherman's Warf. BTW love your blogs!
At 18/5/05 20:56,
Neel said…
Whoops, I can't follow directions very well.
At 19/5/05 08:46,
Sam said…
It's ok. You are wrong!
At 18/1/10 14:20,
Andrew said…
Ramp Restaurant in China Basin, San Francisco, CA
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