The Father, The Son or The Bombolini?
Boriana's Corner -it's not just for Ceci anymore..

I used to feel sorry for Boriana and her little corner full of Italian imports tucked inside The Holy Name of Local Foods Temple in San Francisco. She didn't attract as many worshippers the other stores. Occasionally I would wander in and pay my respects to the Ceci, but I confess, I wouldn't stay long. One day Boriana set up an altar dedicated to Bombolini in the aisle and then the believers came flocking. Some preyed on the chocolate, others prayed for custard, but me? I bow down before you, oh Raspberry Bombolini, anointed with sugar. I bow down before you, Raspberry Bombolini, yeasty, chewy and oh lordy. Forget second comings, I want thirds and fourths and infinitums... Raspberry Bombolini, you are my chosen one, you are greater than any god, you are the BEST

PS - Spell Checker told me to spell it 'worshipers' so I told it to bog off.
At 9/7/07 20:59,
Dagny said…
I think that I would go for the raspberry as well although the custard does sound mildly tempting.
At 10/7/07 02:34,
Beccy said…
Dam, I so want a donut. Shame no one makes decent ones here.
At 10/7/07 05:58,
Squishy said…
I agree Jam Donuts are simply the best and my favourite. Something about that sweet tang of raspberry in the middle, just makes me drool..........
At 10/7/07 05:58,
ChrisB said…
Beccy you will soon be able to have one here!
Sam that photo has me drooling. I had plenty of Timbits in Canada I will be writing about them soon.
At 10/7/07 06:18,
Anonymous said…
you aren't kidding Sam! The first time I opted for a nutella. It was so good and gone so quick that I went back for a raspberry. Durn good!
At 10/7/07 08:50,
Anonymous said…
I agree - great stuff, lovely bombolini and cheese and they also have that cute little wine bar set up inside.....think i'll head down there now!
At 10/7/07 09:10,
cookiecrumb said…
And then there's me: No sweet tooth, little appreciation for that stunning, sugary bomb... But I'm wild about your mini cake plate! (I think I can guess how that came together. Brava.)
At 10/7/07 13:37,
Anonymous said…
This doughnut looks absolutely to die for...and it is 10:30 at night over here in France!My first comment on your blog. Lovely blog!
At 10/7/07 13:50,
Krizia said…
I was just at The Holy Name of Local Foods Temple and saw no shrine to doughnuts. But, I must confess, that isn't what I was looking for :) Thanks for the highlight. I shall explore more thoroughly next time!
At 10/7/07 15:06,
Madame K said…
What a great word. Bombolini!
I wish I had one to eat right now, too.
At 10/7/07 16:45,
Marco said…
Well, having grown up just outside Florence ... the word is actually "bomboloni". Still a great word ;)
I promised my wife I'd pick some up next Saturday morning, she saw them last Wednesday. We'll see ...
In general, though, Boriana is pretty poorly priced. That has to account for its general traffic flow.
The one thing they have which is pretty difficult to get any other place, and not way overpriced, is chestnut flour - and it really makes an excellent castagnaccio.
Always a chicken 'n' rice blog BTW
At 10/7/07 19:55,
shuna fish lydon said…
The best in all of North America? Are you absolutely positively sure?
Well, ok, I'll come back to the Bay Area then.
Although it's so lovely up here in Portland...
At 11/7/07 06:19,
Sam said…
dagny's got the right idea
beccy - no one did here until now so there is always hope
squishy - and this better raspberry jam than I've had in mosyt doughnuts
mOm - looking forward to reading what a Timbit is
jeanne bee - glad I am not the only one to have made this sweet discovery!
Alison - I should have mentioned the wine and the coffee but... cheese - not sure I want cheese with my doughnut thank you very much! Do they sell the doughnuts on week days?
cookiecrumb - rose and radish all the way
ronell - it almost is to die for - just about!
Krizia - not sure if they are a Saturday item only - perhaps call them and ask?
Karen - I wish I did too.
Marco - thank you - now I feel "duh"! But I don't think anyone notices my faux pas much - probably because, hmmm - well they just look so good! And thanks for the chestnut flour tip - I must try that. I was just given a copy of the Silver Spoon so maybe it has some recipes?
Shuna - Portland or no, I am absolutely certain.
At 11/7/07 08:50,
Marco said…
It's OK, Boriana spells it with two l's ;) You have to forgo linguistic hangups, especially with words like "bombolone" which are so local ... I would NOT ask for one outside of Tuscany, just in case.
Never owned a copy of Silver Spoon - it wasn't the way it worked for us. So I can't tell you if they do. But chestnut flour ANYTHING, with Bellwether's sheep's milk ricotta, whipped with some cream maybe, is the combo. Castagnaccio or crepes/necci.
See also
At 11/7/07 08:57,
Sam said…
marco - double duh - thank you.
I wrote it down in my notebook at the market or i can't read my own writing and I guess I got it wrong but when words are unfamiliar it is more difficult to see the errors.
I did wonder why nothing came up on google image search.
I LOVE chestnuts so thanks for those suggestions. I went to Babbo but didnt have a chestnut dessert there. In fact i dont remember what i had for dessert though I have a picture of it somewhere. Mmmm - maybe I will have to go again...
At 13/7/07 12:53,
Anonymous said…
Isn't it kind of sad that the store has been so sad and lonely with just ingredients for cooking but when they produce a prepared food, they get a crowd?
I thought the store was kind of boring actually but it is a trend that prepared foods do better than pure ingredients.
At 13/7/07 13:03,
Sam said…
i think it is something a tourist can eat too! Local shoppers still buy veggies and beans and stuff. I would never have gone there for ceci either, if you sold them, steve!
At 16/5/08 14:22,
Anonymous said…
After reading this post a YEAR ago, the Bombolini has been haunting me. Today in SF, it's hot-hot-hot and me and my co-worker decided we needed a treat. OMG! The Bombolini is AMAZING! We got one chocolate and one raspberry. The raspberry is AMAZING! Thank you for the tip and your amazing photos!!
At 16/5/08 15:10,
Sam said…
I am glad you liked it - and now I might have to have one for breakfast tomorrow - even though I am am meant to be on a diet, darn it!
At 13/2/09 20:03,
Secretaries & Shoppers United said…
I found your Blog because it said South Beach and I wanted to know if someone was or is using my trade marked name? Since I have active trademarked the name "Bombolini's" since 1984 and operated 5 locations. To view the Website and recipes go to it
This is not for advertising since I have closed all locations but still have the Bombolini's name and may reopen in the near future. Read about Bombolini's at the site above for more information. On request I will send the Bombolinis donut recipes, contact me from the site.
Happy Valentines Month Feb. 2009
Chef Carlos
At 4/3/09 08:30,
humblejen said…
I was on a cruise ship last week and had my first bomboloni. I watched a short live cooking demo by the head chefs and then went on a galley tour. At the end of the tour I asked the French/Italian chef about this pastry they served at breakfast and he explained that it was a bomboloni. I asked how do I get that recipe and he said he would write it down for me. He told me to ask my waiter at dinner to come ask him for it. He had written it down for me! I am making them today!
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