Happy Birthday mUm!!
To the Best mum in my world...

Photograph of my mum taken many moons ago before I was even a twinkle in her eye. Mum has banned me from putting photos of herself on my blog, so I hope she'll forgive me for sharing this particular one. But it's so great, I just had to use it - and afterall it is food-related, it contains a big cake! She can't really be cross with me, because back in the early 60s, when this photo was snapped, it was published in the local newspaper, so its already been on public display. And anyway, I am about to give her some good news...
Mum I have a surprise for you...!
Do you remember how I bought you a raffle ticket for the Menu for Hope draw? Do you remember how you didn't win? Were you disppointed? Well, be disappointed no more! Sandra, the winner, of the gift I had had hoped you would win, was unable to collect the Parisian part of the prize in person. She'd gotten wind of my hopes for your success in the draw so out of the blue she generously asked me if I might like to pass it on to you instead. Can you see where this is leading? Dear Mum... I am sending you to Paris to eat Berthillon ice cream with David Lebovitz. Enjoy! (Watch out for David, he's a cheeky 'un). Oh, and will you blog it for us all, too, please, you needn't be in the pictures?

PS. Fred sends his love to you too.
PPS - Many thanks to Sandra and David for helping me plan this surprise!
PPPS. Be warned - David may officially ask you for your permission to take my hand in marriage.
Daily weight loss, weightwatchers and diet notes:
At 25/1/06 07:25,
Anonymous said…
Wow what a surprise. This is a lovely present you have a very kind friend to give up her prize. I am feeling quite overwhelmed. A very HUGE thank you to everyone. Actually this is one of the better photos from my youth so you are forgiven. Nothing like to wrinkly oldy that i am now.
At 25/1/06 08:04,
eat stuff said…
That is a lovely present for your mum Sam!
BTW Congrats on the 19.5 :)!!!
At 25/1/06 08:06,
Anonymous said…
congratulations to your mum! An Congratulations to you on the 19,5!!! Well done!
At 25/1/06 09:24,
Jennifer Maiser said…
Wow, Happy Birthday Sam's Mum! I love that picture so much ...
At 25/1/06 10:01,
Pomme Pomme Girl said…
"Happy Birthday mUm!!"
nice photo++++
At 25/1/06 10:30,
Anonymous said…
And congratulation to your lucky mum...Chesnut and cinnamon are great ice flavors at Berthillon. *sigh*
At 25/1/06 10:33,
Shauna said…
Now that's a loving daughter!
That photograph is fantastic, as well.
However, please do remind your mum that David is mine. Thanks.
At 25/1/06 11:00,
Fabienne said…
Happy birthday Mum ... She's so nice.
At 25/1/06 11:02,
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday Sam's mum! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead and a lot more birthdays to come!
Now we know that where Sam got her looks. Is that a "there was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children she didn't know what to do" cake?
At 25/1/06 11:12,
cookiecrumb said…
S A M ' S
M U M!
At 25/1/06 14:32,
Anonymous said…
That is a very sweet picture and a sweet note of you to her! They are the best. I hope your mum has a great birthday.
At 25/1/06 14:48,
ZaZa said…
Happy Birthday to your mum, and what a serendipitous surprise. She could be your sis, couldn't she, you look so much alike?
At 25/1/06 16:42,
deborah said…
Hi Sam - What a lovely pressie! Hope your mum has a lovely time - ice cream is always a sweet birthday treat - and in Paris - what more could you want :)
I've been meaning to say congrats on your new adventure with WW. I am a supporter if the WW menu as I have lost about 15kg in the past (also with exercise). Mind you over the last 7 years I have managed to gain it back as I have stopped exercising.
Anyway, just want to say yay for you - and I look forward to hearing more about your experiences. It really does take guts to put it all out there.
And in a three fold comment, I've tagged you for a food meme - sorry! But I think this might be a good one seeing your new goals for the year.
At 25/1/06 17:11,
Hungry Hedonist said…
Happy birthday Sam's mum! What a great surprise! I can't wait to read your post.
At 25/1/06 19:54,
Civic Center said…
Wow, you look like quite a bit like your mum in the 60s, Sam. I guess that genetics stuff really is true.
At 25/1/06 22:11,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to your mum!
At 25/1/06 22:37,
shuna fish lydon said…
Happy Birthday Sam's Mum!
I like the shoe cake. She was ahead of her time, no doubt.
But since I'm the only pufter in the room I have to say that I have the best chance with DL. :}
WW has helped so many people whom I love. I like that what you eat is your choice and the program is paired with communication snd exercise.
Now if I can only find a weight gain program...
At 25/1/06 23:46,
Molly said…
Wow, Sam, what a wonderful birthday gift! So sweet and touching! Cheers to you, and a very happy birthday to your mum.
At 26/1/06 11:38,
Mona said…
Your mum is so luckY! That was so thoughtful of you..amazing! I'm sure she 's so excited!! Does she use the internet or did you have to tell her in person? My mom doesn't use the internet :( I always have to print stuff out for her if I mention her in posts-ha!
And that picture is awesome, one for the family archives!
At 26/1/06 12:03,
Anonymous said…
I add my birthday wishes to Sam's mUm. You clearly take after your mUm's side of the family, Sam, both in appearance and in your shared love of food and design.
At 26/1/06 13:12,
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone I dont think I have ever has so many birthday wishes so a big thank. I would love to take the credit for making the cake but it was one of the hospital chefs; back in those days they made them for all the wards. I did try and be a little creative with Sam and her sisters birthday cakes when they were very young. But as Sam has told you before she soon took over in her early teens and was so much better than me. I am really looking forward to my first trip to Paris, having talked about going for years I've now got to decide who I am taking!!!
At 26/1/06 18:37,
Greg said…
Wow! beauty runs in the family.Happy Bday to mum
At 26/1/06 19:15,
Anonymous said…
Sam, tres bien! :)
Mum, Very Happy Birthday! What joy!
At 26/1/06 19:33,
Elise said…
What a lovely present! Your mom is going to have a great time with Monsieur Lebovitz.
At 26/1/06 22:15,
the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said…
Happy Birthday Sam's Mum and many happy returns of the day!
At 27/1/06 04:58,
David said…
Why I oughtta....
Wait'll I get my hands on your mum here in Paris.
We have SO much to talk about...once I ply her with glace Berthillon...
(...now if it would only warm up a tad. Paris is congelé...)
At 27/1/06 05:12,
Admin said…
Happy Birthday to your Mom.
And hey congrats on the PPPS. Did I say I tagged you??
At 27/1/06 07:42,
Sam said…
Hey everyone - my mum is very touched by all the comments. And she wsn't cross with me for posting that picture. She's actually quite fond of it (which is probably the only reason she gave me a copy in the first place)
At 27/1/06 14:47,
Anonymous said…
By-the-way,Sam, Thanks for raising the bar on gifts for moms! :)
At 27/1/06 17:51,
Anonymous said…
Happy belated birthday, Sam's mum! I first thought it was you Sam, such a beautiful picture and beautiful mum.
At 29/1/06 21:00,
Charlotte said…
Happy belated birthday wishes.
(What a wonderful picture, and a wonderful present!)
At 30/1/06 23:34,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for helping to remind me how wonderful my mother is, as well. The photograph is wonderful -- why is it that these old photos seem to be filled with so much hope and innocence? And thanks, Sam, for a wonderful blog. I learn something every day here.
At 4/2/06 01:35,
kitchenmage said…
You are the world's coolest daughter, Sam. You may be giving up David, however, to your oh-so-lovely mother; I'm betting she's snagged a heart or three.
Sam's mom, have a wonderful time and make sure to ply David with wine to get stories out of him as well.
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