Dining Outside in San Francisco
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I found this link to map of outdoor restaurants in the Bay area in the comments section of Michael Bauer's blog post yesterday on the same subject. This map was created and shared by an SFGate reader with the handle 'djflux'.
It seemed like a lot of hard work was employed in creating this map, so I hope djflux doesn't mind that I am sharing it here too. In his comment he said:
"Here's a Google Maps listing I've been working on for a little while that has restaurants/cafes/bars/lounges with outdoor patio seating. I'm eschewing sidewalk seating in favor of patio seating because most establishments only have a few tables on the sidewalk and I'm more in favor of nice, big, secluded outdoor spaces tucked behind the facade. If you have any more suggestions please let me know-- as you can see, most of them are in San Francisco but I'd ideally like to expand it to all around the Bay! You can leave a comment on the maps page."
All credit goes to djflux, thank you, stranger. Enjoy the heatwave!

© 2008 Sam Breach Dining Outside in San Francisco
At 15/5/08 08:41,
ChrisB said…
I didn't get to try any outside dining!
At 15/5/08 09:08,
Sam said…
I believe we had lunch outside at the Stinson beach grill on a beautiful November day that even saw you paddling your feet in the Pacific oceaN?
At 15/5/08 10:02,
Evian said…
No worries on posting the map! I'm glad people will be able to find some good outdoor spots! Evan aka djflux
At 15/5/08 10:42,
Anonymous said…
At the new Chez Papa in Mint Plaza last night, the patio was packed from 7pm until about 10.
At 15/5/08 14:57,
Alice Q. Foodie said…
ooh ooh I know this one! Belden Lane! The ferry building also has a lot of good seating on the back side - whey Boulette's does breakfast, thats the coolest.
At 15/5/08 17:07,
Anonymous said…
doesn't list la terrasse???
At 15/5/08 23:07,
Mike Czyzewski said…
I don't get it...I absolutely DESPISE being hot when I eat. Patio dining on a hot day sounds horrible to me...I'd much rather be inside with the air conditioning...
At 16/5/08 06:57,
Anonymous said…
I agree with Mike. Extremely hot weather + eating outside = not fun. Its perfectly understandable if the weather is just nice and sunny. The weather out here in the Bay Area has just been way too hot.
At 16/5/08 06:58,
PR@ said…
thanks for the suggestions, everyone, and thank you again to Evan R.
Mike - I guess we need people like you to keep room on the patio. European's have the desire to eat outside at any opportunity in their blood, I believe, and they haven't got a clue, even, what air conditioning is ;)
At 16/5/08 07:06,
PR@ said…
Hey Lando - crossed wires, we posted at the same time. I think a balmy evening (which there are far too few of in SF) is the perfect time to eat outside. Last night at our local Piccino (where they always have some tables outside) they actually put every single one of their tables on the sidewalk. It was definitely cooler than inside the restaurant. There was a lovely, lively party atmosphere and the place was packed with happy people having a great time.
Eating outside in the midday sun (without an umbrella) would be something I would only expect mad dogs and Englismen to try...
At 16/5/08 12:58,
alyce said…
The ballpark! Nothing like a beer and a dog while watching a game.
Also, Guaymas or Sam's in Tiburon are on the top of my list.
Sitting on a stoop (someone else's is fine) drinking a cup of coffee with my eyes closed is pretty nice, too.
At 16/5/08 14:55,
Anonymous said…
Coffee would be awesome. I would have to make mine iced though! I'm hoping that the weather just cools off a tad bit more so I can take my girlfriend out for some al fresco dining. My most memorable eat was in Left Bank in San Jose - great to enjoy people watching and food.
I just might make a trip out to the city tonight though with all the talk here.
At 17/5/08 11:29,
Anonymous said…
My favorite place is Fish in Sausalito. I love sitting on a picnic bench, facing the bay and eating a crab roll with fries!
At 18/5/08 07:35,
Anonymous said…
i like to go outside dining...
At 18/5/08 11:03,
Anonymous said…
I like to pack a picnic lunch at the ferry building and take the ferry to Angel Island. we then climb to the top of Mt. Livermore and enjoy the best views of the bay. breads, cheeses, wines, salumi, olives and fruits round out the deal.
At 19/5/08 21:03,
Stephanie said…
I'm a simple girl. I always enjoyed sitting outside at Barneys.
At 21/5/08 04:55,
Anonymous said…
Pretty cool. I lIke that API!
At 9/6/08 14:58,
Anonymous said…
Sam's in Tiburon you can't beat it!! Best Bloody Marys and burgers!!
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