Smoked Salmon and Caviar

Delia Smith's is perhaps not the most straight forward Blini recipe in the world, but it is one that turns out satisfyingly puffy little pillows of joy on which to bed smoked salmon and other fellows like Bellwether's creme fraiche dotted with Chue's Farm dill and a soupcon of caviar.
Little Organic Farm potatoes, both white and dark purple can be steamed and then chilled before being sliced into little disks big enough for a small blob of the cream and a fanciful dash of beet and saffron or wasabi whitefish roe. What these eggs lack in flavour, they certainly make up for with their eye-catching colours.
Jewels on a plate. Too pretty to even eat, perhaps...?

Today: A Happy 'Special' Birthday to Katja!
At 3/12/07 02:13,
Anonymous said…
I've used waxy potato slices as a canape base like this too, but sliced raw, etched with the tines of a fork, dabbed with butter and then roasted on a cookie tray. They were a bit chip-like, so I laid the smoked salmon on top so they weren't made soggy by anything else, and of course they were best still warm.
At 3/12/07 10:54,
Julia said…
Ooh Sam, you tease. I so wish I could reach into the screen and grab one of those.
At 3/12/07 12:42,
cookiecrumb said…
Happy "special" Birthday to Katja. Looks like she got quite a treat.
At 3/12/07 14:37,
ChrisB said…
Happy 'special' Birthday Katja. These look good enough to eat!
At 3/12/07 15:30,
Bea said…
Is there any left of anything Sam? Looks pretty, and delicious.
At 3/12/07 18:11,
cookiecrumb said…
(Your mum and I are writing poetry together.)
At 3/12/07 20:39,
Kevin Kossowan said…
They DO look seriously fantastic...but you had me at 'salmon'...or was it 'smoked'...
At 3/12/07 22:09,
Sam said…
ha! i love the poetry. of the post, the comments of life. i think i need some sleep
At 4/12/07 07:54,
Chibog in Chief said…
hmm they all look yummy..will fit all in my mouth :-)
At 4/12/07 08:25,
Babeth said…
Gorgeous picture!
At 4/12/07 12:16,
ChrisB said…
CC and sam wish I could say the rhyming was intentional; maybe I shouldn't admit this then I would look clever!
At 4/12/07 13:30,
Flo Bretzel said…
Very nice picture of these Jewels!
At 6/12/07 08:19,
Hillary said…
If you have these ingredients laying around, then yes I agree this would be a great party platter enhancer.
At 6/12/07 17:04,
swirlingnotions said…
Yuuuum. I've been wanting to cure some salmon as of late, so now I think I'll have to. Did you get your roe from Tsar Nicoulai? I interviewed them for an article last year and was really impressed with how committed they are to sustainable fishing. They have a roe that's similar to flying fish roe that their chef said you could "infuse" on your own with whatever flavors you wanted . . . I got all dreamy about it at the time--freshly grated horseradish? fennel pollen? curry?--and then life got ahold of me. But your post has me thinking again . . .
At 7/12/07 07:24,
Katy said…
gorgeous! yum.
At 7/12/07 08:37,
Mallika said…
They do look gorgeous. I just find making blinis so fiddly. Nigella lawson had a great recipe for little potato blinis on her new show last week.
At 10/12/07 23:11,
La Cubana Gringa said…
The dinner I just ate now seems largely unsatisfying in comparison to these...sigh.
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