Spicy Pickled Carrots
From the Happy Girl Kitchen

I love it when I bump into or meet a friend at the Saturday San Francisco Ferry Building Farmers' market. Instead of taking my own route around the many stalls, if I follow someone else, I might stumble across something new.
That's how Catherine led me to Happy Girl Kitchens and insisted I bought some pickled carrots. Looking back a couple of years, I remembered a post about a Tartine Croque Monsieur that I wrote about in September 2004. This is what I said: "I loved the unusual pickled carrot accompaniment. A not too crunchy, not too soggy, not too carrot-tasting, incredibly hot and spicy pickled carrot. Yum - I need someone to tell me how to make those!"
Of course I never did quite get around to making my own pickled carrots. And now I don't need to - I've found someone who'll do all the hard work for me. Happy Girl Kitchen, welcome to my pantry. I love your spicy, crunchy, healthy pickled carrots, oh yes I do.

At 10/5/07 21:51,
Anonymous said…
Utterly addictive, n'est-ce pas?
At 11/5/07 00:54,
Beccy said…
Sounds interesting...
At 11/5/07 06:36,
sallywrites said…
I keep trying to imaagine waht these would taste like - and I can't quite get it......
At 11/5/07 06:45,
Anonymous said…
I love spicy pickled carrots. For those of us who don't live near SF, does anyone have a good recipe?
At 11/5/07 08:09,
cookiecrumb said…
Ah, so that's where this spicy pickled carrot craze is coming from! Very nice.
[Let me intrude a little here. Mary, I made a jar of pickled vegetables last fall that included carrots. I'm terrible at recipe-writing, but if you read the comments you'll pick up some proportions.]
At 11/5/07 09:10,
Rory said…
I love those carrots, but they always disappear way too fast. You should also try their cumin pickled green beans - even more addictive.
At 11/5/07 10:07,
Anonymous said…
When I lived in LA, my favorite Mexican restaurant served spicy pickled carrots along with tortilla chips before the meal. I honestly ate there just for the carrots. I've been trying to replicate them since moving up north, but to no avail... so I'm incredibly happy to hear that now there's a professional version out there. Can't wait to try it!
At 11/5/07 10:33,
A Few Reservations said…
Ooooh! They sound divine!
At 11/5/07 11:26,
ChrisB said…
I'm not sure about having carrots pickled I so love mine raw and crunchy.
At 12/5/07 01:20,
Gemma said…
Now I'm desperate to find out what these taste like, every time you mention your farmer's market I get very very jealous.
At 13/5/07 05:57,
Jen said…
I am not usually a fan of pickled anything although we have a similar type of thing and I have to say that it is addictive. Carrots were meant for pickling!
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