Lentils + Sausages + Bacon + Red wine = Love
Showcasing The Fatted Calf's Toulouse Sausages & Bacon

I recently left Fred at home whilst I enjoyed an unprecendented two girls' nights out in a row. By way of an apology for neglecting him, I prepared Fred a dish I thought he would take particular pleasure in. Although lentils are one of those foods I don't normally go out of my way to hunt down, he likes them a lot. By the time I had added several indulgent, high-quality ingredients to this particular recipe, even I couldn't fail to steal a spoonful

Toulouse sausages by The Fatted Calf are the current craze in our household. We haven't been without a pair of these plump, juicy beauties sitting next to the stalwarts, bacon or pancetta, on our Fatted Calf shopping list for weeks. There is nothing like an ample dose of pork fat and a splash of Côtes du Rhône to make something spectacular out of an assuming helping of green lentils, believe me.
Decadent, Sausage & Lentils (Serves 4)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup diced carrot
1 medium onion, decided
5 cloves garlic, roughly minced
1 cup green lentils
2 bay leaves
a few fronds of parsely tied together
2 cups chicken stock
1 cup tomato juice*
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups red wine
4 fat sausages
6 rashers of bacon, cut into bite-sized portions
1 cup chopped tomatoes
salt and pepper to season
chopped parsly to garnish

- Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat
- Add the carrots, onion and garlic and cook slowly until the onions are soft and translucent
- Add the washed lentils and stir for a couple of minutes until they are fully coated with oil
- Add the tomato juice, salt, chicken stock, parsley, bay leaf, parsley and red wine
- Bring to a boil
- Turn down the heat and simmer for an hour
-Remove the bay leaves and parsley
- In another large skillet quickly fry the bacon and sausages in their own fat until lightly golden
- Slice the sausages into fat, bite-sized chunks and add them, the bacon and all of the fat they rendered to the lentil mixture
- Cook for a further 15 minute
- Add the cup of chopped tomatoes and stir to warm them through.
- Check for seasoning and add salt or pepper to taste
- Garnish with chopped parsley to serve.

At 31/10/06 23:08,
Anonymous said…
Now that looks like a dish Dad would enjoy I might give it a go
At 31/10/06 23:59,
Anonymous said…
So might I!
At 1/11/06 06:05,
wheresmymind said…
Wow...that looks like something that would be completely devoured by moi ;)
At 1/11/06 08:15,
Anonymous said…
I think you could also leave the sausages whole if you would prefer.
Also - the recipe is free form - no need to follow it with a fine tooth comb.
I think it would be nice with a crispy baked potato.
At 1/11/06 08:58,
Anonymous said…
I remember seeing Toulouse sausages when I was in England recently and it made me wonder, why are they called toulouse? Is that a stupid question? I assume they are pork but what do they taste like?
Oh and also that looks amazing. I too love sausages and lentils. LOVE.
At 1/11/06 09:16,
krista said…
I think my husband would like this dish!
At 1/11/06 10:12,
Anonymous said…
You are *such* a good girlfriend! Fred is a lucky man.
At 1/11/06 10:18,
Owen said…
So - DID Fred like them?
At 1/11/06 12:24,
cookiecrumb said…
Well, that settles today's kitchen quandary. I'm going down there now to cook some lentils.
At 1/11/06 13:36,
Delphine said…
My idea of comfort food! Lucky Fred !
At 1/11/06 17:31,
Anonymous said…
That is gorgeous. Lentils and sausage are the husband's favorites... I'll have to go a-hunting for some extra-special ones. All I can find in SoCal is turkey or chicken-based... sigh...
Sam, you might be interested in a post I wrote today about making the traditional Christmas Pudding...
At 1/11/06 17:40,
Lisa Fain (Homesick Texan) said…
What a perfect autumn dish. And next time I'm in San Francisco, it looks like a trip to The Fatted Calf is mandatory.
At 1/11/06 18:42,
Anonymous said…
I'm suffering withdrawal from a lack of Toulouse sausages! G and I discovered them on our trip to the Bay Area this summer. After the lovely market day I had with you, we grilled these fantastic sausages over charcoal. We were both so impassioned that I went and picked up a bunch to freeze and carry back to NY on the plane. I'm sure the other passengers wondered where the sweetly pungent garlic aroma was coming from. Sadly, however, we've now run out. Seems like just one of many good excuses to get ourselves back to your neck of the woods ASAP...
At 2/11/06 05:01,
Anonymous said…
I wish I could find good sausages here! Lentils and sausages are the perfect comfort fodd for me.
At 2/11/06 07:51,
Anonymous said…
Quick question: were the lentils dry or already cooked? Soaked?
At 2/11/06 09:58,
Guy said…
Toulouse, it's a French thing. I have a package as well. Sounds as though tonight would be a perfect time. mmmMMmm, Lentils.
At 2/11/06 11:38,
Sam said…
dry lentils no soaking.
At 3/11/06 08:45,
Anonymous said…
Sadly, the Fatted Calf doesn't seem to deliver outside your area. I'll have to find a source for Toulouse sausages in Chicago. Anybody know one?
At 3/11/06 22:31,
Anonymous said…
I made this for dinner tonight! (With pork sausages with thyme in place of the Toulouse sausages, which I couldn't find.) Mmmm.
Sometime soon, I'll have to make the trek up from San Jose to get some Fatted Calf sausages.
At 8/11/06 10:42,
Jeanne said…
Oh wow Sam! Talk about comfort food... In fact, my two favourite comfort foods in one dish! I have to say that there is something magic about a combination of sausage and legumes. And I'm quite besotted with Toulouse sausages. We BBQd them every night (just about!) when we rented a house near Seillans (Alpes Maritimes) in 2004. Sigh... good times good times.
At 9/11/06 01:15,
lobstersquad said…
great. totally unlike the Spanish way with chorizo and pimentón. I´ll have to try this
At 13/11/06 14:39,
Anonymous said…
I just made this recipe for dinner tonight, and it was great! The perfect winter meal. The only thing keeping this from being outstanding was that I couldn't find the right sausage...and I live in the French part of Switzerland. Maybe Toulouse sausages are called something else here.
At 30/10/08 22:14,
Anonymous said…
Great recipe - worked great with toulouse-style sausages from the Campbell (CA) farmer's market!
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