Pineapple Guava
In Season in California

It probably sickens the rest of the world to hear Californians drone on and on about eating locally and seasonally. It's not exactly difficult for us, is it? As the rest of the Northern hemisphere grimly anticipate a Winter of turnips, carrots and cauliflower, I am still discovering fruits and vegetables at my local market that seem positively exotic by comparison.
Take this juicy little pineapple guava whose unique, aroma is currently filling my kitchen. Strongly scented in a way I can't find words to describe, the fruit is sweet and heady with quite some acid in the skin. You can try a sample at the Brokaw stand at the San Francisco Ferry Building Farmers Market. That's the same place where you'll find Will's [delicious] Avocados.
I asked if I could eat the skin. "It's too bitter", I was told, "but you could put it in a smoothie". So this morning, that's what I made for my breakfast. One whole guava, half a cup of yoghurt and a handful of ice. It blended into a stunning pale but vibrant green drink that has no trace of bitterness at all. The yoghurt tempers the strength of the fruit's flavour to make a mouthwatering concotion that is slightly puckering on the tongue and certainly wakes you up to the new work week ahead. Talking of which, I must be on my way...

At 30/10/06 08:55,
Anonymous said…
It really does sicken the world, thanks for understanding. I get so frustrated sometimes when trying to eat locally in a country of mostly Arctic tundra. Shove it, Alice Waters. I can't survive on reindeer and rutabaga for 9 months of the year.
At 30/10/06 09:10,
Anonymous said…
That does sound like a nice way to start the week! I want some!
At 30/10/06 09:32,
Joy said…
I can't believe you wrote about these today! Scott just served us some at Coco500 on Friday night:).
At 30/10/06 09:58,
wheresmymind said…
Winter 'round here means if I want to eat local, I might have to eat a pinecone or two ;)
At 30/10/06 10:29,
Anonymous said…
I know these more by their other name of feijoas, and I eat them with the skin. Last year I infused some vodka with them, and I think I might do it again.
At 30/10/06 11:55,
Anonymous said…
Sam I'm not sure I've ever seen these; that smoothie sounds good.
At 30/10/06 17:20,
cookiecrumb said…
Oh, so these are feijoas! Thanks to your commenters for clearing that up; they're a popular backyard fruit tree in the Bay Area.
I've been refraining from bragging about my (insane, delicious, remarkable) yogurt here, but I can no longer resist. You'd LOVE my homemade yogurt with these fruities.
At 30/10/06 20:11,
shuna fish lydon said…
Luckily for me the evil squirrels didn't get to all of these in the back yard. Having grown up on guavas, I eat them skin and all. I feel that a lot of the guava's taste character resides in the skin-- I am eating some tight now, sliced and quartered.
They also go by "pineapple guava," because of their (American) football-like shape.
Gorgeous photo!
At 30/10/06 22:59,
Anonymous said…
Your post made me smile! I adore locally grown produce and try to find locally grown when ever I can. Here in New Zealand there is locally grown produce available 24/7 365 days of the year. The feijoa is grown in almost every 'mature' garden and when in season are either turned in to chutney or put in a cardboard box by the front gate with a 'Free' sign attached. The smoothie idea sits well with me for adding a delightful yet under appreciated (here in NZ) fruit back into the diet!
At 31/10/06 07:11,
Sam said…
Anon - sorry - you could always move here like I did! It would be worth it to escape the rutabaga for sure.
krista - well you know where to get them
joy - i meant to bring you one last night, sorry forgot
wmm - do you have any pinecone recipes?
melissa - now THAT sounds interesting.
bron - ooh - I am loving all these extra ideas and info!
mum - i think you would have liked it
cc - do you need a yoghurt taster? whose milk are you using?
shuna - i agree 'bout the skin. I thinkthey taste better with it included. I do fail to understand, however, how calling something a pinapple associates it with an american football. More to the point why dont they just call it' american football' guava then?
Tiom - i like the idea of making chutney with them. recipe?
At 2/11/06 15:36,
Anonymous said…
I love 42 Below's Feijoa vodka, I love feijoa ice cream, and I LOVE/miss New Zealand!
At 4/11/06 20:14,
Anonymous said…
oh, as soon as I saw the photo I had stomach lurch of homesickness and I could vividly taste and smell feijoa - including the sour-bitter skin (delicious) and grainy-then-liquid flesh (wonderful). I will have to fly home to NZ just to eat in my mothers orchard for a month. oh, and real kumura! not that I am suffering here in Far North Queensland either...
Bron - I agree, that make fantastic crumble
At 16/3/07 06:53,
Anonymous said…
The history of perfume goes back to Egypt, although it was prevalent in East Asia as well. Early perfumes were based on incense, not chemicals, so aromas were passed around through fumes. The Roman and Islamic cultures further refined the harvesting and manufacturing of perfumery processes to include other aromatic ingredients.
Thus, the ancient Islamic culture marked the history of modern perfumery with the introduction of spices and herbs. Fragrances and other exotic substances, such as Jasmine and Citruses, were adapted to be harvested in climates outside of their indigenous Asia.
At 19/11/07 12:37,
Anonymous said…
Anyone have a recipe for feijoa ice cream. I have beaucoups pounds of dropping fruit to use. :-)
Mike in San Jose, Calif.
At 8/5/08 14:15,
Anonymous said…
We had a tree growing up and I loved it… I never knew what fruit it was, missing the unusual taste and smell .. 20 years passed by and one day in Berkeley, CA the gelato place was serving it.. I recognized the shape of this fruit– then the second that I ate it – it was though I was a child again, that taste and smell brought back those sweet memories of my childhood.. YUM
At 13/10/08 04:21,
Michele Christian said…
I finally have a harvest on my tree this year. Anyone who comes by asks "what in the world is that". Here in south Louisiana we are lucky enough to grow more things that grow tropically. I bought it from a local nursery not realizing my prize. I am going to experiment with mine and see what I can come up with, although the smoothies (with skin) are good.
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