Allez Les Bleus!
Football World Cup Finals, 2006

I made a Tarte au Citron, Lemon Tart, to take to a France v Italy Potluck on the eve of the World Cup finals. I topped it with blueberries and raspberries to look like the French flag. Bonne chance a France. Allez, allez, allez!

PS. Check out the glaze on my tart. I used Paradise Jelly made by fellow blogger, Jen. You can check it out her Bakerina Kitchens. Allez Les Bleus!
At 9/7/06 01:18,
gagatka79 said…
I really hope the cake will take its place on the table with pride:) Allez!
At 9/7/06 01:28,
Anonymous said…
tres belle ta tarte ! allez les bleusssss
At 9/7/06 01:45,
Ilva said…
Sorry Sam but I just have to say it (despite Berlusconi):FORZA ITALIA!!!!!!
At 9/7/06 01:55,
julie said…
Merci Sam, fingers crossed!
At 9/7/06 01:57,
Elodie said…
Thanks Sam, all the country will stop to breath at 21 pm.
Go Zizou, go !
At 9/7/06 02:07,
Anonymous said…
WOW! This is truly amazing! I hope this will bring luck to the French team!
At 9/7/06 02:28,
Anonymous said…
Voilà un bel hommage aux bleus! THANKS!!!!
At 9/7/06 03:53,
Papilles et Pupilles said…
Elle est splendide !
At 9/7/06 04:02,
Alhya said…
;-) très jolie!
At 9/7/06 04:14,
Anonymous said…
With a tart like this Sam, we can ONLY win!!!! ;-)
At 9/7/06 05:02,
Anonymous said…
Ta tarte est très joli,et j'espère qu'elle portera chance aux bleus.
At 9/7/06 05:52,
Anonymous said…
What a goodlooking tarte au citrone. Blueberries are definitely in at the moment - i made blueberry ice cream with them :)
At 9/7/06 06:41,
Tit' said…
It's a very nice idea!
Allez les Bleus et bonne chance aux italiens ! The Calcio is a great team...
At 9/7/06 07:28,
wheresmymind said…
I can't tell you how cool it was to be in France on Wednesday when they clinched...we're throwing a little get together for the game...should be great! And yes, we're rooting for France!!
At 9/7/06 09:18,
Ced said…
The other team is most likely bringing a basilic-mozarella-fresh tomato pizza and the French pie wins that round handily.
At 9/7/06 09:27,
Sam said…
The Italian side made bruschetta, tomato basil spaghetti and melted onion pork chops plus potato gnocchi.
The French side brought handmade Parisienne Gnocchi, the tarte au citron as pictured, duck liver mousse and beef bourginon.
At 9/7/06 09:44,
Anonymous said…
Great job Sam!
At 9/7/06 17:25,
Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic said…
I think Zidane saw your tart and that was why he needed to get off the pitch so quickly. Clearly, he was hungry.
I'm sorry about the result, very sad.
At 9/7/06 19:27,
Elise said…
Ah Sam, I was thinking of you throughout the game today, and the crowd at Café Bastille. Well at least you had a glorious tart!
At 9/7/06 19:28,
Julie said…
Your tart is lovely! I was rooting for France as well; Italy does too much diving on the field, in my opinion. I just saw the espn recap of the game after traveling all day. Drats!
At 9/7/06 19:56,
Anonymous said…
Oh, gracious! Look at that beautiful tart! And it's glazed with paradise jelly! What a lovely surprise. I hope that it worked well. Thank you, dearest Sam. :)
My condolences on the result. I went out this afternoon to get an iced tea from the coffee bar down the street, and as soon as I heard the crowd roar at the beer garden two blocks away, I just knew.
At 9/7/06 21:41,
Jocelyn:McAuliflower said…
Oh- but the crowd at the stadium- what a hoot!
In the overtime: Every time France *touched* the ball- huge cheers. If Italy even glanced at it- boos and whistles.
Shame Zidane didn't get a propper retirement send off tho.
At 9/7/06 22:59,
Sam said…
thanks for all the good wishes everyone, too bad the match was spoilt by the 8th deadly Zin.
Anyway - if you are at all interested here is a link to a picture of Belden Alley and Cafe Bastille during the game from SFGate (I can't work out quite which pinhead is me).
And I want to give a big shout out to Olivier of Cafe Bastille for being such a gracious host and providing a complimentary 4x3 meter screen even though he was unable to actually do any business because of the crowds.
Merci! Bisous X
At 10/7/06 04:59,
David said…
If I fell as easily as those Italians did everytime a French person bumped into me that lightly...I'd be in l'hopital 24/7.
At least Zidane gave one of them really something to fall down about!
At 11/7/06 03:05,
Meeta K. Wolff said…
Allez les bleus! Even though they lost (sniff) I love your cake it looks fab and I am sure it cheered everyone up on the french side at the party.
Just a little note: Zidane's headbutt was the best thing considering what REALLY happened. I read in the papers today that the soccer commision got some lip readers to read what the Mattarazzi guy said to Zizou to make him react that way. It turns out he insulted Z's sister twice by calling her a very bad name (someone belonging to the oldest profession).
My question remains: When is the re-match?
At 11/7/06 07:28,
Anonymous said…
What a wonderfully elegant way to show your support for Les Bleus? I'm sorry for the way the final turned out, but as long as your friends got a piece of this fabulous dessert I'm sure they went home happy!
At 13/7/06 03:20,
Astrid said…
I just chanced upon your post now. Beautiful tart! (Sigh, I was at the game, and was among those who went nuts when Zidane was expelled, not knowing the reason...)
I also made a pro-France tart for the Brazil game.
If ever we do well for the Euro, I'll try your version of a supporter's tart, it seems more elegant and summery-fresh than my chocolate caramel tart.
At 14/7/06 18:43,
Jen said…
Hi Sam,
Im not sure if you'll read this, but just wondering if you made that pie crust?
And if you did, I was wondering whether you have any tips on how to prevent the crust from shrinking too much because I seem to always have that problem. Thanks.
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